Cedar City North riding area
There are a confusing number of Red Canyons, Red Hollows and Red Mountains in Utah. This one is in the Cedar City northern mountain bike trail system, located in the hills east of Cedar City and north of Highway 14. The Red Hollow trail itself is fairly short (less than a mile), but connects to the Thor's Hideout trail at the top, and has options for loop rides around The Red Hill using the Red Mountain trail.

The pitch of the trail averages 10% (400 vertical in 0.8 miles), so it's a stiff climb from the bottom. The riding is intermediate technical except for a couple of rock plays that non-experts can step over. The new trail is very solid and flat, but with a bit of rock litter that can affect traction.

Red Hollow is a fun descent, with a broad track featuring gentle curves as it plunges down the draw. Sight lines are good, but keep your head up so you can spot hikers and climbing bikers with plenty of time.
A fun way to ride this trail is a 5-mile loop starting at the Thor's Hideout trailhead at Thunderbird Gardens. The loop will climb Thors , descend Red Hollow, link to Red Mountain , then connect back to the trailhead.
After climbing Thor's to the ridgeline, drop down Red Hollow to Highway 14. Resist the temptation to cross the creek and jump on the paved trail -- it doesn't cross the river again until you're back in town. Head 1/2 mile down the road and turn right into the small primitive and unmarked parking spot for Red Mountain . Climb the wash.

Now just turn right on the gravel road and pedal back to the trailhead.
0.0 East through opening in fence
N37 41.413 W113 02.591
0.3 R uphill (still DT) out of wash
N37 41.423 W113 02.346
(follow ST designators, see Thors page
for more details on the climb)
1.55 Fork R uphill N37 40.891 W113 02.275
(L = unfinished future trail)
1.65 Top of ridge N37 40.867 W113 02.257
Descend ST south
1.7 Connect to new Red Hollow
2.3 Bottom of canyon, R to parking
R on SR 14 N37 40.332 W113 02.233
2.8 R to Red Mountain Trail
N37 40.450 W113 02.731
3.3 Veer L on ridge, pass E route on R
N37 40.799 W113 02.721
3.4 R on traversing trail northwest
N37 40.730 W113 02.788
Descend, work north on ATV track
Keep generally R
4.2 Veer R (don't approach golf course)
N37 41.210 W113 03.013
4.3 Enter wash going northeast
N37 41.224 W113 02.965
4.4 R up gravel road N37 41.284 W113 02.935
4.8 Back at parking

On Cedar City's Main Street, turn east (towards the mountains) on Center Street, Highway 14. As you pass The Red Hill at 1.5 miles from Main Street, turn left into primitive parking. Hug the mountain edge as you pedal toward the entrance to the canyon and begin climbing.
Thunderbird Gardens TH:
When southbound on I-15, take the first Cedar City exit (the same one you'd use to head for Three Peaks) and turn left towards the mountains. The road will make a broad turn to the south to become Main Street in Cedar City. Turn left at 900 North (it will be just as you reach the cemetery on the right-hand side). When you reach the golf course buildings, the pavement ends. Keep straight ahead onto gravel road. Pass a couple of flood-control basins, driving 1.2 miles from Main Street. Park in the fenced white-gravel trailhead area and start your ride eastbound by the trail kiosk.
Camping: none
Water: none
Bathroom: none
Bike services: Cedar Cycles
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files for this trail (right-click and "Save as..."):
Loop ride as above
Area GPX multi-track file
  Eastern return Hwy 14 to Thunderbird
High-res area trail topo for printing: View topo map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Cedar City area resources