The More Cowbell trail creates one of the few beginner-level singletrack rides in the Hurricane area . So it deserves its own page. The More Cowbell trail is 2.5 miles in length, but you'll have to take JEM or Dead Ringer to get to it.
The trail is open year round, but lies on clay that can be damaged if ridden while wet. If there have been recent storms, check conditions with the local bike shop before going.When deciding about young children, realize there are cliffs nearby plus a couple of short sections where the trail sits on side-slope. The trailbuilders want More Cowbell to remain narrow singletrack, and trailers mess that up. (The JEM Doubletrack going northeast along the mesa from the upper JEM trailhead is actually a nice ride and is recommended for trailers and side-by-side riding.)

Coast gently downhill as the singletrack meanders 0.4 miles north. At the trail fork, go to the right on More Cowbell for a counter-clockwise ride. You are now on the loop portion of White Ledges. The left fork will be your return path (and also connects to other riding options).

More advanced riders: As you reach the doubletrack at the top, go straight across onto JEM. Take JEM downhill, passing through the Goosebumps intersection. Just before Sheep Bridge Road, turn left on Dead Ringer and climb the back to the top. Do More Cowbell clockwise on your way up. Great riding!
The upper portion of JEM (from the Highway 59 trailhead down to the Goosebumps intersection) is now one-way, downhill only. When climbing to the Highway 59 trailhead, you must use either Dead Ringer on the west or the JEM Doubletrack from the east.

0.0 Upper JEM TH, cross cattleguard
Immediate left on ST downhill
N37 08.358 W113 14.515
0.4 Keep R for counterclockwise loop
N37 08.481 W113 14.632
N37 08.859 W113 14.692
2.9 Keep straight N37 08.411 W113 14.717
(hard L = down to Goosebumps)
3.0 Keep straight N37 08.481 W113 14.632
3.4 Back at top

In Hurricane, turn south on US-59 (towards the Grand Canyon). Drive exactly 5 miles uphill. Turn left on cindered doubletrack right as you approach the base of Gooseberry Mesa. Drive another 0.3 miles to the parking area. N 37 08.329' W 113 14.527'
Sheep Bridge Road trailhead: Found half-way along gravel Sheep Bridge Road, which connects US-9 to US-59. Drive toward the upper JEM trailhead on Highway 59 as above. But at mile 3.3 (while still on the flat area), turn left on gravel road. Option 1, roadside parking off US-59: If you turned onto Sheep Bridge Road from Highway 59, immediately park on the right, just inside the fence. Pedal 0.4 miles northeast to where the JEM singletrack crosses. Option 2, formal trailhead: From US-59 drive the gravel road for 2 miles and turn right into a fenced parking lot. Or, from US-9 drive 2.9 miles on Sheep Bridge road. Cryptobionic and northern Dead Ringer can be found here. Pedal uphill on Dead Ringer to More Cowbell.
NOTE: Do not damage these trails by riding when wet. For current conditions, contact Over the Edge Sports, 76 E. 100 S. in Hurricane, 435-635-5455.
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
More Cowbell beginner loop
JEM area multi-track file
Connecting trails:
Hurricane Cliffs Trail Summary page
JEM trail page
Goosebumps/Cryptobionic page
Hurricane Rim page
Goulds Rim page
Gould's Connector
Dead Ringer
Map for printing: View
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources