(Little Deer Creek Loop)
The Pot Hollow trail is a short singletrack descent from Pole Line Pass into the Little Deer Creek valley. (Note: the official name is "Provo Deer Creek" but nobody around here calls it that.) Overall, it's intermediate technical, with a couple of short trickier downhill sections that are easy to walk for less-aggressive riders. It can be done as a shuttled downhill or as a loop ride.
Some riders may want to park at Cascade Springs and ride 2.5 miles up to the road fork, which would make the total ride 17 miles with 2700 feet climbing.

The singletrack starts at Pole Line Pass and drops to Sandy Baker Pass, were you fork left. After another 1/2 mile, you fork left again and drop steeply down to Big Spring. Then the singletrack gets mellow as you drop toward Little Deer Creek (Provo Deer Creek).

(1) Just after starting the singletrack, you'll encounter a section of very soft sandy trail. Because it's fairly steep downhill, it's very easy to endo by digging in the front tire.
(2) When Pot Hollow (Trail 37) goes left downhill off the East Side Ridge Trail, there's about 1/4 mile of steep (20% slope). If the surface is loose, it requires good handling skills, off-the-seat technique, and braking control.
Want a really tough ride? Want to show everybody how mean a biker you really are? Or, maybe just really suffer? Instead of dropping 1/2 mile from Sandy Baker Pass to the trail fork, go all the way around Mill Canyon Peak first. At the first fork in the singletrack, go right and take Ridge 157 to Rock Spring. Then climb over the ridge and come back on the East Side Ridge Trail. This adds about 7 miles and 900 feet of climbing to the ride, on some very vicious and difficult technical singletrack. This ride is really sick, and only a total idiot would do it. So naturally, I've made a trail page for that route. Who knows, you just might be up to the challenge.
[Click here to link to Pot Hollow via East Side Ridge trail page]

Little Deer Creek Campground road:
0.0 Starting from fork, go east (R if coming uphill) on Rd 220
N40 29.409 W111 31.968
Cross creek and go uphill
0.7 Crest hill, fork L at 4-way
N40 28.858 W111 31.871
3.2 Keep straight R (L = bail to Little Deer Creek Road)
N40 30.825 W111 31.922
4.1 Pass DT connector to upper L.D.Creek
N40 31.447 W111 32.376
5.7 Turn L and continue on gravel road
N40 32.388 W111 33.189
7.3 Pole Line Pass
N40 31.900 W111 34.244
L on ST just before road turns L
7.9 Left at fork onto trail 37
N40 31.404 W111 34.249
8.5 Left downhill on Pot Hollow Trail
N40 31.113 W111 33.981
10.0 R on DT (Little Deer Creek Road)
N40 30.978 W111 32.585
10.9 Fork L (R = into Little Deer Creek campground)
11.5 Pass exit from L.D.C. campground
12.0 Back at fork
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files and route (right-click and "Save as..."):
High-res topo map (800 KB): view
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