June's Bottom lies inside the Labyrinth Canyon Wilderness south of the town of Green River. The ATV track has been "grandfathered in" as a narrow corridor within the wilderness. The vast slickrock areas that formerly made this riding area attractive are not legal to ride. What remains is a 10-mile out-and-back on ATV track that I cannot, in good conscience, recommend.

June's Bottom is located about seven miles south of Bull Bottom , an area of slickrock along the Green River on the edge of the wilderness where some of the slickrock lies outside the wilderness area.
The doubletrack is around 5 miles in length. It's a narrow corridor that lies within the wilderness area. As I interpret the BLM map, you start on the sandy dirt road for around a mile, then veer left to the west side of the mesa. (This connection is NOT shown on my map.) The legal route ends around the spot where the ATV track turns to the right and southbound for what used to be the return trip.

Campgrounds: Green River State Park 30 miles away
Water: None
Bathrooms: None
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
GPX tracks of entire area Note that GPS tracks were created before the wilderness designation, and include paths that are not legal to ride!
Maps for printing:
Satellite view as above (but higher res)
Roads from Green River
Lodging, camping, shops:
Links to Moab area resources
Links to Price area resources