View north on the Getaway singletrack. Monitor (peeking through the junipers mid-right) and Merrimac (middle on the horizon) stand in front of the distant Book Cliffs. Original review and photos September 27, 2012 by Bruce. Update October 28, 2015.
Getaway TrailThe Getaway is an alternate trail on the upper slopes of the
7 trail system
, in the
Gemini Bridges
north of Moab. Although it can be done as an out-and-back, Getaway will
usually be one piece of a longer ride using other trails and dirt roads
the area. Getaway also provides an entry point to the newer
Riding Area
Top elevation for Getaway is 5980 feet. From the top of the Gemini Bridges road at Highway
313, it descends 900 vertical feet over a distance of 7.8 miles, ending
where Arth's Corner
hits the road just below Gemini Bridges. The riding is easier-intermediate

As we turn from the Gemini Bridges road onto Getaway singletrack, a rolling ribbon of hardpack dirt starts the fun.

The first trail fork from uphill is the Mustang Loop. Later we'll cross 7-up. Nice views ahead as we ride east downhill.
Getaway also makes a good climbing route. It's significantly easier than
Bull Run
both uphill and downhill, although Bull Run is much more fun and scenic. I recommend a lariat
loop ride from the top of Getaway down to southbound
, over to the Bull Run trailhead, Bull Run downhill then Getaway back to the top. Or make it
a figure eight by adding on a loop of
Little Canyon
at the bottom.
Getaway starts on the upper end of the
Gemini Bridges
road just as it leaves Highway 313. It can also be reached near the uphill end directly from
or via a one-mile doubletrack shortcut. Downhill 3.2 miles from the top, a singletrack connector
joins Getaway to Bull Run.

Getaway has a connection to a little-known "shortcut" doubletrack from upper 7-Up. A bit further downhill, there's a singletrack connector over to Bull Run.

Most of the rock is short and rolling. Here's a stretch of longer slickrock as we head east and downhill on the trail.
The downhill end of Getaway hooks into
Arth's Corner
just a few feet from the small trailhead shared by the two trails. This lower TH is on the
Gemini Bridges road about 1/4 mile downhill from the parking area for
the bridges hiking trail.
Intermediate riders will enjoy a simple loop linking Bull Run and Getaway. This can be done
from the downhill end at the Arth's Corner trailhead, but most riders
would choose to do it
from uphill. I suggest using Getaway as the uphill limb of the loop.

Wide-open views to the north, with buttes of Entrada sandstone. That's Monitor and Merrimac at the far right. 2018 photo.

We're in Arth's Pasture. Buck up, Little Camper. This ribbon of dirt - surrounded by butt-ugly brush - is also mountain biking. The dirt is hard-packed for lightning-fast cruising.
Stronger riders can get more great singletrack by turning the loop into a figure-eight. From
the Gemini Bridges end, continue down
Arth's Corner
Little Canyon
, then climb back via
Great Escape
Or do it the other direction; either is a great choice. This figure-eight ride is 20 miles.
Getaway can be part of a monster loop ride that includes 7-Up. This loop is 31.5 miles with
2500 vertical feet of climbing.
Start at the Highway 191 to Highway 313 fork. Pedal up the road to
7-Up, then climb the trail to the top of Bull Run. Then drop down the
Gemini Bridges road to Getaway. Getaway links into Great Escape. Then
Little Canyon to
Gold Bar
to the Gemini Bridges
Road. Close the loop with the paved trail along US 191.
A detailed ride description is available on the

A break from open dirt as we hit some rock in a corner of Arth's Pasture. Still heading east.

The dirt is behind us, and we're entering the final portion of Getaway.
The bottom 5.5 miles of Getaway was new in 2012, with a nice upper 3.3 miles added in 2015.
Also new is the connector from the old top end of Getaway over to Bull Run. This can be used
to make a shorter loop ride (see map).
The upper half of Getaway follows the southern edge of Seven Mile Canyon. There will be views
to the north of the Monitor and Merrimac area. This riding is mostly rock
with occasional short
stretches of dirt. Juniper and pinion pine surround the trail.

Looking south from Getaway at Bull Canyon near Gemini Bridges. The bridges are located just out of sight, right in the middle of this photo.

Rolling the rock on the uphill trip with the La Sals in the background. A bit of Behind the Rocks is seen in the midground, between the trail and the mountains.
Once you reach Arth's Pasture, the riding and the views both get less satisfying. You can occasionally
see the La Sals over the brush. But for the most part, we're talking 360
degrees of flat horizon
and sage brush.
The last half mile before the junction with
returns to rolling slickrock with short stretches of dirt. Now you can see
Bull Canyon
to the south. To the east, the fractured fins of
Behind the Rocks
rise in front of the La Sals.

The junction with Arth's Corner. Green is Getaway; Mango northbound is Arth's; Yellow westbound is Bull Run.

View toward US 191 (located below the notch in the rocks) from Great Escape as we do the big Loop Ride.
Great Escape and Bull Run both join Arth's Corner a few feet from the trailhead on the Gemini
Bridges Road. For a loop ride, or for the figure-eight, continue across
the road to Great Escape.
You will absolutely love Great Escape.
If riding the figure-eight, you'll turn left uphill when you reach the Little Canyon singletrack.
If you're doing a loop or point-to-point downhill, you'll turn right to continue your descent
on Little Canyon.

Starting down the last section of Little Canyon ST. Two Tortoise rock is at the right.

The Gooney Bird guards Gemini Bridges Road.
The bottom end of Little Canyon ST links to the Gold Bar 4x4 road. Turn left and follow it
to the Gemini Bridges road. Pedal out to the highway. If you're doing
the loop, your car is
about a mile north (left) via the paved bike trail. If you're doing the
shuttled point-to-point,
go right and roll
Old 191
back to town.
Lariat loop ride w Bull Run downhill:
0.0 Getaway TH, top of Gemini Bridges road
L on Getaway ST N38 34.409
W109 47.504
0.6 Keep R (L = Mustang)
N38 34.710 W109 47.295
1.5 L on 7-up N38 35.013 W109 46.666
Cross Gemini Bridges Rd
1.7 Bull Run TH, cross to Bull Run trail
N38 34.921 W109 46.580
3.3 Cross gate N38 35.230 W109 45.502
5.2 Cross Crips Hole Rd N38 35.379 W109 43.511
6.3 Cross Gemini Bridges Rd N38 35.292 W109 42.873
7.0 L on Getaway
N38 35.267 W109 42.215
Stay on ST as you cross several
11.7 Fork R (L = connector to Bull Run)
N38 35.435 W109 44.901
13.3 Cross 7-up N38 35.013 W109 46.666
14.3 Stay L (R = Mustang)
N38 34.710 W109 47.295
14.9 Back at parking
Figure-8 Bull Run, Arth's, Little Canyon,
Great Escape, Getaway and upper 7-Up:
0.0 Getaway TH, top of Gemini Bridges road
L on Getaway ST N38 34.409
W109 47.504
0.6 Keep R (L = Mustang)
N38 34.710 W109 47.295
1.5 L on 7-up N38 35.013 W109 46.666
Cross Gemini Bridges Rd
1.7 Bull Run TH, cross to Bull Run trail
N38 34.921 W109 46.580
3.3 Cross gate N38 35.230 W109 45.502
3.8 Keep straight (L = connector to Getaway)
N38 35.435 W109 44.901
5.2 Cross Crips Hole Rd N38 35.379 W109 43.511
6.3 R on Gemini Bridges Rd N38 35.292 W109 42.873
6.6 R toward Gemini Bridges N38 35.306 W109 42.589
6.7 Park bikes N38 35.233 W109 42.605
Walk to bridges (0.2 mile each
Leave parking to east, pass
6.9 Keep R on main road N38 35.252 W109 42.408
7.0 L into Arth's Corner TH N38 35.247 W109 42.240
R on Arth's Corner N38
35.267 W109 42.215
8.6 R on Metal Masher dirt road
N38 35.817 W109 41.650
8.7 Cross Gemini road to Little Canyon
N38 35.737 W109 41.615
9.5 Cross Bull Canyon Road
N38 35.731 W109 41.006
10.1 R onto Great Escape
N38 35.648 W109 40.545
11.8 Cross Bull Canyon Road
N38 34.971 W109 40.960
13.7 Cross Gemini Rd to Getaway
N38 35.247 W109 42.240
Keep L (R = Arth's)
14.9 Cross DT N38 35.834 W109 43.021
15.3 Cross DT N38 35.903 W109 43.326
15.6 Cross DT N38 36.049 W109 43.514
15.9 Cross DT N38 36.171 W109 43.770
16.2 Cross DT N38 36.146 W109 44.086
16.7 Cross DT N38 36.135 W109 44.208
18.1 Cross DT N38 35.890 W109 45.425
20.0 Cross 7-Up N38 35.013 W109 46.666
20.9 Stay L (R = Mustang)
N38 34.710
W109 47.295
21.5 Back at parking
Loop Ride using 7-up (31.5 miles):
for details. Getting there!
Gemini Bridges Road (Getaway) Trailhead: For longer rides of
the area trails. At mile 12.9, turn left at the Gemini Bridges sign. About
200 feet from the pavement, spot a small parking area on your left with
the Getaway trail just east of parking.
Bull Run trailhead: Go to Highway 313 (20 miles south of I-70 and
10 miles north of Moab on Highway 191). Drive 13 miles on 313 to the Gemini Bridges sign and turn left onto dirt road N38 34.390 W109 47.548.
Park there, or descend about a mile down the road to the Bull Run
trailhead. Getaway starts 1.5 miles down the Gemini Bridges Road
Arth's Corner trailhead: Just 1/4 miles south of the Gemini Bridges
foot trail parking, there are a few parking spots where Arth's and Getaway
share a common trailhead.
For loop ride via 7-Up: From I-70 and Crescent Junction, drive south on US-191 for 20 miles.
From Moab, go 9 miles north of the Colorado river. For
the loop ride, park on the large gravel area right where 313 forks right
off 191.