Manti Race Loop, Milk & Cookies, Prolific Loop
Just outside of Manti, there's nine miles of singletrack trail near Gunnison Reservoir. The riding area is officially called "Manti West." The 5.7-mile Manti Race Loop will be of most interest here. There's a second 1.2-mile loop called Prolific, connected to the main loop area by a one-mile traversing trail called Milk and Cookies.

Officially, you start the ride on the main gravel road at the far end of the day use area. Find the spot where the finish-line doubletrack joins the main road at the base of a hill. You'll ride south and uphill on the "shake-out sprint" of the main road. Climb 0.4 miles and 100 vertical feet up the road (keeping to the right when a smaller gravel road forks away on your left). Here the singletrack entry is marked by a carsonite post on the left side of the road.
The trail is well-engineered with swooping banked turns and a generously-wide riding surface.

Dirt-road crossings usually are well-marked with carsonite posts on both sides. But there are two spots where the trail joins doubletrack with non-marked road forks. If it's not obvious from recent tire tracks, you'll need to think about where the next stretch of singletrack must be, and navigate the road forks by faith.
As the trail enters a complex set of branching gravel roads, keep to the right. Turn right (east) as you hit the main day-use area gravel road at mile 1.8. Then fork left uphill after 1/10th mile and climb 50 yards to find the continuing singletrack on your right.

The trail curves around to head south and joins a narrow doubletrack that runs parallel to the main road at mile 4.5.

At mile 4.8 the doubletrack itself joins the main road, but the race loop veers off to the left on singletrack.
Keep right and climb the gravel road back to the main road where you started the loop.

The northernmost of the two connecting trails is the official entry to the loop, climbing 100 yards to join the loop northbound. (The second trail about 100 yards south is the exit from the warm-up loop.)

If you arrived at the loop via Milk and Cookies, you'll first descend 1/4 mile on the downhill side of the loop, then turn left uphill on the doubletrack to begin the climb.

From US-89 in Manti, turn west just south of the temple to get onto 500 North westbound. Drive west on 500 North, and after 1.7 miles it will become gravel River Road and turn to head northwest. At mile 2.8 from US-89, fork to the left to head south. At the fork at mile 3.3, turn R to head west. The road will then turn to the south again at mile 3.9. At mile 6.6 you may note the bottom of the Prolific Loop on your right as the road turns a bit to climb a small rise. The road then continues south. At mile 7.4, keep straight as a road forks to the left (heading for the Day Use Area). You'll spot trails on both sides of the road here, but keep going. At mile 7.7 as the road approaches a climb, there's a spot to park on your left, just as another dirt road joins on the left. (The smaller road on the left is the finish-line sprint for the race, and the main road is the shake-out sprint to start the race loop.)
Note that, as of 2021, there are NO road signs to guide you to the riding area from Manti. And no "you have arrived" or "park here" signs. You'll need to follow the instructions above!
Camping: no
Water: none
Bathroom: none
GPS track files and route (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX multi-track file
Map above for printing: View map in new window
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to south Utah County resources