via East Side Ridge (Suffer-o-Rama)
You've looked at Pot Hollow, and noticed that there's a loop of singletrack trail around Mill Canyon Peak. Wow. Looks like a great add-on, doesn't it?
OK. This trail is mean. Brutal. Painful. It's only for the most skilled and strongest bikers. Still want to do it? Read on.Pot Hollow via the East Side is an 18.7-mile ride, 23.7 if you start from Cascade Springs. There will be only 2900 hundred vertical of climbing, but the steep and technical spots on the East Side Ridge Trail will beat you up. Done as described below, you can expect some short push-a-bike uphills and some spooky mountain-surfing steep downhills. And don't underestimate the difficulty of pushing your bike uphill at 9000 feet.

Staying on Ridge 157, you'll climb an extra 700 vertical feet to Rock Springs. There are fantastic views, and except for a couple of short painful steeps just past Forest Lake, it's not a bad ride at all. At least, so far.
Now it gets ugly. You'll suddenly plunge 500 vertical in less than 1/3 mile through torn-up rough switchbacks. Then it's another 3/4 mile of technical up-and-down riding. Pedal what you can; walk the rest. Then the mountain mellows a little. No, it's only toying with you. It's another plunge of 400 vertical in 1/3 mile. Then more up-and-down.

The Pot Hollow Trail forks sharply 150-degrees right downhill, just 1/2 mile from the fork at Sandy Baker Pass where you followed Ridge 157. There's an initial steep plunge, then the trail runs down the draw toward Little Deer Creek (Provo Deer Creek).

0.0 Starting from fork, go east (R if coming uphill) on Rd 220
N40 29.409 W111 31.968 - Cross creek and go uphill
0.7 Crest hill, fork L at 4-way
N40 28.858 W111 31.871
3.2 Keep straight R (L = bail to Little Deer Creek Road)
N40 30.825 W111 31.922
4.1 Pass DT connector to upper L.D.Creek
N40 31.447 W111 32.376
5.7 Turn L and continue on gravel road
N40 32.388 W111 33.189
7.3 Pole Line Pass - N40 31.900 W111 34.244
L on ST just before road turns L
7.9 Fork Right on Ridge 157
N40 31.404 W111 34.249
9.5 Keep straight (L) at Forest Lake fork
N40 30.347 W111 34.861
10.1 Keep L (R=181) - N40 30.091 W111 35.281
10.2 Keep L (R = 181 again)
11.0 Keep L (R = Holman)
N40 29.472 W111 34.938
11.2 Pass Rock Springs, Fork L onto East Side Ridge
N40 29.472 W111 34.760
11.5 Top of ridge
12.9 PLUNGE-2
14.0 Keep L uphill
15.2 Fork hard R downhill - Pot Hollow Trail!
N40 31.113 W111 33.981
16.8 R on DT (Little Deer Creek Road)
N40 30.978 W111 32.585
17.7 Fork L (R = into Little Deer Creek campground)
18.1 Pass exit from L.D.C. campground
18.7 Back at fork

Drive to the top of the Alpine Loop, either from the North Fork of Provo Canyon (past Sundance and Aspen Grove) or from American Fork Canyon. Just 1/4 mile east of the summit, turn east on Road 24 (Cascade Scenic Drive). Drive 7 miles. Just before Cascade Springs, the paved road takes a hard right turn. Turn left onto a gravel road here, labeled "Wasatch Mountain State Park" and "Little Deer Creek Campground." Drive uphill 2.5 miles to the fork in the road. You can park at the side of the road and start the ride here, or proceed straight to Little Deer Creek Campground (fee required) and start the ride there.
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