View north on the Lower Riverview trail. Original tracks and photos by Bruce on ...
View north on the Lower Riverview trail. Original tracks and photos by Bruce on June 16, 2015. Updated June 4, 2022.
Lower Riverview and Middle Earth
(with Sheep Bones, DT, Sheep Pen, Free Fall, Hobbiton Hill)

This trail page covers the Lower Riverview singletrack plus other trails in the Riverview/Coyote riding area that lie below and west of the Upper Riverview Trail . The area continues to evolve, with new trails being added as of this latest update.

There are currenntly four north-south routes on the front (west) side of the mountain. From the bottom, these are Lower Riverview, the Riverview Doubletrack, Middle Earth, and Upper Riverview (covered on a separate page). When combined with trails that are oriented up-down east-west, this creates multiple loop opportunities.
Cruising on Middle Earth, a nice easy traversing trail in the middle of the ridi...
Cruising on Middle Earth, a nice easy traversing trail in the middle of the riding area.
Getting to the trails!
The Coyote trailhead. Take the singletrack east for connections to Coyote, Lower...
The Coyote trailhead. Take the singletrack east for connections to Coyote, Lower Riverview, Sheep Pen, and Upper Riverview.
You can get to these trails quickly from the Coyote Trailhead in the south or the UVU Trailhead in the middle. On the north end, a short segment of Upper Riverview will take you to Sheep Bones, which drops you down to the Doubletrack where you can connect to Lower Riverview.
Most riders are now accessing these trails from the UVU Trailhead. This trailhead is closest to the beginner skills area trails ( Lower Potatoes, Isengard ). These trails are easily reached via Lower Riverview, the Riverview Doubletrack, or Middle Earth.

On this web page, I'll first describe the main north-south traversing trails, then the shorter uphill-downhill trails that connect them. I'll describe a couple of rides from the Coyote trailhead.

UVU trailhead.
UVU trailhead.
The Trails - North-South traversing trails
Lower Riverview Trail
Photo from 2015 when the trail was first laid out. Needed more bike tires! Now i...
Photo from 2015 when the trail was first laid out. Needed more bike tires! Now it's plush and easy.

Lower Riverview runs most of the length of the mountain. When combined with Upper Riverview (plus a bit of the DT, Sheep Bones and Coyote) it creates a fun front-side loop that's ready to ride early in the spring.

The Lower Riverview singletrack starts on the south combined with the Coyote Trail, just above the bridge over the canal. By keeping left at all trail forks, you'll pass Coyote's uphill route and Free Fall. You'll merge with the DT, then fork away from the DT after the dip. This section between Coyote and the UVU trailhead is plush easy riding in sage with occasional stands of scrub oak.
When Lower Riverview reaches the doubletrack uphill from the bridge over the canal (just uphill from the UVU trailhead), keep straight as the UVU Connector and Lower Riverview temporarily converge. As the UVU Connector turns right uphill, Lower Riverview forks away on the left. Once you get to the far north end, past the Isengard Skills Area trails the Lower Riverview trail becomes a bit rough with granite boulders. But the rest of the trail is pretty plush.
View south as the trail rises over a knoll.
View south as the trail rises over a knoll.
Cruising north on Lower Riverview, just north of the UVU Connector trail.
Cruising north on Lower Riverview, just north of the UVU Connector trail.

Lower Riverview merges onto the Riverview Doubletrack 0.2 miles south of where Sheepbones forks uphill from the DT. By climbing up Sheepbones to Upper Riverview , you'll have a continuous route from Coyote on the south to the Highway 32 (Riverview) trailhead on the north.

Lower Riverview is 2.9 miles in length, with only around 100 vertical feet of elevation change as you ride. Except for the far north end (beyond Lower Potatoes), the trail is easy to ride and suitable for beginners.
A particularly mean spot, northbound.
A particularly mean spot, northbound.
Riverview Doubletrack
View south. The DT is a nice mellow ride.
View south. The DT is a nice mellow ride.
The Riverview Doubletrack (DT) runs 3.3 miles from Highway 32 in the north (just uphill from the canal crossing) down to the bridge on Coyote Lane in the south. As it goes south, it's joined by Sheep Bones (descending from Upper Riverview), which is where most riders will begin the DT. Lower Riverview forks away 0.2 miles later, and the UVU Connector crosses at 1.4 miles from Sheep Bones.
One mile south of the UVU Connector, the DT descends through a dip. On the left, the Lower Riverview singletrack merges.

After exiting the dip, Lower Riverview forks away again to the left. Next Sheep Pen forks right uphill, then Free Fall crosses (with the uphill and downhill segments not-quite connected). It will then veer southwest, the Coyote singletrack will cross, then it will join Coyote Lane above the bridge.

The UVU connector crosses the Doubletrack.
The UVU connector crosses the Doubletrack.
Middle Earth Trail
The origin of Middle Earth on Sheep Pen, seen as if wed ridden up from the doubl...
The origin of Middle Earth on Sheep Pen, seen as if we'd ridden up from the doubletrack. The trail to the right is the Sheep Pen loop. Left is Middle Earth.
The Middle Earth trail is a very easy trail that follows the contour of the hillside. It lies at a mid-lower elevation with the Riverview Doubletrack below it and Upper Riverview above. The trail is 2.2 miles long with minimal elevation changes over its course. Middle Earth extends from on the northern corner of the Sheep Pen trail on the south to the Lower Potatoes trail in the north.
On the southern end, the Middle Earth trail is reached via the Sheep Pen trail. While you can roll around the loop to reach it, the quickest path is to take the Riverview Doubletrack north to Sheep Pen, then go 0.2 miles uphill and fork to the left.
Northbound on Middle Earth.
Northbound on Middle Earth.
Looking south at the UVU trail fork. Theres a diamond trail fork here (to the ri...
Looking south at the UVU trail fork. There's a "diamond" trail fork here (to the right is the Connector down to UVU, and the left is Middle Earth southbound), and there's another trail fork behind my back where Middle Earth and the UVU Connector split apart.
From the UVU trailhead, you can take the UVU Connector trail uphill. After crossing the canal, turn left onto the combined Lower Riverview and UVU Connector trail (at mile 0.2). Pedal north 0.1 miles and turn east (right) uphill at the trail fork to continue uphill on the connector. At mile 0.4, the UVU Connector trail merges into the Middle Earth trail for a few feet, which can be confusing.
To go southbound, turn right at this first intersection. If you're heading north, veer left, then once you see the continuing trail, veer left again on Middle Earth as the UVU Connector forks to the right to continue uphill.
Southbound on Middle Earth.
Southbound on Middle Earth.
Looking north towards Timpanogos on Middle Earth.
Looking north towards Timpanogos on Middle Earth.
At the northern end, Middle Earth ends at the intersection with the Upper Potatoes trail. You can turn right uphill to climb Upper Potatoes, or continue straight to descend the one-way Lower Potatoes to the Lower Riverview trail.
Upper Riverview Trail
Bruce heads southeast on Riverview.
Bruce heads southeast on Riverview.
The Upper Riverview trail was the first trail cut in this riding area and is still wildly popular. Currently, it's the highest in elevation of the traversing trails. Riverview runs from the Upper Riverview Trailhead on Highway 32 to join the Coyote trail in the south. It's 5.3 miles long with a bit of up-and-down riding. The trail is discussed in detail on the Riverview Trail page .
The Trails - Climbing and connecting trails
Coyote Trail
Nice trail marker!
Nice trail marker!

The Coyote Trail starts at the Coyote Trailhead and winds uphill. It's ultimate destination is the Coyote Loop . It will merge with the Coyote Lane dirt road to cross the Timpanogos Canal at mile 0.5.  Veer left onto singletrack after crossing the bridge, then fork right at 0.7 miles as the Lower Riverview singletrack continues left. Cross the Riverview Doubletrack (DT) at 0.9 then fork left uphill. (The fainter trail to the right descends back toward the trailhead.) Just after crossing the gravel Coyote Lane, Coyote will give a spur to Sheep Pen on the left at mile 1.2 (in June 2015 the connection is easy to miss -- watch for the trail sign over on Coyote Lane). The fork to Upper Riverview is further uphill at mile 2.1 with the Coyote trail continuing uphill to the Coyote Loop ride.

Sheep Pen
The north end of Sheep Pen forks off the Riverview DT just a little south of the dip in the DT where the Lower Riverview singletrack merges with the DT then forks away again. The direct route to Sheep Pen is via Coyote to the Lower Riverview singletrack, keeping left at the Free Fall fork, then forking hard right as the Lower Riverview ST joins the Doubletrack. The entry to Sheep Pen is about 80 feet south on the uphill side of the DT. The northernmost corner of Sheep Pen is the origin of Middle Earth. In 2022 the trail fork was not marked.
Sheep Pen climbs and descends through sage and oak brush, with some open areas o...
Sheep Pen climbs and descends through sage and oak brush, with some open areas or rock and cheat grass.
View to the west looking toward Midway and Timpanogos.
View to the west looking toward Midway and Timpanogos.
On the south end, Sheep Pen forks off Coyote 1.2 miles from the trailhead. This trail fork is hard to spot (2015). If you miss it, try going uphill on Coyote Lane. See the map.

Sheep Pen is narrow singletrack winding through scrub oak, sage and cactus. From Coyote to the Doubletrack is 0.9 miles. The trail climbs uphill for an altitude gain of around 150 feet before descending again. On the southern side, a trail fork gives birth to Free Fall. The fork rides best if you're going clockwise on Sheep Pen -- north to south.

Hobbiton Hill
Starting uphill on Hobbiton Hill from Middle Earth.
Starting uphill on Hobbiton Hill from Middle Earth.
Hobbiton Hill is an easy climbing or descending trail. It joins Middle Earth to Upper Riverview near the south end of Middle Earth. It's an excellent option for a short loop ride from either south or north.
The Hobbiton Hill trail is 0.9 miles in length with 230 vertical feet of elevation change. There are no technical features. The trail is suitable for experienced beginning riders.
The climb is fairly gentle. True beginners may struggle with the slope of some t...
The climb is fairly gentle. True beginners may struggle with the slope of some turns.
Looking west on the downhill run, just after leaving Upper Riverview.
Looking west on the downhill run, just after leaving Upper Riverview.
The trail is found 0.2 miles from the origin of Middle Earth on Sheep Pen. If coming from the north, it's 1.2 miles from the UVU Connector.
Hobbit Hole
View down the Hobbit Hole from Middle Earth.
View down the Hobbit Hole from Middle Earth.
The Hobbit Hole trail is a very short (0.1 mile) connector between the Riverview Doubletrack and Middle Earth. It's found where the trail enters a ravine just south of the UVU Connector.
Sheep Bones
Sheep Bones forks away downhill, southbound on Upper Riverview.
Sheep Bones forks away downhill, southbound on Upper Riverview.
Sheep Bones forks off Upper Riverview 0.4 miles from the Highway 32 (Riverview) trailhead, 0.1 miles from the fork with the Coyote Loop. It descends a bit over 200 vertical feet to merge with the Doubletrack one mile later.
Sheep Bones was a rather rough trail when I rode it and would be considered advanced technical. There are some tight spots in the trees and a bit of rock to navigate. Haven't hit it in the past couple of years though.

Sheep Bones is probably best used as your downhill segment of front-side loop that puts Upper Riverview northbound and Lower Riverview southbound.

Ledge with a helper rock. No problem. Just hit it.
Ledge with a helper rock. No problem. Just hit it.
Looking down toward the valley.
Looking down toward the valley.
Bottom Line!
These trails make quick and fun rides during the early season, or if you happen to be in the area and want a quick turn on the saddle. Navigation can be a little daunting the first time, especially on the south end where trail forks occur in a sea of sage brush.

Thanks to the Wasatch Trails Alliance as they continue to expand and improve this riding area. Watch their Facebook feed for trail workdays and status updates.

Sample Ride, Two Free Falls from Coyote: A taste of the southern singletrack to get you oriented. This ride starts at the Coyote Trailhead, climbs Lower Riverview (ST) to the DT, then grabs Sheep Pen clockwise for the climb. After dropping Free Fall, it runs down Lower Riverview a bit to the Coyote fork and climbs Coyote to the south end of Sheep Pen, climbing again to Free Fall and dropping from there back to the trailhead. It's 4.7 miles with 350 feet of climbing. Download GPX track below.
Two Free Falls from Coyote:
0.0   ST from Coyote TH N40 31.886 W111 24.194
0.5   Join DT N40 31.995 W111 23.943
        Cross bridge, then L on ST
0.7   Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Coyote)
        N40 32.125 W111 23.925
0.9   Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Free Fall)
        N40 32.162 W111 23.982
1.3   Hard R on DT N40 32.386 W111 23.922 
        100 feet, then L uphill on Sheep Pen
2.0   R onto Free Fall N40 32.299 W111 23.709
2.2   Jog 30 ft L on DT N40 32.218 W111 23.866
        R downhill to continue Free Fall
2.4   L on Lower Riverview N40 32.162 W111 23.982
2.6   L on Coyote uphill N40 32.125 W111 23.925
2.9   Cross DT, L uphill at fork N40 32.126 W111 23.820
3.1   Cross Coyote Lane N40 32.184 W111 23.740
3.2   L on Sheep Pen N40 32.191 W111 23.700
        Cross Coyote Lane again
3.3   Hard L on Free Fall  N40 32.299 W111 23.709
3.7   L on Lower Riverview N40 32.162 W111 23.982
3.9   Keep R on Lower Riverview  N40 32.125 W111 23.925
4.1   Cross bridge to Coyote ST
4.7   Back at TH
Sample Ride, "DRY RIDE" lower mountain loop w Lower Riverview ST, DT, and Sheep Pen/Free Fall: This is a 7.8 mile ride on the lowest part of the mountain that will often be dry in early spring or after a heavy rain. It starts from the Coyote TH, takes Lower Riverview (singletrack) north, returns via the Doubletrack then jogs uphill on Sheep Pen to drop Free Fall back to Lower Riverview and on to the trailhead. Note that (as of summer 2015), the northern end of Lower Riverview is still a bit faint and techy, so new riders may want to ask about current conditions.
Lower Riverview and Doubletrack Loop w Sheep Pen:
0.0   ST from Coyote TH N40 31.886 W111 24.194
0.5   Join DT N40 31.995 W111 23.943
        Cross bridge, then L on ST
0.7   Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Coyote)
        N40 32.125 W111 23.925
0.9   Keep L on Lower Riverview (R = Free Fall)
        N40 32.162 W111 23.982
1.3   Keep L to join DT N40 32.386 W111 23.922
1.4   Veer L on Lower Riverview ST
        N40 32.402 W111 23.983
2.2   Cross DT above canal N40 32.837 W111 24.615
2.3   L on Lower Riverview (R = UVU Connector)
        N40 32.926 W111 24.647
3.4   Hard R on DT N40 33.462 W111 25.213
4.6   Straight (UVU Connector crosses)
        N40 32.929 W111 24.541
5.5   Straight (Lower Riverview joins)
5.6   Straight on DT (R = Lwr Riverview)
        100 feet, then L uphill on Sheep Pen
        N40 32.367 W111 23.912
6.4   R on Free Fall N40 32.302 W111 23.707
6.6   Jog 30 ft L on DT N40 32.218 W111 23.866
        R downhill to continue Free Fall
6.8   L on Lower Riverview N40 32.162 W111 23.982
7.0   Keep R on Lower Riverview  N40 32.125 W111 23.925
7.2   Cross bridge to Coyote ST
7.8   Back at TH
Sample Ride, Frontside Loop w Upper and Lower Riverview: This is a singletrack version of the older Frontside Loop, which uses the Doubletrack to close the loop (see the Riverview page). So it's a tad longer, more techy and more satisfying. This loop starts at Coyote, climbs up to Upper Riverview and heads north. Near Riverview TH, the route drops down Sheep Bones to the DT, then quickly drops left onto Lower Riverview. The loop stays on Lower Riverview back to Coyote and the trailhead. This loop is 11.7 miles with around 2000 vertical feet of overall climbing.
Frontside Loop w Lower Riverview:
0.0   ST from Coyote TH N40 31.886 W111 24.194
0.5   Join DT N40 31.995 W111 23.943
        Cross bridge, then L on ST
0.7   Go R on Coyote
        N40 32.125 W111 23.925
0.9   Cross DT, L uphill (R = back toward TH)
        N40 32.133 W111 23.824
1.1   Cross Coyote Lane N40 32.184 W111 23.741
1.2   Keep R (L = to Sheep Pen)
        N40 32.191 W111 23.700
2.1   Fork L on Riverview N40 32.364 W111 23.405
2.4   Coyote Lane, jog 30 ft downhill to resume ST
        N40 32.541 W111 23.387
3.9   Keep L (R uphill = Chop'd Coyote)
        N40 33.070 W111 24.047
4.1   Keep R (L downhill = UVU Connector)
        N40 33.207 W111 24.238
6.0   Keep R (L = viewpoint spur)
        N40 33.704 W111 25.006
7.1   Hard L downhill on Sheep Bones
        N40 34.329 W111 25.057
8.1   Join DT (keep L) N40 33.621 W111 25.278
8.3   R downhill on Lower Riverview
        N40 33.460 W111 25.213
9.4   Keep R (L = UVU Connector uphill)
        N40 32.926 W111 24.647
9.5   Cross DT above canal N40 32.837 W111 24.615
10.4 Join DT, keep R N40 32.404 W111 23.988
10.5 Fork R to resume ST N40 32.386 W111 23.922
10.8 Keep R (L = Free Fall) N40 32.162 W111 23.982
11.0 Keep R ((L = Coyote) N40 32.125 W111 23.924
11.2 Cross bridge to ST
11.7 Back at TH
Getting there:
Riverview Trailhead:  
From Salt Lake, take I-80 eastbound to Silver Creek Junction (just past Park City). Go south on US-40, past the Jordanelle reservoir and descend past the dam. At the traffic light at mile 14.2 from I-80, turn left on 32 and climb 1.1 miles. When you see the second entry into Riverview on your left, note the gravel parking area on your right N40 34.403 W111 25.214. That's your spot.
From Utah County, drive up Provo Canyon to Heber. At the traffic light on US-189/US-40, turn left and drive north through Heber. 4.7 miles from the intersection, turn right on Highway 32 and climb 1.1 miles to the parking area as above.
UVU Wasatch Campus Trailhead:   One mile south of the junction of Highway 40 and 32 (a couple of miles north of Heber), turn east (toward the mountain) at the UVU campus. Go to the uppermost level of parking behind the UVU buildings. Look for the duck-under and kiosk N40 32.798 W111 24.735. A singletrack trail climbs 1.5 miles to the Riverview Trail.
Coyote Trailhead:    Two miles south of the junction of Highway 40 and 32, turn east (toward the mountain) on Coyote Lane. Just after the road crosses a canal, turn left into the parking lot. The singletrack starts at the northeast corner at the step-over, where you'll also find a repair stand and a kiosk with a trail map. The Coyote singletrack takes you uphill. After merging with the gravel road to cross the bridge, veer left onto singletrack then keep generally right and uphill at the trail forks.
Alternate trailheads:
(1) 32 sheep road. As of 2013, there's no formal trailhead here. Drive up Highway 32 four miles. Look for a gravel road on the right side N40 35.430 W111 23.389. You can park along the road and clamber over the fence near the (locked) gate. Ride uphill on doubletrack and find the singletrack on your left about 100 yards uphill. You'll reach the fork that starts the loop 1/2 mile from the highway.
(2) Canal.  Just uphill from the light on highway 32, watch for the canal crossing. Park along the road. Start riding south on the doubletrack just uphill from the canal.
Riding resources:
Single-page, printable trail guides
     Lower loop w Sheep Pen / Free Fall
     Frontside Loop with Lower singletrack
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
     Multi-track GPX area master file
     Two Free Falls
     Low Loop (Lwr ST, DT)
     Frontside Loop w Lower Riverview
Maps for printing:  H-Res topo map
Lodging, camping, shops:   Links to area resources

Other Riverview area trail pages     Coyote Loop     Riverview    Mordor/Isengard     Chop'd Coyote   Looney Tunes/Wile E Canyon Bathrooms: No public restrooms nearby. Water: Gas stations in Heber, campgrounds. Camping: Hailstone campground at Jordanelle on US-40, about 6 miles away. Bike services: Slim and Knobby's bike shop, Heber