Sample Ride, Two Free Falls from Coyote: This ride starts at the Coyote Trailhead, climbs Lower Riverview (ST) to the DT, then grabs Sheep Pen clockwise for the climb. After dropping Free Fall, it runs down Lower Riverview a bit to the Coyote fork and climbs Coyote to the south end of Sheep Pen, climbing again to Free Fall and dropping from there back to the trailhead. It's 4.7 miles with 350 feet of climbing. |
Two Free Falls from Coyote: 0.0 ST from Coyote TH N40 31.886 W111 24.194 0.5 Join DT N40 31.995 W111 23.943 Cross bridge, then L on ST 0.7 L on Lower Riverview (R = Coyote) N40 32.125 W111 23.925 0.9 Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Free Fall) N40 32.162 W111 23.982 1.3 Hard R on DT N40 32.386 W111 23.922 100 feet, then L uphill on Sheep Pen 2.0 R onto Free Fall N40 32.299 W111 23.709 2.2 Jog 30 ft L on DT N40 32.218 W111 23.866 R downhill to continue Free Fall | 2.4 L on Lower Riverview N40 32.162 W111 23.982 2.6 L on Coyote uphill N40 32.125 W111 23.925 2.9 Cross DT, L uphill at fork N40 32.126 W111 23.820 3.1 Cross Coyote Lane N40 32.184 W111 23.740 3.2 L on Sheep Pen N40 32.191 W111 23.700 Cross Coyote Lane again 3.3 Hard L on Free Fall N40 32.299 W111 23.709 3.7 L on Lower Riverview N40 32.162 W111 23.982 3.9 Keep R on Lower Riverview N40 32.125 W111 23.925 4.1 Cross bridge to Coyote ST 4.7 Back at TH |
Sample Ride, "DRY RIDE" lower mountain loop w
Lower Riverview ST, DT, and Sheep Pen/Free Fall: This is a 7.8 mile ride on the lowest part of the mountain that will often be dry in early spring or after a heavy rain. It starts from the Coyote TH, takes Lower Riverview (singletrack) north, returns via the Doubletrack then jogs uphill on Sheep Pen to drop Free Fall back to Lower Riverview and on to the trailhead. |
Lower Riverview and Doubletrack Loop w
Sheep Pen: 0.0 ST from Coyote TH N40 31.886 W111 24.194 0.5 Join DT N40 31.995 W111 23.943 Cross bridge, then L on ST 0.7 Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Coyote) N40 32.125 W111 23.925 0.9 Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Free Fall) N40 32.162 W111 23.982 1.3 Keep L to join DT N40 32.386 W111 23.922 1.4 Veer L on Lower Riverview ST N40 32.402 W111 23.983 2.2 Cross DT above canal N40 32.837 W111 24.615 2.3 L on Lower Riverview (R = UVU Connector) N40 32.926 W111 24.647 3.4 Hard R on DT N40 33.462 W111 25.213 | 4.6 Straight (UVU Connector
crosses) N40 32.929 W111 24.541 5.5 Straight (Lower Riverview joins) 5.6 Straight on DT (R = Lwr Riverview) 100 feet, then L uphill on Sheep Pen N40 32.367 W111 23.912 6.4 R on Free Fall N40 32.302 W111 23.707 6.6 Jog 30 ft L on DT N40 32.218 W111 23.866 R downhill to continue Free Fall 6.8 L on Lower Riverview N40 32.162 W111 23.982 7.0 Keep R on Lower Riverview N40 32.125 W111 23.925 7.2 Cross bridge to Coyote ST 7.8 Back at TH |
![]() | Getting there, Coyote Trailhead:
Two miles south of the junction
of Highway 40 and 32, turn east (toward the mountain) on Coyote Lane.
after the road crosses a canal, turn left into the parking lot. The
singletrack starts at the northeast corner at the step-over, where you'll
also find a repair stand and a kiosk with a trail map. The Coyote
singletrack takes you uphill. After merging with the gravel road to cross
the bridge, veer left onto singletrack then keep generally right and
uphill at the trail forks. Copyright 2015 Mad Scientist Software Inc. Trail conditions and alignments will change. Use this trail guide at your own risk. |