The Klonzo Trail system is non-motorized singletrack designed for mountain biking. It lies east of the Sovereign / Salt Wash trail system near the border of Arches National Park. The trailhead is on Willow Springs Road 10 miles north of Moab. This page covers the south trails, which were finished in fall 2014 (additional information for beginners and children is found on the Klonzo Beginner Slickrock page). For riding north of Willow Springs Road, see the Klonzo North page.

Configuration: Loop ride in the flat slickrock area on the south end. Marked with dark yellow stripes.
Connections: Reached via Connector 4x4 (0.4 miles from Willow Springs Rd) or by spurs from Midway trail at mile 0.4 and 0.6. Gypsy, Magician, and Wizard are contained within this loop.
Character: Very easy smooth slickrock and easy singletrack
Length: 1 mile
Link to Klonzo Beginner Slickrock page

Configuration: Broad path for bikes and vehicles, extending southeast and downhill from Houdini parking. Marked with white paint stripes. (The red stripes alongside the white paint on the upper trail mark the climbing route to the top of Redhot.)
Connections: Starts at trailhead of Zoltar, Houdini, and Redhot. Redhot leaves after 200 feet. Houdini crosses at 0.3 miles. Ends at parking area on northeast corner of Carousel loop.
Character: smooth doubletrack on slickrock and dirt, beginner-level riding
Length: 0.5 mile

Configuration: Short slickrock trail cutting across southern side of Carousel Loop. Marked with reddish-purple stripes.
Connections: Ends on Carousel at both sides
Character: Smooth beginner-level slickrock with a bit of dirt.
Length: 0.2 mile

Configuration: East-west easier trail joins west end of Houdini to The Edge trail just south of main trailhead. Used as quick access to Redhot. Marked with light purple.
Connections: Forks off The Edge 0.1 miles south of Willow Creek Road (backtracking on spur from main parking), crosses Midway at mile 0.6. Crosses Redhot on short bit of two-way at mile 0.7, route continues uphill on Houdini then Connector 4x4.
Character: Winding dirt singletrack, beginner-level technical.
Length: 0.7 mile

Configuration: Long U-shaped route extends south on undulating slickrock on east side of area. Marked with royal blue.
Connections: East side starts at Willow Springs Rd at Zoltar and Redhot TH, after completing the deep "U" it returns to the Connector 4x4, crosses and ends on a short two-way section in Redhot.
Character: Fun rolling slickrock with occasional sand patches between. Easier clockwise, more fun counter-clockwise.
Length: 1.8 mile

Configuration: Short route connecting the two sides of the Carousel loop, running east-west. Lies between Gypsy and Wizard. Marked in pale purple.
Connections: Begins and ends on Carousel loop. Splits off northeast Carousel just past the Wizard fork, about 200 feet south of the fenced parking.
Character: Smooth slickrock, a bit of dirt singletrack. Very easy riding, beginner-level.
Length: 0.3 mile

Configuration: Runs southbound from Willow Springs Rd, providing connections to multiple trails in the center of the system. Marked in turquoise.
Connections: Starts at its own TH on Willow Springs Rd. Crosses Hotdog at 0.1, reaches 5-way at 0.3 with end of Redhot, beginning of The Edge and Roller Coaster. Spur to Carousel at 0.4 and at 0.6, Roller Coaster joins a few feet later. Zephyr (route to Brand Trails) at 0.7, ends on southeast corner of Topspin loop.
Character: Rolling dirt singletrack, easier-intermediate
Length: 0.8 miles, plus two 0.1-mile spurs

Configuration: One-way singletrack undulating westbound. Marked with red stripes.
Connections: Starts at the Houdini parking on the 4x4 connector, leaves after 200 feet. Briefly joins Houdini, forks left as Houdini becomes Hotdog. Ends at intersection with Midway, but one-way continues as Roller Coaster.
Character: One-way narrow snaking singletrack, mostly downhill. Frequent dirt-bump jump opportunities. Upper-intermediate tech.
Length: 0.6 mile

Configuration: One-way twisting dirt ribbon heading southwest from 5-way intersection on Midway -- forms continuous one-way route from Redhot.
Connections: Starts at mile 0.3 of Midway or mile 0.6 of Redhot. Receives short connector from Topspin at mile 0.4. Joins Midway near the south end.
Character: Twisting, up-and-down narrow singletrack with dirt-bump jump opportunities. Intermediate-advanced tech.
Length: 0.6 mile

Configuration: Two-way trail joins the main (west) trailhead to the 4-way of Midway and Roller Coaster/Redhot.
Connections: Starts southbound on Willow Creek Rd across from the spur to the main parking lot, ends on Midway at 5-way (end of Redhot and beginning of Roller Coaster).
Character: Easier-intermediate dirt singletrack.
Length: 0.6 mile

Configuration: Loop ride, west side runs along top of ridge north-south, east side hugs skirts of mesa.
Connections: Enter loop from the north on The Edge 0.6 miles from parking, or from the south at the end of Midway. East side of loop offers connection into the midpoint of Roller Coaster.
Character: Dirt and rock. Some climbing (not steep), a few short spots flirting with advanced tech. Nice views from the ridgeline. Upper-intermediate overall.
Length: 1.3 mile

Configuration: Short route connecting the two sides of the Carousel loop, running east-west. Lies north of Wizard. Marked in dark red-purple.
Connections: Begins and ends on Carousel loop. East end lies a few feet south of fenced parking on Carousel.
Character: Smooth slickrock, a bit of dirt singletrack. Very easy riding, beginner-level.
Length: 0.2 mile

Configuration: Connector trail joining south Klonzo to the Brand Trails.
Connections: Forks left just before end of Midway at south end of Klonzo, passes through Arches National Park, ends on north end of Bar M trail in the Brand system..
Character: Mostly doubletrack w some rock surface, a couple of loose wash crossings. Singletrack north of park border. Easy riding except for wandy wash crossings and loose surface on singletrack.
Length: 4 miles
Link to Zephyr trail page

Configuration: Joins the top of Borderline to the east end of Houdini
Connections: Borderline, Houdini
Character: Rolling rock, intermediate in difficulty
Length: 1 miles

This route can be done either direction, although I describe a clockwise path. You can also interrupt it to play around on the beginner-level trails in the Carousel area before continuing on. This ride is 7.0 miles, mostly on intermediate-level trail.

0.0 Main parking, east (right) on Borderline
N38 42.129 W109 39.131
0.4 Parking, continue east on Borderline
N38 42.195 W109 38.743
0.6 Keep R on Borderline (L = Cross Canyon)
N38 42.275 W109 38.724
1.0 5-way, R on Zoltar N38 42.524 W109 38.555
1.6 Cross Willow Springs Rd to Houdini
N38 42.077 W109 38.240
3.4 Veer L to join red/white path
N38 41.964 W109 38.487
R uphill on ST N38 41.956 W109 38.505
3.5 Join Redhot, stay left (R = Hotdog)
N38 41.967 W109 38.545
3.7 2nd trail L to Roller Coaster
N38 41.920 W109 38.743
4.1 Pass connector to Topspin
N38 41.847 W109 38.878
N38 41.691 W109 38.875
4.35 Keep R (L = Zephyr) N38 41.670 W109 38.868
4.4 L on Topspin N38 41.654 W109 38.928
5.2 Keep R (L = to The Edge)
N38 41.895 W109 38.907
5.3 Keep R (L = to Roller Coaster)
N38 41.852 W109 38.888
5.7 L on Midway N38 41.654 W109 38.928
5.8 Cross wash, keep L (R = to Carousel)
N38 41.696 W109 38.871
6.1 Keep straight (R = to Carousel)
N38 41.819 W109 38.762
6.3 2nd L on The Edge N38 41.920 W109 38.743
6.7 Keep L (R = Hotdog) N38 42.004 W109 39.137
6.9 Cross road to DT N38 42.097 W109 39.155
7.0 Back in parking

Western (main Klonzo) Trailhead: Willow Springs Road forks east off Highway 191 18 miles south of I-70 and about 10 miles north of Moab (1.8 miles north of the junction with Highway 313 (to Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point). Turn onto Willow Springs Road. Keep straight as spurs go to camping areas. At mile 1.4, turn left to cross Courthouse Wash (may not be passable in wet weather). At mile 2.0 pass the Sovereign Trail parking area, a flat area outlined in rocks on the left (north) side of the road N 38° 41.876' W 109° 39.868', with a natural gas pump building on the right. At mile 2.7, turn left off Willow Springs Road onto a small doubletrack. 100 feet later, park and begin your ride. The trail on the left takes you clockwise and immediately to the slickrock.
Eastern (Borderline) TH: Keep going on Willow Springs Road past the west trailhead. At mile 3.0 from US 191, turn left on doubletrack. Drive 0.2 miles to a small area of slickrock. The trail to the left goes toward the western trailhead. Right climbs up for a counterclockwise loop.
Dinosaur Tracks: Not really a mountain bike trailhead, but if you're not pedaling past, it's worth a visit. Head for the Midway Trailhead as above. Drive past Midway as the road climbs. 1/4 mile past the Midway Trailhead, the road curves around a cleared area on sandstone, and you'll see a sign on your right explaining the tracks.
Redhot (Houdini) Trailhead: On Willow Springs Road, pass the spur to the main trailhead and keep right at the fork in the road, passing the spur to the second (Borderline) trailhead. Pass the Midway trailhead and the Dino tracks. A mile past the main trailhead, there's a cable fence on your right. The Zoltar trail is on your left and Houdini is on the right. There's enough room here for a car or two, but be sure you aren't blocking access to the 4x4 route to the left of the Houdini trail entrance.
Carousel Trailhead: This is a good starting point for young children (including stroll-a-bikes) and very out-of-shape true beginners. Go to the Redhot trailhead as above. Now turn 150 degrees hard right and descend the broad path marked with white and red stripes. The red stripes will head up onto singletrack, leaving only white stripes. A half-mile after leaving Willow Springs Road, the path will enter a parking area outlined by a post-and-cable fence. Park here. The trail passes directly through this parking area on each side.
Brand Trailhead (pedal by bicycle): See the Zephyr Trail page.
Single-page riding
guide (Intermediate TOUR above)
See also:
Klonzo North page
slickrock page
Gravitron page
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX individual tracks
Intermediate TOUR track
Maps for printing:
Trail Mix
Map (updated 11/1/14 for new trails)
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to Moab area resources
Bathrooms and Water: None at Sovereign or Klonzo
Camping: Primitive spots along Willow Springs
Road. Commercial camping across from 313
Nearest supplies: Gas and quick-stop on 191 across
from 313, 1.7 miles south of Willow Springs road.