Tibble Fork is a 3.3 mile trail in American Fork Canyon, used almost exclusively as a downhill route. The trail begins on Ridge 157 and ends on the Mill Canyon trail , so your minimum ride will be substantially longer. For example, a common shuttled route from the Alpine Loop Summit trailhead to Mill Canyon trailhead is 6.9 miles. Even with a shuttle, there will be substantial climbing. The ride is for experts or very experienced upper-intermediates.

There are a number of possible ways to ride Tibble Fork. You can do the whole thing as a loop, using pavement to link the Mill Canyon trailhead in the North Fork to a trailhead in the South Fork such as Pine Hollow , Timpooneke , Salamander Flat, or Summit . You can shuttle the ride by driving from the Mill Canyon trailhead (just up the gravel North Fork road from Tibble Fork Lake) to your favorite trailhead.
There are also two options from the Cascade Springs road -- on the other side of the Alpine Loop Summit. You can pedal up the north arm of the Deer Creek South Fork trail from Elk Glen. This trail crosses Ridge 157 to Tibble Fork at a 4-way at the top of the ridge. Or you can drive (or pedal) up Forest Road 180 to the top of the ridge and take Ridge 157 south to the Tibble Fork trail. (See the high-res topo map link below.)

On your bicycle, head back down the North Fork road. At the junction with the main road, climb up the pavement of the South Fork to reach your preferred trailhead.
Two miles up South Fork is the Pine Hollow trailhead, on your right. The trail starts across the street from the parking area, on your left as you climb the road. Pine Hollow is modestly steep and narrow, and will challenge your lungs as well as your thighs.

Riding up from Pine Hollow, you'll climb 1.9 miles through the pines and oak of the canyon, then turn left as Pine Hollow continues uphill. About 1/2 mile later, you'll pass a large beautiful meadow, after which Pine Hollow will link up with Ridge Trail 157 . Turn left (north).
Timpooneke trailhead climbing option!
If you don't like the idea of stiff climbing on a narrow trail, ride further up the road to the "T" intersection. Turn right and pedal 1/2 mile to the Timpooneke trailhead inside the campground. From the trailhead parking lot, head south on the Timpooneke Trail then turn left over the creek onto the Salamander Flat Trail #150 .

Salamander Flat trailhead option!
For a shorter ride, you can pedal left at the "T" intersection and stay on the road until you reach Salamander Flat. Turn left from the paved road and pedal to the parking area. Keep straight and find continuing trail. Descend directly north until you reach a trail intersection with a bridge straight ahead. Go across the creek, and you're on Salamander Flat trail 150, heading toward Pine Hollow.

Another option from Salamander Flat is to climb the Willow Hollow trail up to the Alpine Loop Summit trailhead. Across the road from the trailhead is Ridge Trail 157 , which after 3 miles will deliver you to the top of Tibble Fork.
Alpine Loop Summit option!
Keep pedaling uphill on the paved road until you reach the summit trailhead. You can catch Ridge 157 where it crosses the paved road, about 100 yards uphill from the trailhead entry road.

However you arrived at Ridge trail 157 , keep heading north. If you shuttled to the summit trailhead, the first trail fork will be the Ridge Connector at mile 0.9 from the Alpine Loop road. Turn to the right.
The next trail fork is Pine Hollow at mile 1.3. Keep right again.
You'll reach the Mud Springs trail at mile 2.2 from the summit, mile 0.9 from the trail fork with Pine Hollow. Turn uphill to the right.

At mile 3.0 from the summit, mile 1.7 from Pine Hollow, you'll reach a 4-way trail intersection on the ridgeline. Straight ahead is Ridge 157. To your right is Deer Creek South Fork . Turn left and begin your descent of Tibble Fork!

Lower down, you'll hit maple and oak forest.

Classic downhill ride, still very popular. It should be on your list of "must-ride" trails of Utah. However, understand that Tibble is not really a "downhiller's" type of trail because it takes quite a bit of pedal-cranking work to get to it.
0.0 Mill Canyon TH N40 29.128 W111 38.309
Back down road
2.5 L on Alpine Loop (South Fork) road N40 27.213 W111 39.712
4.5 Pine Hollow TH, trail across road
0.0 Pine Hollow trail (reset) N40 26.991 W111 38.584
0.8 Keep L (R = Salamander Flat) N40 26.743 W111 37.602
1.7 L on Ridge trail N40 26.677 W111 37.016
2.6 R (straight = Mud Springs) N40 27.115 W111 37.372 3.3 L on Tibble Fork N40 27.549 W111 36.907 (R = DCSF, straight = Ridge) 4.6 Straight (Mud Springs crosses) N40 28.145 W111 37.580 6.6 L on Mill Canyon N40 28.930 W111 38.111 7.0 R (L = lakeside trail) N40 29.024 W111 38.352 7.1 trailhead

multiple improved and primitive campsites in AF Canyon
Bathroom: Tibble Fork Lake, Pine Hollow TH, Timpooneke TH,
Salamander Flat TH, Summit TH, picnic sites along North Fork
Water: Tibble Fork, developed campgrounds
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click GPS file link and "Save as..."):
GPX from Pine Hollow
GPX from Timpooneke
American Fork Canyon multi-track area file Area topo map for printing: View map
High-res topo (340 KB): View Tibble via Timp
High-res topo (340 KB): View Tibble via Pine Hollow
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to north Utah County resources
Other nearby trails:
Timpanogos Perimeter
Deer Creek South Fork
Aspen Grove.
For a color-coded map of trails linking to Ridge Trail 157, see the
Trail Page