The Pipe Dream Trail runs along the steep slope just below the cliffs on the southwest corner of the Moab Valley. It's 4.7 miles in length and can be done as an out-and-back of 9.4 miles, or as an 8.2-mile loop ride by including the Pipeline Trail. You can also make a road return via US 191 and Kane Creek Blvd.

You can reach the trail easily from city streets for a north-to-south trip. But there's no obvious trailhead or parking. South of Kane Creek Blvd there are multiple connectors from city streets to the Pipeline, and many connectors from Pipeline to Pipe Dream. To ride Pipe Dream, always fork uphill.

At the northeast corner of the parking is the Pipeline trail. There are a couple of lovely singletrack connectors on the northern edge of the parking lot that head north to the doubletrack Pipeline. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
In a couple of wash-crossings, it was possible to drop a tire into off-angle cracks between two pavers. No biggie -- just watch where you're going.

The video can give you a better idea of how techy the rockwork can be. This is an advanced-level trail; not for newbs.
0.0 West on Pipe Dream N38 31.892 W109 31.039
2.6 Stay L uphill (R = to Pipeline) N38 33.028 W109 32.610
Construction detour:
R downhill, L at next fork
R on Pipeline N38 33.098 W109 32.594
3.4 Stay L uphill (R = to Pipeline) N38 33.340 W109 32.888
4.2 Stay L uphill (R = Pipeline detour rejoins)
N38 33.655 W109 33.327
R downhill for loop return via Pipeline
4.5 R downhill (L=optional connection to Kane Crk Blvd)
N38 33.805 W109 33.570
4.7 At street N38 33.889 W109 33.433
Road return: R then L and ride to Kane Crk Blvd
R on Kane Crk, R on US 191
8.9 Back at parking

On Main Street (US 191) in Moab, head south. At Kane Creek Blvd (McDonalds on corner), zero your odometer and drive 3.2 miles south on 191. Watch for a small Hidden Valley Trailhead sign on your right. Turn right on Angel Rock Road. Follow this road uphill and turn right on Rim Rock Lane at the T intersection. Continue to the trailhead parking, 1/2 mile from the highway. The Pipe Dream trail is in the southwest (uphill) corner of the parking area near the trail signs. (Don't be suckered into taking one of the northbound trails -- they go to the doubletrack Pipeline trail.)
In the map at right, the Pipe Dream trail is shown in green.
Bathrooms: Moab Rim TH (loop)
Camping: Multiple, primitive or pay, but none near trailhead
Water: none at trailhead
Bike services: many, see link below
Doc Allen: In south Moab, turn onto Kane Creek Blvd. Turn left on Aspen Avenue. At the T intersection, turn right on Doc Allen Drive and spot the trail 100 feet later on the uphill side of the street. Find a spot to park. (Note that at the time of this writing, there are NO parking areas at any of the access points for the northern end of the trail. Many are on private property.)
Kane Creek Blvd: On Kane Creek Blvd, as you approach 500 West (the stop sign), note a trail heading steeply west uphill on your left. Shortly after passing the 500 West intersection, there's a southbound trail, also on the left side of the road.
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX all area trails
Pipe Dream only
w Construction Detour
Loop ride with Moab Rim and Hidden Valley (fool!)
Topo maps for printing:
Pipe Dream
Include Moab Rim
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Moab area resources