Twist & Shout, East Lakeside Trail
The Lakeside Trail is a route that will -- one day -- go all the way around Quail Creek Lake. The western Lakeside Trail, commonly called the Quail Creek trail , is discussed on another page. This page will discuss first the south Lakeside Trail (officially called the Twist & Shout trail) then the east Lakeside trail. Together these trails go from the west Lakeside ( Rhythm and Blues ) parking to the secondary Quail Creek dam at Harrisburg Gap, a distance of 3.8 miles.
The east Lakeside trail joins the northern tip of the Cub Scout Loop of the Overlook trail system, providing a quick route to the northern scout trail loops. (See the Quail Overlook page for details on these trails.)
Twist & Shout starts on the south side of the scout camp road where it forks away from SR 318, 0.2 miles south of the Rhythm and Blues trailhead and 0.4 miles north of Highway 9. (It's the cindered road along the edge of the big chain-link fence. The trail starts on the right side of the road about 50 feet from paved SR 318.) The total distance from the 318 trailhead to the southern end of the east Lakeside trail is 1.7 miles, of which 1.2 miles is winding singletrack. And there's an alternate one-way option called Twist & Shout DH if you're heading west to east.
While the eastern Lakeside trail is quite water-tolerant, the clay on Twist & Shout gets very squishy when wet. During mid-winter and after rainstorms, I'd advise skipping the singletrack and simply riding the scout camp road to the Overlook trails.

There's a bit of sparse brush. The closest you'll come to a tree is a bit of willow where the trail dips through a seep.
The DH alternate isn't particularly hard, but it is more twisty - climby - dippy than than the main route. It's new in 2018, so it's a bit narrower and softer.

0.0 R (south) on pavement
N37 10.399 W113 24.120
0.2 L on cindered scout camp road
50 feet, then R on ST
N37 10.291 W113 24.265
0.4 Cross dirt road N37 10.210 W113 24.239
1.0 R along dirt road N37 10.229 W113 24.006
100 feet cross joining road
1.1 R on singletrack away from road
N37 10.263 W113 23.941
1.4 L on dirt road (northbound)
N37 10.213 W113 23.819
1.5 Road forks right
N37 10.287 W113 23.768
1.6 East Lakeside trail on L
N37 10.223 W113 23.709

Rhythm and Blues trailhead: On I-15 about 10 miles north of St. George, take the Hurricane (US-9) exit eastbound. Drive 2.6 miles. After descending part-way down the hill, turn left toward Quail Creek at the light (onto State Road 318). Drive another 0.5 miles north and find the broad gravel parking area on the left side of the road. The trail starts on the north (right) side of the parking area.
East Lakeside trailhead: Drive to the trailhead on the scout camp road as below.
See bottom of page for ride resources (GPS tracks, topo maps).
The East Lakeside trail temporarily joins (and will be confused with) the "Scout Trails" a.k.a. Quail Creek Overlook trails . But because it's going to be part of a lake perimeter trail, I'm discussing East Lakeside separately. See the Overlook trail page for details of the scout loop trails.

The trail is easier intermediate in technical requirement. Some tight uphill turns may be difficult for less-strong intermediates.

The trail surface is on red clay of the Red Member of the Moenkopi Formation (Triassic Period). Large fallen boulders from the Shinarump Conglomerate of the Chinle Formation litter the hillside around the trail.
Dip through the gap between the mountains. A right turn in the bottom of the dip would send you down the Wash Trail to the lower limb of the Cub Scout Loop. Climb through one turn northbound, then fork to the left to stay on the western side of the escarpment. (The trail going east heads around the mountain to the Boy Scout and Varsity Scout loops .)
Just before you reach that viewpoint, the ridge trail forks away southbound on your left. The ridge trail descends down to the Overlook Doubletrack. Might as well do it. From the bottom, you can climb back to the Lakeside trail.

Bottom Line!
Until the trail is fully built, it's not a destination trail by itself. But it's a fun addition
to the Overlook trail system and worth riding while you're there.
0.0 Find ST at NW corner of small parking zone
N37 10.220 W113 23.711
0.1 L turn onto Overlook DT
N37 10.228 W113 23.682
0.2 R uphill, leave Overlook DT
N37 10.267 W113 23.632
0.7 Keep straight (spur from DT joins L)
N37 10.432 W113 23.444
0.75 Straight (Cub Scout joins on R)
N37 10.421 W113 23.424
0.85 Across dip (R = Wash Trail)
N37 10.393 W113 23.333
0.9 L (R = Access to Scout Loops)
N37 10.400 W113 23.323
1.2 Cross Overlook DT
N37 10.651 W113 23.239
1.45 Keep R (L = Ridge Trail)
N37 10.722 W113 23.252
1.5 Overlook, straight N on ST
N37 10.743 W113 23.237
1.8 L on Overlook DT
N37 10.782 W113 23.083
2.0 L turn and cross dam
2.1 End. Go back.

Quail Overlook trailhead: Continue east on the road and drive up to the top of the little hill. Turn left into the Quail Overlook parking area.
Camping/picnic: sites south of dam.
Water: none
Bathrooms: none
Single-page riding guide to eastern Lakeside for printing
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX East Lakeside Trail
South Lakeside (Quail Connector) track
Overlook Area multi-track file
Area trails:
Quail Overlook trail page
Rhythm and Blues trail page
Quail Creek Trail
Area topo map for printing:
View Topo of Overlook Trails area
Topo of Rhythm & Blues showing South Lakeside (Connector)
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources