Red Mountain, Vernal
The Rojo Trail is an advanced technical ride on Red Mountain north of Vernal. When done as a counterclockwise loop, it's just over 6 miles with 800 feet of overall elevation change. Aerobically the climb is very strenuous, and the rough rock will take a toll on your legs. But if you're an expert, this ride should go onto your list.
The ride starts just north of Vernal at an altitude of 6050 feet and climbs Red Mountain on a base of Shinarump conglomerate. Yes, that's the same stuff on Gooseberry Mesa. Except here it's tilted, raising the trickiness level. Gooseberry on steroids, especially if you're warped enough to ride the singletrack uphill.

I first rode this trail from the bottom. If your legs are fresh, consider doing it as an out-and-back.
Nearing the top, the DT forks and rejoins a few times. On one of these forks, the obvious choice is to go right for a less-steep slope. Yet the trail is on the LEFT fork, just before a steep rock ramp where your eyes will be looking uphill. The trail forks sharply left, hidden from sight by boulders and junipers.

Paint splotches on the rock show the path in the slickrock areas. The spots are arranged to be seen best from the uphill (counterclockwise) riding direction, but are sufficient to navigate from the other direction if you're doing the trail out-and-back.
Near the bottom, the trail parallels the DT for a mile. (The DT is on the east side of the wash and the ST is on the west.) Don't fall for any sucker connectors here. Make sure you get your full dose of rock.0.0 Ride north on dirt road N40 32.678 W109 35.275
0.5 Pass Rojo (on your left across small wash
just as you hit the edge of the mountain)
N40 33.024 W109 35.059
1.0 Keep L (R = connector to Steinaker)
N40 33.155 W109 34.563
2.4 Keep L at all forks N40 34.121 W109 33.938
2.6 Find ST on L, just before steep rock ramp
N40 34.263 W109 34.013
4.8 Keep R, ignore any connectors to DT
5.8 Connect to DT N40 33.024 W109 35.059
6.2 Back at parking

While driving toward Vernal on US-40, crest the hill and pass the rest area just before town. As you encounter buildings, watch for 2500 West on your left. As of 2010, it's the 3rd street, but it depends on what you count as a street. Turn left on 2500 West. Keep going north for 8 miles. At N40 32.678 W109 35.275, there's a parking area on your right. The trail is the doubletrack heading north.
Camping: None. Red Fleet is about 10 miles away, Steinaker is 6
miles away. Both are on SR 44 north of Vernal.
Bathroom: None
Water: Bring your own.
Bike services, maps, trail conditions:
Altitude Cycle, 580 East Main, Vernal. 435-781-2595
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX (files include Red Mountain DH routes!)
Large-format area topo map: View map
Topo including Red Mountain DH East and West trails: View big map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Vernal area resources