Coyote Canyon Loop
The Coyote Canyon Loop lies northeast of Heber. It's a big ride that's best reserved for conditioned riders. Much of the trail is easier-intermediate technical, but there are many tight turns and a few rock gardens that will challenge skilled riders. The shortest version of this ride, starting from the Highway 32 (Riverview) trailhead, is 20.2 miles. A longer version from the UVU campus and including the lower portion of Coyote is 24.2 miles. Climbing is 2800 vertical feet.
Riding guide, clockwise from Riverview TH:
0.0   Trail at downhill end of parking
N40 34.404 W111 25.215
Take stairs over fence
0.2   Keep L (R = return)
N40 34.430 W111 25.062
4      First ridgeline
4.5   Cross DT N40 35.353 W111 23.617
4.55 Fork R (L = to highway 32)
N40 35.329 W111 23.601
7.6   Unmarked, R and R to Coyote Middle DT
N40 34.366 W111 23.772
9.5   Highest point
14.9 R to Riverview Tr
N40 32.361 W111 23.402
L = descend for longer ride
15.1 Downhill 50 feet on road
N40 32.544 W111 23.380
R on ST N40 32.539 W111 23.397
16.5 Keep L (R = Coyote Middle)
N40 33.053 W111 24.030
16.9 Stay R uphill (L = to UVU TH)
N40 33.210 W111 24.242
18.7 Fork R (L = view)
N40 33.705 W111 25.007
20.0 Fork L (finish loop)
N40 34.430 W111 25.062
20.2 Back at parking
Getting there, Riverview Trailhead:
From Salt Lake , take I-80 eastbound to Silver Creek Junction (just past Park City). Go south on US-40, past the Jordanelle reservoir and descend past the dam. At the traffic light at mile 14.2 from I-80, turn left on 32 and climb 1.1 miles. When you see the second entry into Riverview on your left, note the gravel parking area on your right. That's your spot.
From Utah County , drive up Provo Canyon to Heber. At the traffic light on US-189/US-40, turn left and drive north through Heber. 4.7 miles from the intersection, turn right on Highway 32 and climb 1.1 miles to the parking area as above.

Trail conditions, alignment, and connects will change. Use this guide at your own risk. Copyright 2013