This little loop lies in the desert about 15 miles southeast of Green River. It offers a mix of beautiful slickrock, undulating red desert, and a slot canyon downhill run. The area is primarily a motorcycle paradise, but there's good stuff for mountain bikes here too. You can also do most of this loop as a variation to the east end of Mary's Trail.

Entrada is smoother than Navajo. If you step off the pedals, you'll want shoes with plenty of rubber on them to grip the rock. And NO toe spikes.
Keep right at the next fork (mile 3.9 if you started at the west end), where the alternate climbs a steep dirt face -- if you go left, you'll rejoin Red Rock, but it's not as much fun. The trails rejoin at mile 4.7.

When you reach the dirt road, you should see your car at the slickrock. If you parked at the top, turn left to make the two-mile return trip.

west end slickrock near cattleguard:
0.0 Southbound on Red Wash Road
N38 45.194 W110 01.650
1.7 Pass Red Slot trail on L
N38 44.934 W110 00.254
1.9 Ten Mile road joins on R
2.1 L on Red Butte N38 45.103 W109 59.845
2.2 Cross Enduro Loop
3.6 Drop off sandstone, L on ST
(Red Rock trail) N38 45.682 W110 00.276
3.9 Fork R (stay on Red Rock)
N38 45.447 W110 00.231
4.7 Keep R (alternate rejoins)
N38 45.284 W110 00.531
4.9 R on Red Slot N38 45.156 W110 00.651
6.0 At cattleguard, L to parking

On I-70, drive about 13 miles east of Green River. Take the Floy (175) exit. Turn right (south). The pavement rapidly turns to dirt. This is the Ruby Ranch Road At mile 4.2, turn left to Blue Hills Road. Go 3.7 miles, then turn right (south) toward Ten Mile Point. The Enduro Loop will cross a bit later, then will cross again. Drive past the sandy east entry to Mary's trail at mile 8.5 from the highway. At mile 14.1, you reach the entry to Red Butte. Park here at N38 45.194 W110 01.650, or continue to mile 16 and park in the slickrock area, retracing your vehicle's path back to Red Butte.
Water: No
Toilets: No
Camping: Primitive, White Wash area.
Nearest bike services: Moab
Single-page, printable riding guide
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
Multi-track GPX file of area
Red Butte - Red Slot loop ride track
Maps for printing:
Satellite view as above
Links to Moab area resources
Links to Price area resources