Pine Hollow also the uppermost trailhead for winter riding. The winter gates are located just uphill from the Pine Hollow trailhead. So this is the spot to park if you're headed to the summit on your fat bike.

If you don't like stiff climbing on a narrow trail, you can always ride up the road to the "T" and head into the Timpooneke campground. Because the Timpanooke trailhead is often completely full on weekends, many riders park at Pine Hollow and ride up the road to the Salamander Flat trail 150 .

If you're heading for the Ridge trail or Tibble Fork , Deer Creek South Fork , or Mill Canyon , continue uphill on Pine Hollow.

The grunt slope lasts about 2/10ths of a mile. During that time, you'll gain 200 vertical feet.

If you go further south toward the summit trailhead, you'll hit some very steep and rough trail. It's likely you'll do some push-a-bike, but whatever.
Or you can stay on Ridge 157 all the way to Pole Line Pass, then drop down the gravel North Fork road and connect back to Pine Hollow with 4.5 miles of pavement.

Tibble Fork
Deer Creek South Fork
Bear Canyon
Mill Canyon
Mud Springs
Ridge 157
AF Canyon Overlook
Steep trail. As an uphill it's best reserved for strong legs and lungs. As a downhill, it's a fairly direct plunge back to the trailhead, with some narrow areas on steep sideslope -- in the oak brush -- that make passing difficult.
Great place to start when other trailheads are overflowing with cars.

From I-15, take the Alpine-Highland exit just south of Point-of-the-Mountain. Go east towards the mountains on UT-92 and continue up American Fork Canyon. There's a $6 fee per car (as of 2018). About 6 miles up the canyon, turn left at the North Fork junction and drive 2 miles to Tibble Fork Reservoir. (While riding the loop, you'll ride up the South Fork from this same junction.) Or park at the junction and end your ride with a 2-mile road cruise from the reservoir.
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files and route (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX Pine Hollow to Tibble Fork ride
American Fork Canyon multi-track area file
Area multi-trail topo map for printing: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to north Utah County resources