Loop via Westwater Mesa
The Western Rim Trail is a scenic and fun ride. This 24 mile loop skirts the edge of cliffs for 7 miles on Westwater Mesa Rim, drops down across a valley, then hugs another 5 miles of cliff edge on the Great Western Rim above the Colorado River before looping back via the Kokopelli Trail. This ride is awesome. It requires good conditioning and upper-intermediate tech skills. Total climbing will be about 1500 vertical feet.
These two versions DO NOT share the same trailhead, so you need to decide which one you're doing. I recommend the Big Loop. The 24 miles goes by pretty quickly. And if you're going to drive almost to Colorado, you'd better get your gas-money's worth. (The eastern end of the loop barely misses Colorado by about a mile -- the entire trail is in Utah.) This ride is worth the trip.
The loop ride starts just off the Westwater exit of I-70 about 60 miles from Green River, at an altitude of 4800 feet. After climbing gently a mile to the edge of the escarpment, the trail hugs the cliff edge as it heads south along the edge of Westwater Mesa. The riding gradually gets more technical, with sandstone slabs alternating with dirt. Because this route is shared with motos, there's a lot of whoop-de-doo up-and-down riding.

On your left, a broad valley slowly descends toward the Colorado River many miles away. Slopes are striped with the brilliant hues of the Morrison Formation from the late Jurassic period. The views are impressive.
About 5.5 miles into the ride, the trail drops off a break in the rock ledge to a lower level. Head south across a broad ridge, pedaling through pinions and juniper.

At mile 11.2, you'll hit the edge of the cliff line above the Colorado. The trail now turns northeast toward the Entrada cliffs.

The final grunt is the Kokopelli's stiff climb at mile 22, up to the top of Westwater Mesa. You'll gain about 500 vertical in a mile. Then you head back to the car.

The lariat loop from the Colorado River is much easier, both aerobically, technically, and endurance-wise. It's a pretty quick ride. If you climb to the top, then do the Western Rim singletrack downhill, the ride will fly by.

Clockwise: continue another mile up the doubletrack. You'll now be joined on the left by the Kokopelli. Keep heading east.

P.S. Sorry I don't have any photos of the Bitter Creek road. I explored it so I could be sure it offered an alternative trailhead (ending with 33 miles for the day). But after witnessing the glories of the Rim, the lower two miles of Bitter Creek seemed so ugly, I just couldn't make myself stop and take out the camera.
0.0 From parking area, east uphill on DT
N39 10.272 W109 07.684
0.5 Keep R N39 10.105 W109 07.242
0.8 Keep R N39 09.873 W109 07.075
1.0 Straight (L) onto Kokopelli
N39 09.667 W109 06.976
1.3 Straight (as Kokopelli turns L downhill)
N39 09.615 W109 06.725
2.5 Alongside Kokopelli, stay on ST along cliffs
N39 09.435 W109 07.146
3.8 Keep L as cheater routes fork R
N39 08.624 W109 06.954
5.4 Trail turns west (R) at cliff-line
5.7 Fork L downhill (R heads back)
N39 07.675 W109 06.465
8.0 CRITICAL FORK. Turn L and descend
N39 06.932 W109 07.163
10.3 Cross DT (Bitter Creek Rd)
N39 07.359 W109 05.696
15.7 Keep L and uphill
N39 07.946 W109 03.395
16.1 L on DT
N39 08.227 W109 03.531
to join Kokopelli westbound at
N39 08.258 W109 03.609
18.2 Stay L on Kokopelli
N39 07.848 W109 04.933
21.9 L at 4-way, staying on Kokopelli
N39 09.907 W109 06.339
22.7 Top of cliffs, hard R on original trail
24.0 Back at car
0.0 Head northeast on DT along side of mountain
N39 05.421 W109 06.255
0.4 Stay L along mountain
N39 05.745 W109 06.097
1.8 Straight (R) on main road
N39 06.807 W109 06.158
2.8 ST crosses (R=return path)
N39 07.359 W109 05.696
N39 07.848 W109 04.933
4.8 Keep R and find southbound ST
N39 08.227 W109 03.531
5.2 Keep R and uphill
N39 07.946 W109 03.395
10.7 L downhill on DT
13.5 Back at fork.
Getting there, the short Lariat Loop: From the same I-70 Westwater exit, stay on the road heading southwest. It will turn south. After the paved road goes under the railroad track, it will turn east. (You can park above the tracks and ride east on the dirt road north of the railroad track as shown on the map. I did, but why?) Drive east 1.2 miles after the turn under the tracks. The road nears the river. Find a parking spot. Get across the tracks. Zero the bike's odometer. Find the small dirt Bitter Creek road along the mountain. The spot you're aiming for is N39 05.745 W109 06.097 where two dirt roads join.
Bathrooms: No
Camping: No
Water: Are you kidding?
Nearest bike services: Fruita, Colorado

One-page printable riding guide
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
All area trails (ZC, Tr2)
Loop ride only
Short loop from Bitter Creek
Topo map for printing: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Moab area resources