Tidal Wave is a 2.7 mile downhill-only trail at Deer Valley. It runs from the top of the ski lifts on Bald Mountain to Silver Lake Lodge, dropping 1100 vertical feet. Top altitude is 9200 feet. The trail is extensively machined for smooth fast riding punctuated by table jumps and high-speed corners. Most riders will pay to do this trail as a lift-served ride, and that's my recommendation.
( Note! Deer Valley does NOT want you climbing uphill through their resort trails on days when the ski lift is running! The mountain patrol may stop you if you're climbing the lift road -- or any Deer Valley resort trail -- to the top of Tidal Wave. )
From the lift-loading zone at Silver Lake Lodge, grab the singletrack directly beneath the lift and pedal uphill until you can turn left on the gravel service road at around 0.2 miles. Now just stay on the road and climb. You won't get lost, and you aren't likely to get smashed by an out-of-control downhiller.

My sample loop ride stays away from the crowds by using Team Big Bear to Flagstaff (both outside of the resort area trails), then the upper end of Homeward Bound. There are several competing trails that can get you to Homeward Bound after you've finished Team Big Bear. (Did I mention that navigation was complex?) You won't encounter descending DH types until you reach Homeward Bound on Bald Mountain. But there the sight lines are good because the mountain is, well, bald.
Unfortunately, uphill navigation is complex due to multiple multiple multiple options. (Did I already say that?) First, get to the Midmountain Trail. There are multiple bike routes to it from Park City. To reach it by car, drive uphill to Silver Lake Lodge (see below).
With your bike facing uphill at the ski lift, descend to the right below the underpass. Midmountain is on your left as you come out of the tunnel.

On Team Big Bear you'll gain 500 vertical feet in 1.5 miles.
If you went left on Ontario, keep right at the next two trail forks. Cross a doubletrack, then keep left as Road to Ruby singletrack joins, then drop downhill left to the eastern limb of the Flagstaff Loop.

(You could also take the second left turn off Flagstaff, where Deer Camp climbs up to Road to Ruby near Homeward Bound. Or continue you could continue straight on eastern Flagstaff until it hits Road to Ruby. These routes will also bring you to Homeward Bound at the base of Bald Mountain. Just keep working generally eastward and a bit south. See the by-the-mile descriptions below.)

At the next trail fork, go left to climb the mountain. The trails to the right go to the Bowhunter loop.

You're at Tidal Wave!
Drop downhill and the trail turns to the left (back westbound). Almost immediately, keep straight as Aspen Slalom drops away on your right.

All done. Ready for another go?

top via West Flagstaff and Road to Ruby:
0.0 West (R) from lift, under crossover
Veer L on ST (Midmountain)
N40 37.211 W111 29.377
0.7 Keep R (L=Ontario Bypass)
N40 37.148 W111 29.756
1.2 R uphill on Team Big Bear
N40 37.114 W111 30.142
1.3 R off DT onto ST
N40 37.132 W111 29.992
2.2 Reach DT, keep L on ST
N40 36.895 W111 30.027
2.6 R at Ontario Loop fork
N40 36.768 W111 29.879
2.9 Cross DT and keep R
on west Flagstaff Loop
(L = to Road to Ruby)
N40 36.537 W111 29.969
N40 36.197 W111 29.712
3.6 Keep straight
(L=East Flagstaff, R=old road)
N40 36.121 W111 29.586
3.9 Keep R (L=Deer Camp)
N40 36.299 W111 29.463
4.0 Fork L (R = to Bowhunter)
N40 36.337 W111 29.360
4.2 Keep straight to old DT
N40 36.276 W111 29.236
4.3 L then R onto Homeward Bound
N40 36.325 W111 29.099
4.8 R uphill on service road
N40 36.467 W111 28.987
5.0 L downhill on Tidal Wave
N40 36.584 W111 28.974
top via East Flagstaff and Deer Camp:
0.0 West (R) from lift, under crossover
Veer L on ST (Midmountain)
N40 37.211 W111 29.377
0.7 Keep R (L=Ontario Bypass)
N40 37.148 W111 29.756
1.2 R uphill on Team Big Bear
N40 37.114 W111 30.142
1.3 R off DT onto ST
N40 37.132 W111 29.992
2.2 Reach DT, keep L on ST
N40 36.895 W111 30.027
2.6 L at Ontario Loop fork
N40 36.768 W111 29.879
2.8 Keep R (L = loop)
N40 36.605 W111 29.889
2.85 Keep R (L = loop return)
N40 36.578 W111 29.892
2.9 Straight (Road to Ruby joins)
N40 36.532 W111 29.867
N40 36.451 W111 29.804
3.3 L on Deer Camp
N40 36.264 W111 29.640
3.4 Keep straight N40 36.314 W111 29.599
3.6 Cross Tidal Wave
N40 36.477 W111 29.485
3.7 R on Homeward Bound
N40 36.514 W111 29.415
4.0 Straight (Naildriver joins on L)
N40 36.334 W111 29.250
4.1 Cross Tidal Wave
N40 36.336 W111 29.140
100 feet then keep L
(R = to Bowhunter)
4.6 R uphill on road
N40 36.462 W111 28.985
4.8 L downhill to Tidal Wave
and Aspen Slalom
N40 36.584 W111 28.974
0.0 South to ST underneath lift
N40 37.257 W111 29.301
0.05 Keep R for Homeward Bound
N40 37.221 W111 29.298
0.2 Cross DT (L to climb service road)
N40 37.152 W111 29.285
0.3 R to stay on Homeward Bound
N40 37.025 W111 29.293
1.4 Cross Deer Camp
N40 36.526 W111 29.413
N40 36.334 W111 29.250
1.8 Cross Tidal Wave
N40 36.336 W111 29.140
100 feet then keep L
(R = to Bowhunter)
2.3 R uphill on road
N40 36.462 W111 28.985
2.5 L downhill to Tidal Wave
and Aspen Slalom
N40 36.584 W111 28.974
0.0 Top of Tidal Wave / Aspen Slalom
N40 36.584 W111 28.974
100 feet, then keep straight
0.4 Join then leave (cross) service road
N40 36.527 W111 29.120
0.5 Keep straight (Sunset crosses)
N40 36.473 W111 29.144
100 feet and keep straight again
N40 36.445 W111 29.147
N40 36.336 W111 29.140
1.1 Straight (Deer Camp crosses)
N40 36.479 W111 29.482
1.9 L on Ontario Bowl Road
N40 36.636 W111 29.519
Immediate R on ST
2.7 Drop into lift area
N40 37.249 W111 29.314

Midmountain in Empire Canyon: As you enter Park City, follow the signs for Deer Valley and Guardsman Road. Get on Bonanza Drive heading south uphill. At the roundabout, turn toward Empire Canyon (SR 224). Stay on that road for about 3.5 miles. Go through the roundabout in front of Empire Canyon Lodge and head uphill on 224. Just after the turn to the right, park on the left side of the road. The Midmountain Trail is back downhill just above the turn.
Lift road: Recommended. Pedal toward the mountain on Homeward Bound, the trail directly under the ski lift. When the singletrack hits gravel road, turn left and follow the road uphill all the way to the top.
Deer Valley singletracks: May have high-speed downhill traffic. To your right, spot the broad trail coming down the hill near the underpass. This is the bottom of Tidal Wave (DH only). To the left of Tidal Wave is Homeward Bound, which has been suggested as a good two-way trail for your climb to the top. Still, consider using the service road on days with high rider volume.
Team Big Bear from Empire Canyon: From Empire Canyon's parking on SR 224 just above Empire Canyon Lodge, pedal east on Midmountain 0.3 miles to Team Big Bear. Once down Tidal Wave, you'll come back via Midmountain.
Tour des Suds and Moosebones: Climb TDS to the doubletrack in Empire Canyon and turn left on the DT. Pass by Boulder and grab Moosebones to Empire Pass. From the top of the hill, take Road to Ruby to Bald Mountain.
Corvair to TG to Road to Ruby: Park in Empire Canyon. Take midmountain 0.4 miles to Corvair, then TG to Upper Corvair, then cross Empire Pass to Road to Ruby and follow it to Homeward Bound.
One-page guides for printing:
Single-page riding guide, Big Bear to West Flagstaff route
Homeward Bound loop w Tidal Wave
Track files (right click and "Save as..."):
Tidal Wave track only
Team Big Bear w West Flagstaff, Road to Ruby to TW
Team Big Bear w East Flagstaff, Deer Camp to TW
Homeward Bound uphill to TW
Payroll plus Tidal Wave (11 miles, 2000 vertical)
Area trails (over 150 tracks)
High-res topo map for printing: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Park City area resources