Skidder 1
Skidder 1 is a double-black downhill-only trail in the Coyote (Riverview) trail system north of Heber. The trail is very steep and often loose, plunging down a ridgeline from the Smaug Loop to the bottom of Upper Potatoes. It crosses Upper Riverview on the way. The trail is mostly narrow hand-built fall-line singletrack through areas of volcanic rubble. In the areas with actual soil, banked turns offer respite from the plunge.
In 0.6 miles, Skidder 1 drops 550 vertical feet. That's 920 feet per mile AVERAGE, an 18% slope. In the volcanic areas, I found a lot of loose boulders and marbles in the trail surface. A touch of brake could make the tire hang on a loose rock.
Skidder 1 is a trail that's dangerous to ride fast, and almost impossible to ride slow. This is not a trail for casual riders, and will be enjoyable to very few. The top of the trail is at 6500 feet elevation, for an expected riding season of mid-May through October.

Most riders get to the Riverview area west-side trails from the UVU Wasatch Campus trailhead. This is found on the far north end of Heber on Highway 40, one mile south of the Highway 32 junction. At the UVU campus entry, turn east (toward the mountain). Go to the uppermost level of parking behind the UVU buildings. Look for the duck-under and kiosk.

South Coyote Trailhead (Construction closure!)
You can get to Skidder 1 from the Coyote
Trailhead in the south. Connect to
Middle Earth for the northbound trip and continue to the Upper
Potatoes/Lower Potatoes trail fork. Climb Upper Potatoes to Upper
Riverview and turn right. Pedal 0.3 miles to Lonely Mountain and climb one
mile to the Smaug Loop.
Or, connect to Upper Riverview early in your trip north, then turn uphill on Chop'd Coyote. Climb up Chop'd Coyote to the top of Lonely Mountain, turn left, and descend Lonely Mountain to the Smaug Loop.

From Salt Lake, take I-80 eastbound to Silver Creek Junction (just past Park City). Go south on US-40, past the Jordanelle reservoir and descend past the dam. At the traffic light at mile 14.2 from I-80, turn left on 32 and climb 1.1 miles. When you see the second entry into Riverview on your left, note the gravel parking area on your right N40 34.403 W111 25.214. That's your spot.
From Utah County, drive up Provo Canyon to Heber. At the traffic light on US-189/US-40, turn left and drive north through Heber. 4.7 miles from the intersection, turn right on Highway 32 and climb 1.1 miles to the parking area as above.
Climb 0.3 miles up the connector, then turn south on Riverview for 1.5 miles to Lonely Mountain and climb to the Smaug Loop.

The Skidder 1 trail is reached by taking the Lonely Mountain trail to the Smaug Loop. The trail entry to Skidder 1 is built to flow naturally from a clockwise path on Smaug (taking the southern side of the loop 0.3 miles from Lonely Mountain).
Lonely Mountain can be reached via Chop'd Coyote, An Unexpected Journey, or Upper Riverview. Any of these routes would be a satisfying ride. The climb from Upper Riverview is the easiest.

There are quite a few rock rollovers and rock drops. Some have "helper rocks" placed, but the line that will take you gently down the helper rocks is often hard to see until you're passing it. Be prepared to change plans and take some air.
As a brand-new trail, Skidder 1 is still seeing some ongoing tweaks. No doubt it will be "dumbed down" a bit to make some spots less dangerous to over-their-head riders.

When the trail enters an area with deeper dirt, the rate of descent slows through banked turns. These spots are a welcome rest -- where you can stop baby-fingering the brakes and let the bike roll.
The trail ends at the junction of Middle Earth, Lower Potatoes, and Upper Potatoes. To continue your descent, keep straight and downhill on Lower Potatoes. To head for the top to try it again, fork to the right uphill and climb Upper Potatoes to Upper Riverview and turn right to head for Lonely Mountain.

Bottom Line
A trail that few riders will love. Almost 20% average slope. Slippery with loose rock. Rock drops, often with sight-line issues. A bit of a challenge for this 73 year old rider, but I'm sure YOU will do just fine.

One mile south of the junction of Highway 40 and 32 (a couple of miles north of Heber), turn east (toward the mountain) at the UVU campus. Go to the uppermost level of parking behind the UVU buildings. Look for the duck-under and kiosk N40 32.798 W111 24.735. A singletrack trail climbs 1.5 miles to the Riverview Trail.
Riverview Trailhead:
From Salt Lake, take I-80 eastbound to Silver Creek Junction (just
past Park City). Go south on US-40, past the Jordanelle reservoir and
descend past the dam. At the traffic light at mile 14.2 from I-80, turn
left on 32 and climb 1.1 miles. When you see the second entry into
Riverview on your left, note the gravel parking area on your right N40 34.403 W111 25.214. That's
your spot.
From Utah County, drive up Provo Canyon to Heber. At the traffic
light on US-189/US-40, turn left and drive north through Heber. 4.7 miles
from the intersection, turn right on Highway 32 and climb 1.1 miles to the
parking area as above.
Coyote Trailhead:
Two miles south of the junction of Highway 40
and 32, turn east (toward the mountain) on Coyote Lane. Just after the
road crosses a canal, turn left into the parking lot. The singletrack
starts at the northeast corner at the step-over, where you'll also find a
repair stand and a kiosk with a trail map. The Coyote singletrack takes
you uphill. After merging with the gravel road to cross the bridge, veer
left onto singletrack then keep generally right and uphill at the trail
Cutthroat (Highway 32) Trailhead:
Drive up
Highway 32 four miles. Look for a gravel road on the right side N40 35.430 W111 23.389. You can
park along the road and clamber over the fence near the (locked) gate.
Find the singletrack on your left and ride uphill, keeping to the right at
the Wile E Canyon fork about 100
yards uphill. You'll reach the fork that starts the Coyote loop 0.4 miles from the