Mantua Reservoir is a small scenic lake at the town of Mantua, a few miles up the canyon from Brigham City. The dike trail is a broad cindered path along the water's edge. The length is 4.2 miles, and the ride is absolutely flat and very easy. The ride is suitable for families with baby-trailers and even training wheels.

The southwest trailhead is the main boat-launch facility. In addition to bathrooms, there's a shaded pavilion. Parking may be in short supply at this trailhead on summer weekends.

On the eastern side, trees line the space between dike and water. There are frequent peeks at pelicans, loons, and ducks.

Exit I-15 at the first Brigham City exit (to Logan and US-91). Head east toward the mountains, and keep straight as you cross the main road into Brigham City and join US-89 heading up Sardine Canyon. From the freeway, drive 4.5 miles to the second Mantua (600 North) exit. Turn right, then right again on main street. The first trailhead (TH#1) is immediately on your left. As you pass the boat launch (TH#2), turn left and climb onto the dike N41 29.999 W111 56.522. Now drive 0.9 miles to the east and park in the paved parking area of TH#3 (N41 29.793 W111 55.562).
Camping: Mountain View campground, SE corner of
Water: Boat launch
Bathrooms: All three trailheads.
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files and route (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX track dike trail
GPX Eagle Rise loop
Multi-track file
Maps for printing:
High-Resolution Topo
Area Trails PDF
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Logan area resources