Lacey's Loops (Kyhv Peak Circles), Luna's Trail, Pole Canyon
The Stakeout Trails are narrow singletrack trails on forested slope at the mouth of Provo Canyon. This page covers the area known as Lacey's Loops -- also known as the Kyhv Peak Circles -- and includes Luna's Trail and Pole Canyon. The trails are upper-intermediate in technical difficulty because they are narrow and occasionally bumpy. The expected riding season is June through September.
The trails follow natural breaks in the trees with no bench-cuts. Occasional spots have hand-tool smoothing, but much of the trail was constructed by bike tires wearing away the brush and grass. The result is very narrow singletrack that weaves through the trees. There are no trail signs; so expect to "explore" a bit.

The main parking for Kyhv Peak is a large lot, located one mile up the Kyhv Peak road. See the map. The featured ride below starts here. At the far uphill corner of the parking area, find the singletrack BST Access Trail and follow it uphill to the Bonneville Shoreline trail. Then turn right on the BST. 100 yards later, fork left uphill on the faint Lacey's Connector. (Note: Kyhv Peak was formerly known as "Squaw Peak." Kyhv is pronounced "kive" and is the Ute word for "mountain.")
From the BST
There are three connectors from the BST to Lacey's Loops. East to west, these are Pole Canyon, Lacey's Connector, and Luna's trail.
When riding from Nunn's Park on the BST, you'll notice a small trail heading uphill at mile 2.1 of the singletrack. This is the Pole Canyon Trail. It can get you to the circles. (This route has some steeper climbing.) Climb uphill 0.3 miles in the shallow ravine then fork right on the Pole Canyon Connector trail. In 0.2 miles it will deliver you to the eastern end of the main circle.
Luna's trail at mile 2.9 of the BST can also get you to Lacey's. Turn left uphill and climb 0.9 miles. Fork left on a narrow connector trail just before Lacey's ends on the Kyhv Peak road.This connector will take you 1/10th mile to the west side of the upper loop.
Access to the trail system can be directly from the Kyhv Peak Road, but there's only space for a couple of cars at the "wide spots" where the trail connects to the road. There are a few spots where you can quickly connect to the trails from the Kyhv Peak Road.
The first is at the top of Luna's Trail. 2.7 miles up the road is a gravel shoulder on the left. A trail drops off here and quickly splits. Luna's is straight ahead. If you make a right turn on the narrower trail, it will take you over to the western side of the main circle.
From the mouth of that doubletrack, if you go down the pavement about 100 feet you'll find singletrack on the opposite side of the road. Descend lower Erindell 0.8 miles to the loops.
Going uphill from the BST, there were some formerly-damp spots where sedges had overgrown the trail. But just keep riding straight and generally uphill, and the trail quickly returns. You'll arrive at the bottom of the main circle about 1/2 mile from the BST.
You'll quickly encounter a second trail fork. Go right again. (Turning left here just takes you a short distance to the opposite side of the circle. Kind of a short-circuit creating a baby loop at the bottom of the big circle.)
Your next fork is the top of the big circle at mile 1.7. This fork was quite indistinct on the day of my ride, so watch for it! To complete the circle, go left. If you're heading on up -- saving the eastern side of the circle for your downhill -- go to the right uphill on the Erindell trail.
Heading on uphill, you'll reach the paved road at mile 2.5. Go left about 100 feet on pavement, then leave the road to the right on what looks like doubletrack. It quickly turns to the singletrack upper Erindell trail at the boulders.
At the next trail fork, both routes will take you over to the western side of the loop. Left is that first "short circuit" trail, and right is the direct route to the bottom of the circle. Now retrace your route back downhill.
0.0 Trail far east uphill end
N40 19.393 W111 37.957
0.2 Cross trail, keep uphill
N40 19.276 W111 37.886
0.5 R on BST N40 19.116 W111 37.815
0.55 L on connector trail
N40 19.124 W111 37.868
0.9 L to enter big circle N40 18.902 W111 37.682
1.1 Fork L (R = short circuit)
N40 18.852 W111 37.696
1.3 Fork R (L = over to Luna's)
N40 18.751 W111 37.756
1.7 Keep R uphill (top of circle!)
N40 18.687 W111 37.609
1.9 Fork L (R = over to road)
N40 18.604 W111 37.617
2.5 L on paved road N40 18.478 W111 37.641
2.6 Keep straight N40 18.441 W111 37.644
3.0 Back at crossing from 2.6, fork L
N40 18.441 W111 37.644
3.1 L on road 100 ft, then R on ST (retracing)
N40 18.478 W111 37.641
3.9 Fork R for east side of circle
N40 18.687 W111 37.609
4.6 Fork L (R = Pole Canyon connector)
N40 18.891 W111 37.460
5.0 Keep R (L = short circuit)
N40 18.897 W111 37.590
5.1 End circle, go R N40 18.902 W111 37.682
5.5 Back at BST, go R N40 19.124 W111 37.868
200 feet, then L off BST N40 19.116 W111 37.815
5.8 Keep straight N40 19.276 W111 37.886
6.0 Back at parking

Kyhv Peak Trailhead: On US-189 eastbound about a mile up the
canyon, turn right on the Kyhv Peak Road. Drive one mile uphill and turn
left into the large parking area. Return to the road for a pavement climb,
or find the singletrack BST Access trail at the uphill east end. N40 19.393 W111 37.956
Kyhv Peak Overlook: Drive up the Kyhv Peak road to the fork
at mile 4.5 and turn right to drive up to the overlook parking. Coast back
downhill to the trail fork. On the downhill corner of the fork is the
Erindell trail. About 60 feet from the fork on the overlook road, the
Ellendell trail heads uphill.
Middle (lower Erindell) entry: At 2.9 uphill, the road turns right with gravel shoulder on the left. The trail enters between the boulders. About 100 yards later, you'll reach the Erindell trail. Go downhill (left) to reach Lacey's Loops.
Upper (upper Erindell) entry: At mile 3.6 there's a doubletrack on the right. It's blocked by large boulders, with the trail entry between them. This is upper Erindell. The downhill trail (lower Erindell) is across the road 100 feet back down the pavement.
BST Nunn's Park TH: Eastbound in Provo Canyon on US-189, go two miles up Provo Canyon to the Nunns Park exit and turn right into the parking lot. Pedal uphill on paved trail, then turn right on the BST singletrack N40 20.280 W111 36.475.
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files and route (right-click and "Save as..."):
Track for ride above
Multi-track GPX area file
High-res area topo map for printing: View topo
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Provo area resources
Water: None.
Camping: Hope CG, Rock Canyon CG
Bike services: UtahMountainBiking store in Lehi.
Updated 2018