The Snow Canyon Loop Trail is a paved double-track bike, hiking, and rollerblading trail that loops through Snow Canyon from the outskirts of St. George. Although the trail is smooth and paved, there are some steep spots that will spook (or injure) youngsters who are just learning to ride. Snow Canyon is a state park, requiring a fee for entry.

The canyon is a few degrees cooler than St. George, so you can have fun there even when the city is hot. On the bike trails, there's often a breeze to keep you cooler.

Heading south, take the Bluff Street exit in St. George. Turn right onto Bluff Street. Keep going straight until Bluff Street starts to leave the city (although the city is rapidly growing out in this direction). You can park here (see the trail the right side of the road?) and ride to the loop, or drive on to another parking area on the loop.
Top of Snow Canyon: Keep driving straight out of town on Highway 18. When the road turns left into snow canyon, park at the small lot on the south side of the road. Take the road down 1.5 mile to mile marker 11 -- the paved trail begins on your right, across the street from a parking/picnic area on your left. This trailhead GPS is N 37° 12.794' W 113° 38.896', altitude 3500 ft.
FEE Area! Entry fee for Snow Canyon is
$10 per car, $5 for seniors. If you ride in on the paved trail, the fee is
$5 per group up to 8 riders (2021 rate).
One-page riding guide
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources