Includes Honeymoon Loop - Temple Trail
This route is located in Warner Valley, south of Hurricane and east of St. George. There are two separate loops: Loop 1 ("Honeymoon Loop") is six miles of fast roller-coaster terrain. Loop 2 (Warner Valley Loop) is eleven miles of singletrack full of whoops and wash crossings. At an altitude of 3100 feet, this area is only marginally cooler than St. George. In mid-summer, we recommend an early morning start time.
This area doesn't see much bicycle traffic unless the trails are being used for a race. Most of the time, it's just motorcycles. So trail conditions -- and navigation -- will vary a lot from year to year.

0.0 Through gate, trail is DT, 2nd trail from L
GPS N 37° 00.650' W 113° 21.430' Alt=3150
0.5 Fork R on DT
100 feet, then L on ST
1.0 Cross DT
1.3 Keep straight (L)
2.4 Veer R (don't drop into wash)
GPS N 37° 00.611' W 113° 19.685' Alt=3300
2.5 R on DT
3.3 Continue past stock tank
GPS N 36° 59.692' W 113° 20.206'
3.8, 3.9 Keep straight
4.6 Pass Honeymoon/Temple Trail marker
5.4 Fork R (north) towards trail kiosk
Trail kiosk GPS N 37° 00.031' W 113° 22.015'
5.8 R off DT into wash bottom
6.0 L fork of wash GPS N 37° 00.328' W 113° 21.876'
6.4 Climb out of wash
6.6 Back at trail head
0.0 Passing through gate, trail is leftmost, ST
GPS N 37° 00.650' W 113° 21.430' Alt=3150
1.9 Pass through wash, then L on DT
Through fence
GPS N 37° 00.650' W 113° 21.430' Alt=3300
2.3 Fork R on DT
2.7 Keep straight (L)
2.8 Veer R onto ST as DT meets road
GPS N 37° 01.286' W 113° 19.460'
Turn back E into wash
3.0 Leave wash on R
3.1 Turn L uphill on DT
4.1 Turn R on road
GPS N 37° 00.922' W 113° 18.306'
4.4 L on ST just before cattleguard
5.2 Cross DT, steep plunge into wash
5.4 Exit wash on R
100 yards, then L on DT before cattleguard
7.0 Drop into wash
7.3 Out of wash on R
7.5 Cross road N 37° 01.816' W 113° 19.172'
7.6 R on DT 100 feet, then wide U-turn
Head west down wash
7.7 Stay R (in wash bottom)
8.4 Out of wash on R
N 37° 01.500' W 113° 19.902'
9.0 L and down into wash at water trough
N 37° 01.263' W 113° 20.442'
Head down wash bottom
9.8 L out of wash on ST
N 37° 01.184' W 113° 21.067'
10.2 Cross road onto DT
10.6 Back at trailhead

About 2 miles later, the road turns 90 degrees right onto 3000 East. Turn left again immediately (there should be a "Warner Valley" sign here, but it's missing - summer 2001) on 3650 South. Head east almost to the hills. Turn right on KD-JO Lane (830 E). After 1/2 mile the road will turn left, then right again to head south. At mile 5.4 from River Road, turn left on the gravel Warner Valley Road. Zero your odometer here! From this turn drive eastward over the ridge. At mile 5.4 on the dirt Warner Valley Road, keep straight. At 5.8, keep straight (R goes to Ft. Pierce). At mile 7.3, turn right at GPS N 37° 00.832' W 113° 22.632' (straight takes you to the dino tracks). At mile 9.2, spot an open area on the right at GPS N 37° 00.728' W 113° 21.472'. See the gate in the fence about 100 yards from the road? That's the trailhead, GPS N 37° 00.650' W 113° 21.430'.
Honeymoon Trail (Loop 1) Ride Guide
Warner Valley (Loop 2) Ride Guide
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