Taj Mahal and Machu Picchu loop options
The Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, and Ouch trails lie northeast of the more popular Timpanogos foothill trails at the mouth of Provo Canyon, higher on the slope. If I were feeling kind, I might describe these routes as "adventure trails" for expert riders looking for fresh territory. They are primitive and often overgrown.
The trails have been renamed "Ruffy" and "Moose Back."
The second ride, also starting from Canyon Glen, makes a big loop west-to-east on Taj Mahal, with a DH cutoff bypassing Dragon's Back on the way down. This ride is 6.5 miles with 1600 feet of climbing.
If you don't like the climb up to Dragon's Back from Canyon Glen and detest Frank (Trail 033) -- and who doesn't -- you can get to the area via a longer but more mellow alternative. For example, you can take Shooter from the Orem BST trailhead, climb the West Ridge to the Trail 51 area, then take eastbound trails to the Little Baldy trail to link up. Or you can take the Bench Road to Betty for your climb.So if you're the sort who gets angry, says many bad words, and plots to murder the website author who told you about the trail you're riding, DON'T ride these trails. They're mean!
Taj Mahal itself is 2.5 miles in length from Little Baldy trail 33 to its end on the Alta Ditch (Orem Bench) road. The western end starts at 6200 feet elevation, descends then climbs again to 6300, then drops steeply to the dirt road where the eastern end is 5600 feet elevation.
The tread is narrow but mostly of reasonable width, but encroaching scrub oak scratches arms, yanks at handlebars, and hides rocks and stumps. The track tends to go up-and-down (horse-route style) rather than contouring around rollers on the slope.
Not sure if Ouch is the real trail name, or just Trailfork's reaction to riding it. I used some other four-letter words while forcing my bike eastbound on this rough and primitive route. Ouch is 1.3 miles long, forking north uphill from Taj Mahal 0.2 miles from Little Baldy, then rejoining at Taj Mahal's midpoint.
Ouch will climb from 6300 to 6500 feet elevation before dropping back to 6300 at the eastern junction with Taj Mahal. The eastern half of the trail is especially narrow and often rough from embedded rock. When only the western side is used for a loop ride, it's not horrible. Meadows alternate with stands of scrub oak.
This alternative line lies on western Ouch between the Machu Picchu fork and the Taj Mahal fork. It's some of the smoothest riding in the area as it winds through maple forest and meadows. The eastern end is higher by 100 feet, but the rate of climb seems pleasant.
The Circle is 0.8 miles around, consisting of 0.5 miles on the uphill alternate line plus 0.3 miles of Ouch between the two ends.
This trail forks east from a switchback on Little Baldy uphill from Trail 51 at just over 6600 feet elevation. It descends 150 feet over 0.6 miles to end on Ouch, 0.5 miles from where western Ouch ends on Taj Mahal. Like Ouch, the trail is narrow and bumpy from embedded rock. It lies almost entirely in tall maple forest.
In the ride below, I take Machu Picchu west-to-east downhill, then the western end of Ouch in a clockwise circle downhill. (I also did this segment uphill, but both the riding and navigation were much trickier.)
The Bonneville Shoreline Trail (Trail 33) forks uphill on the left, just as the trail is approaching a rock outcrop. Immediately it begins a stiff climb uphill.
Now you'll reach a flat area. Keep straight and left for the Dragon's Back. (The trail to the right passes through Johnson's Hole before climbing steeply uphill to rejoin Dragon's Back near the Orem Bench Road.) You'll quickly begin climbing again, working up the ridgeline westbound, then northbound.
Locals call this trail "Frank." Frank is an older route, in serious need of rehab and/or reroute. There's plenty of loose rock and overgrowing oak. The first half-mile is miserably steep and loose, then Frank becomes marginally more pleasant. Overall you'll climb 500 vertical on Frank's 0.8 miles.
Here again, there will be some steep areas with loose rocks on the eroded trail surface, and occasional encroaching oak scratching at your arms.
The trail will go east-northeast over some rollers, generally climbing. At 0.15 miles from the Little Baldy trail, there's a critical trail fork. A cairn and a row of rocks would send you to the left (northeast) uphill. That's Ouch. If you're suckered into taking this left fork (as I was), you're going to find some unpleasant trail ahead.
You're going to lose about 200 vertical feet of that elevation you fought so hard to reach, continuing to lose altitude as the trail turns back eastbound.
Over the next 3/4 mile, you'll regain almost all of the altitude you lost after descending from the Ouch fork. You may (or may not) see Ouch rejoin Taj Mahal on your left at mile 4.2 (1.1 from the Ouch fork).
In the middle of this downhill, the trail meets an old doubletrack and turns hard right. Now follow the DT 0.4 miles down to the Alta Ditch (Orem Bench) road.
My (shorter) track takes you 0.4 miles west on the gravel road, then plunges down a singletrack on the eastern edge of Johnson's Hole. Watch for the singletrack dropping off the left side of the road, just as it reaches a wide area with a shoulder.
6.5 mile loop ride clockwise, 1600 feet of climbing. Rough trail surface, steep climbs, encroaching brush.
Canyon Glen to Provo River Parkway. BST (Dragon's Back) to Orem Bench Road. Road to Frank (Trail 33). At Altar, uphill on Little Baldy (33) to Taj Mahal 0.3 miles uphill.
Critical trail fork for Taj Mahal 0.15 miles from Little Baldy, right and downhill.
Steep descent to gravel road, then east 0.4 miles. Left downhill on singletrack to fork with Johnson's Hole and Dragon's Back trails.
Retrace to trailhead.

0.0 Cross Provo River N40 19.771 W111 37.277
0.1 R on Provo River Parkway
N40 19.814 W111 37.289
0.2 L on BST ST N40 19.901 W111 37.266
0.35 Join benchcut then L uphill
N40 19.899 W111 37.264
(R and level = east to Nunn's)
0.6 Keep L (R = Johnson's Hole)
N40 19.909 W111 37.390
1.4 Keep L (R = Johnson's Hole)
N40 20.122 W111 38.220
1.5 Around gate, up DT to Bench Road
L on Bench Road N40 20.170 W111 38.254
1.8 R uphill on Frank (Trail 33)
N40 20.184 W111 38.549
N40 20.632 W111 39.060
2.9 R on Taj Mahal N40 20.766 W111 38.891
3.05 R and downhill (L = Ouch)
N40 20.777 W111 38.757
4.2 Straight and R (L = Ouch)
N40 20.622 W111 37.756
5.0 R on DT N40 20.398 W111 37.102
5.4 Straight on Bench Road
N40 20.192 W111 37.158
5.8 L on ST N40 20.138 W111 37.387
6.1 L at Johnson's Hole trail and
L to BST downhill N40 19.909 W111 37.390
6.5 Back at parking
Cross the level trail at the pipeline, mile 0.3 from the trailhead. Keep left at the fork with Johnson's Hole at mile 0.6, having gone 230 vertical feet in the last 0.4 miles. Straight ahead is the climb up the Dragon's Back.
Keep left again at mile 1.4 when Johnson's Hole rejoins uphill. Keep straight and climb up around the metal gate, up the gravel road. Turn left on the Orem Bench road.This steep south-facing hillside can be unpleasant climbing on a hot summer day.
Pass the connector to Taj Mahal at mile 2.9. At mile 3.2, keep right as Trail 51 forks to the left.
The trail descends 150 vertical in 0.6 miles before dropping onto Ouch, mile 4.2 from the trailhead.
You'll rejoin the main Ouch trail after 0.5 miles, turning right to repeat the 0.3 miles you did before. This time, as you reach the spot where you entered the loop keep left and straight to continue downhill on Ouch.
Here you see the reason for the prominent trail marking. If you take the left fork, you'll wind up eastbound on Taj Mahal. Maybe that's your objective. But for this ride, fork to the right for westbound Taj Mahal.
When you hit the Little Baldy trail, turn left downhill.
At the bottom of Frank go left on the Bench Road. Turn right downhill on gravel road at the metal gate, then left of the next metal gate to enter the Dragon's Back singletrack.
Take either Johnson's Hole or Dragon's Back, your call. Now descend the BST back to the paved parkway.8.4 mile lariat with loop and loop-within-a-loop at the top (done clockwise), 1800 feet of climbing. Rough trail surface, steep climbs, encroaching brush.
Canyon Glen to Provo River Parkway. Bonneville Shoreline Trail (Dragon's Back and Orem Bench Road) to Frank (Trail 33). At Altar, uphill on Little Baldy (33) to Machu Picchu one mile above The Altar.
Machu Picchu turns onto Ouch westbound, loop on Ouch Circle while westbound. Critical trail fork 0.2 miles from western loop fork, keep right to join Taj Mahal westbound.
After returning to Little Baldy, retrace your path downhill.

0.0 Cross Provo River N40 19.771 W111 37.277
0.1 R on Provo River Parkway
N40 19.814 W111 37.289
0.2 L on BST ST N40 19.901 W111 37.266
0.35 Join benchcut then L uphill
N40 19.899 W111 37.264
(R and level = east to Nunn's)
0.6 Keep L (R = Johnson's Hole)
N40 19.909 W111 37.390
1.4 Keep L (R = Johnson's Hole)
N40 20.122 W111 38.220
1.5 Around gate, up DT to Bench Road
L on Bench Road N40 20.170 W111 38.254
1.8 R uphill on Frank (Trail 33)
N40 20.184 W111 38.549
2.7 Altar. R uphill on Little Baldy 33
N40 20.632 W111 39.060
2.9 Keep L (R = Taj Mahal)
N40 20.766 W111 38.891
3.6 Fork R on Machu Picchu
N40 21.114 W111 38.810
4.2 R to join Ouch N40 20.871 W111 38.426
4.3 Keep L (R = loop return)
N40 20.891 W111 38.495
4.5 Fork R to begin circle
N40 20.851 W111 38.667
5.0 Keep R (finish loop, rejoin Ouch)
5.3 Keep L (R = to circle again)
5.45 Fork R, westbound Taj Mahal
N40 20.780 W111 38.759
5.6 L downhill on Little Baldy
5.8 L on Frank at Altar
6.6 L on Bench Road
6.9 R downhill on DT at gate
L of next gate and start ST
8.4 Back at parking
1. Do not ride these trails during the winter. Deer will not survive the winter if frequently disturbed.
2. Unauthorized trail-building is strictly prohibited!
3. To reduce erosion and prevent "trenching" of trails, do not ride trails when muddy.
4. Avoid disturbing wildlife, and do not allow your dog to chase animals.

Timpanogos Park: Exit I-15 on Orem's 800 North and drive straight towards the mountains. Keep left to enter Provo Canyon. After 1 mile, you'll pass the entrance to Canyon View Park on your left. About 100 yards later, there's a diversion dam, then a bridge over the river. Drive over the bridge to Timpanogos Park and park in the lot. Ride to the northwest corner of the parking area. Begin your ride by pedaling up the gravel road. Keep straight at the road fork at mile 0.3 if you're heading for the Bottom Access trail (recommended), or fork R uphill for the Ravine or East Access trails. Ride through the race loop and take the Upper Access trail to the BST to connect to uphill trails.
Dry Canyon Trailhead: Turn east off State Street (Highway 89) at 200 South in Lindon, which also happens to be 2000 North for Orem. Keep straight as you approach the mountains. When the road begins to turn right (south), turn left onto Dry Canyon Drive heading northeast. Now keep straight uphill until the road turns into the trailhead. To reach the Shooter uphill route, go south on the BST to the Orem trailhead.
Nunn's Park: This makes the ride about a mile longer, but at the expense of a rather ugly short section of trail from Nunn's park up to the aqueduct. Going up-canyon, turn right 4 miles up the canyon, then left under 89. Go into Nunn's Park. On your bike, come back through the park entrance, then turn left on a broken-up roadway just before the road goes under 89. Turn left at the fence and follow the fence uphill. This section is a hike-a-bike uphill. As the singletrack reaches the top, go left (west).
Zorro (1560 East Trailhead): Take 800 North in Orem toward the mountains. Just as the road starts to descend into the canyon, turn left on 1560 East. Go to the end of the pavement and park on the right. The ugly jeep road switchbacks east of the trailhead take you uphill -- 0.4 miles with 200 vertical -- to the Zorro singletrack. Zorro will add another 300 vertical and 0.6 miles. (Don't fork onto the steeper Bramber DH. You'll know it as you pass it.) When Zorro hits doubletrack, head a bit further uphill to the Bench Road for uphill connections.
Canyon Mouth Provo River Parkway: There's a parking area on Orem's 800 North Street just before you enter Provo canyon. It's just east of the gas station. GPS N 40° 18.840' W 111° 39.472'. To get to the parkway, go east over the river and through the fence. Go uphill to the Canyon View Park, Canyon Glen, or Nunn's park for uphill singletrack connections to the Bench Road.
Single-page riding guide Taj Mahal
Single-page guide Machu Picchu
GPS track files for route (right-click and "Save as..."):
Taj Mahal loop ride as above
Machu Picchu loop as above
Multi-track GPX area file
High-res area topo map for printing: View topo
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Provo area resources
Water: At trailhead parks
Camping: Hope CG, Rock Canyon CG near Kyhv Peak
Bike services: UtahMountainBiking store in Lehi.