![]() | Red Mountain Trail The Red Mountain Loop Trail is just outside of Cedar City. Because it's low in altitude (6000 feet), it's free of snow from April to November. It's a loop singletrack with some advanced technical riding. Although only 3 miles in length, this isn't a cushy ride. Top to bottom altitude change is only 200 feet, but there are countless quick ups and downs. The trail winds around in a wash, then climbs up onto sharp fins of dirt and rock. The turns are quick and constant; the sudden (but brief) uphills are often brutal stand-on-the-pedals-and-grunt; and the downhills have a definite thrill-factor. This trail is a good workout, and it's a riot to ride. |
Riding notes, clockwise loop: 0.0 start up doubletrack in wash, find ST in bottom of wash follow main path up wash (don't take any side routes -- they're DH) 0.6 trail forks at top of ridge, turn left N37 40.799 W113 02.721 keep R at next intersections N37 40.730 W113 02.788 0.8 onto razorback ridges, avoid drop-off routes 1.2 descending off ridge, stay northbound watch for sharp right turn onto dirt road N37 41.222 W113 03.142 | 1.4 work east as you approach the golf course 1.5 right onto gravel road N37 41.371 W113 02.991 1.7 Go right on DT at the flood reservoir Southbound to ridge 2.0 Back at fork on pass, descend into wash vs R to razorback 2.4 back at fork on top of ridge, go left and descend into wash 3.0 back at trailhead |
![]() | Getting there:
On Cedar City's Main Street, turn east
(towards the mountains) on Center Street, U-14. Travel 0.9 mile from the
turn. Note the dirt doubletrack on the left. Find a place to park (most
bikers use the truck-turnaround 100 yards up the road on the right).
Trailhead GPS is N 37° 40.441' W 113° 02.735'. Copyright 2002 Mad Scientist Software Inc Trail
conditions change, and the layout of a trail may change without notice. |