This trail is new in fall 2013. The Rattler Trail starts on the upper end of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail in Corner Canyon . It climbs south parallel to the Corner Canyon road, then forks into three options: connect uphill to the Corner Canyon Road, descend to the Ghost Falls trail near its origin, or continue uphill to Ghost Falls itself.

Rattler itself is a little over a mile in length. It runs generally uphill as it heads south into the canyon. The trail-base is broad and smooth. There are only occasional trees to block your view of the valley.

The GPS track files below include a third ride, a 9-mile loop from the Equestrian Center. It uses Corner Canyon , BST , Rattler uphill to Ghost Falls , Canyon Hollow , Rush , and Creekview.
From the BST on the north (downhill) end to Ghost Falls (just uphill from the merging of Rattler with the Ghost Falls trail) is 1.3 miles. From Ghost Falls, you can either head over to the Canyon Hollow trail on the west or continue south uphill on the upper Ghost Falls trail to the trailhead on the Corner Canyon Road.

This is a quick loop tour that will introduce you to the trail. It starts from the Coyote Hollow trailhead. Keep northeast and generally downhill in the bottom of the hollow. As you arrive at a confluence of dirt road, find the singletrack heading toward the creek. Cross the bridge and climb the Bonneville Shoreline to Aqueduct, then climb again on the BST. Fork hard right when you reach Rattler. Follow Rattler uphill, then descend to the Ghost Falls trail. (NOTE: for an extra mile, take the fork continuing uphill to Ghost Falls itself. You'll connect to Canyon Hollow further uphill.) Quickly find your way across the creek (left, then right, then right) to descend Canyon Hollow.
0.0 East from circle N40 29.612 W111 50.328
100 feet keep straight (R = Clarks and BST)
N40 29.616 W111 50.309
0.1 Veer L (R = Canyon Hollow/Silica Pit)
N40 29.627 W111 50.288
0.2 Straight and downhill on broad trail
N40 29.667 W111 50.230 (L = Creekview)
0.3 Keep straight to ST N40 29.762 W111 50.120
100 feet, R on ST N40 29.800 W111 50.111
Cross bridge
0.7 Slight L onto broad Aqueduct Trail
N40 29.973 W111 50.129
0.8 R uphill on continuing BST
N40 30.056 W111 50.162
1.1 Hard R onto Rattler
N40 30.181 W111 50.080
1.9 Straight (R = to CC road)
N40 29.878 W111 49.754
100 feet then R downhill
2.1 L on Ghost Falls N40 29.784 W111 49.635
100 feet, then R N40 29.767 W111 49.621
(L=to Ghost Falls for longer ride)
Cross bridge, R downhill on Canyon Hollow
2.4 Keep straight (R = down to DT)
N40 29.742 W111 49.838
2.6 Cross Rush (keep straight)
N40 29.713 W111 49.925
2.9 Keep straight N40 29.632 W111 50.286
3.0 Back at trailhead

This 9-mile loop has 1200 vertical feet of climbing. It starts at the Equestrian parking on Highland and climbs Corner Canyon south to the BST (northbound). It does another 180 onto Rattler and continues to Ghost Falls. Crossing the ravine, it climbs to Canyon Hollow and turns uphill. Fork onto Brocks to the Peak View TH, then descend Rush. Go west uphill on the DT BST to Creekview and descend back to parking.
0.0 Begin climb on Corner Canyon across road
N40 30.323 W111 50.721
0.5 TH, keep R on ST (L = shortcut to Aqueduct)
N40 30.105 W111 50.385
0.6 Join DT, continue uphill N40 30.057 W111 50.328
0.9 Keep L N40 29.827 W111 50.152
100 feet then L and across bridge (BST)
N40 29.801 W111 50.097
1.3 Slight L onto broad Aqueduct Trail
N40 29.973 W111 50.129
1.4 R uphill on continuing BST
N40 30.056 W111 50.162
1.7 Hard R onto Rattler
N40 30.181 W111 50.080
2.5 Straight (R = to CC road)
N40 29.878 W111 49.754
100 feet then L and level
N40 29.863 W111 49.724
2.9 Join Ghost Falls (straight)
N40 29.756 W111 49.362
3.0 Pass falls, 100 feet then R
N40 29.743 W111 49.301
(L = upper Ghost Falls trail)
3.1 Hard L climb Canyon Hollow
N40 29.731 W111 49.423
4.0 Hard R to Brocks N40 29.540 W111 49.082
4.4 Peak View TH, R to Rush
N40 29.292 W111 49.248
4.9 R to The Trees N40 29.263 W111 49.431
5.9 Rejoin Rush N40 29.461 W111 49.437
6.6 Keep L (R=to Canyon Hollow)
N40 29.670 W111 49.583
7.3 Cross Canyon Hollow N40 29.716 W111 49.929
7.6 Out to DT then L uphill (BST)
N40 29.762 W111 50.115
7.7 R on Creekview N40 29.667 W111 50.231
8.6 Cross bridge then L N40 30.146 W111 50.502
9.0 Cross road to parking
This ride is on exposed slopes that should melt down or compact well in winter. There are several possible variations that combine Aqueduct, Sadler, Quail, and the BST. The simple route below puts the snowiest spots on the downhill and uses the gravel road for most of the climbing. Start uphill from the parking at the bottom of the Corner Canyon road. Grunt uphill all the way to where Rattler forks away. Descend Rattler to the BST. Fork L downhill. Go L again on Aqueduct. Ride Aqueduct downhill to the CC road. However... If Quail or Sadler looks relatively snow-free and interesting, climb back to the road and head uphill. This time, drop down BST to Rattler and ride a more-difficult loop in the other direction.
0.0 Uphill from CC parking N40 31.209 W111 50.099
0.2 Keep straight on road (Aqueduct crosses)
N40 31.074 W111 50.134
0.5 Stay on road (Sadler descends R)
N40 30.786 W111 50.160
0.7 Stay on road (Quail descends R)
N40 30.648 W111 50.157
1.0 Stay on road (BST TH on R)
N40 30.351 W111 50.085
1.6 R downhill on Rattler N40 29.939 W111 49.767
1.7 Hard R N40 29.879 W111 49.754
2.5 Hard L down BST N40 30.181 W111 50.080
2.8 R on Aqueduct N40 30.067 W111 50.164
(Dry day option, L = back to Gasline and BST
for connections to Ghost Falls and Canyon Hollow)
3.3 Quail on R (option) N40 30.430 W111 50.261
3.6 Sadler on R (option) N40 30.715 W111 50.241
4.0 Join CC road
4.2 Back at parking
In addition to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, two other trails link the Aqueduct Trail to the Corner Canyon road. Both descend to the southwest (going roughly parallel) which makes most riders select one or the other, instead of combining both into one ride. Both trails are sun-exposed and sandy, so there's not much worry about rutting them in the winter.

The Sadler Trail is the first trail you'll encounter when climbing uphill. It's plainly the least-loved of the two trails, as measured by the in-growth of grass. Sadler is 0.2 miles long and forks off the road at 1/2 mile uphill from the parking area.
The Quail Trail (often used as part of the Draper ICup race) drops off the Corner Canyon road at 0.7 miles. It's 0.3 miles in length.
Select one trail to ride down and one to go back up. Or not.

Corner Canyon Road: Drive east on Draper Blvd (123rd South) to 13th East. Turn right down the hill. At the traffic roundabout, to east (90 degrees left) onto Pioneer Road. Go towards the mountains to 20th East, then turn right. After 1/4 mile, turn left into the trailhead parking area and begin riding uphill on the gravel road that was immediately on your right as you entered the parking lot. (GPS N 40° 31.281' W 111° 50.081').
Bathrooms: BST trailhead, Equestrian center
Water: Equestrian center
Corner Canyon area trail overview page
Single-page riding guides for printing:
Coyote to Rattler Loop
Canyon Road Rattler Loop
Equestrian Rattler to Rush Loop
GPS track files (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
Rattler Trail BST to CC Road
Rattler to Lower Ghost Falls Trail
Rattler from BST to Ghost Falls near falls
Coyote TH to Rattler Loop
Corner Canyon Road to Rattler
Equestrian to Rattler, Canyon Hollow, Rush, Creekview Loop (9 mi)
Draper Area Trails GPX
Topo map for printing: View
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to southern SLC resources