Because of its lower elevation, Sundance offers ski-lift service to mountain bike trails about a month earlier than any other ski resort -- seven days a week after Memorial Day weekend.
You can buy single lift rides, or buy an all-day pass for $18 (2009, subject to change) or a half-day starting at 2:30. You can knock off 50 miles of first-class downhill in an afternoon.The singletrack trails are fun and well-maintained. Turns are banked for bikes. Most of the riding is in aspens and pines, with an occasional meadow giving you a great view of the back side of Timpanogos. There are many permutations of the downhill routes to explore.

Scott's Pond Loop features Switchback Alley (appropriately named) and a lovely ride around a pond, then connects to Rock & Roll - Boneyard or to Archies Loop.

Single-page trail guide
GPX track files for races (right-click and "Save as..."):
Weekday Race track
Composite GPX all 4 races
ICup course topo for printing: View
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