Wada Way and Keetley Trails
There are two connected singletrack loops at the Ross Creek Trailhead for the Jordanelle Perimeter Trail . Together, the loops form an easy 3.5 mile ride that can be done as a figure-eight or a loop. Riding season is mid to late May through November. The trails lie in Jordanelle State Park -- there's a small fee to park or ride here. (Don't park on the highway! Note there's a ride-in fee if you pedal to Ross Creek from elsewhere.)

The southern loop is Keetley. It begins where Wada Way ends on the Jordanelle Perimeter as it crosses the old roadway. This loop occupies the sage flats and has very little climbing. In the center of the loop are the old roadway and the Jordanelle Perimeter trail.

1 - southbound on Jordanelle Perimeter. Hard left on the wide trail (the perimeter trail formerly followed the roadway, but now has a dirt route).
2 - northbound on Jordanelle Perimeter or a simple Wada Way loop. Straight across the old roadway, and keep right on the wider trail as Keetley forks away on the left.
4 - Figure-eight ride. Keep straight and cross the old roadway. After about 20 feet on the Jordanelle Perimeter, veer left onto the lower Keetley trail.

Easy trail both technically and aerobically. A good choice for beginning riders. Nice views over the lake.

0.0 L after gate (Wada Way)
N40 39.268 W111 24.837
0.9 Cross old road (Jordanelle)
N40 38.813 W111 24.681
20 feet, then L (Keetley)
1.6 Cross old road, veer L
N40 38.481 W111 24.726
(R = Jordanelle Perimeter)
2.5 Back at old road, cross
N40 38.813 W111 24.681
Keep R on Jordanelle Perimeter
3.0 R on Wada Way
N40 39.045 W111 24.936
3.5 Back at trailhead

Fee Area! This is a state park. In 2021, entry is $10 per car ($5 senior). Ride-ins are $5 per bicycle. Payment is via self-service envelope, so bring exact change or a checkbook.
Water: none
Bathroom: at trailhead
Camping: State Park on the west side of the lake
One-page riding guide
Maps for printing:
Aerial view
Area topo, includes Perimeter
GPX track file for trails:
Loop ride
Area multi-track file
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to Park City area resources
Links to Heber resources