View north along Jenni's Trail as the maples turn red in the September sunshine. Photos and trail description by Bruce based on a ride on September 19, 2012.
Jenni's TrailJenni's Trail extends from the Park City Mountain Resort (PCMR) northern parking lot to the
top of the Payday Lift. The trail is new in 2012. It's 5.1 miles in length,
rising 1300 vertical
feet from 6900 to 8200 feet elevation.
The most obvious ride for many Park City visitors will be sitting on the chairlift uphill then
coasting down Jenni's Trail on your bike. (As of 2013, the lower 1.2 miles
of singletrack is
climbing-only. You'll need to make the final descent on
Crescent Mine
, which ends right across from Jenni.) But for most of us, what Jenni's gives is a nice climbing
route from PCMR to the higher mountain. The Steps Trail,
, and
are right there.

View southwest in the northern PCMR parking lot, right where everybody parks to ride Spiro. The arrow points to the starting point of Jenni's Trail.

We're looking back, so I can show the start of the trail. Note the trellis and the paved trail turning to dirt (the paved part turns and heads uphill along the fence).
The trail base is wide and smooth. Most of it -- about 95% -- is suitable for experienced beginners.
But the section that follows the old narrow singletrack from
Loose Moose
to the tailings (old PC riders know where this is) is steeper and has a couple of tricky spots
that beginners and early-intermediates will hike.
The trail sends a short connector to the midpoint of the lift at the top of the Alpine Slide.
This is a good turn-around point for beginners riding up-and-back.

Heading across the lower beginner ski slope as we begin our adventure.

Maples mix with aspens as we climb higher on the mountain.
Jenni's makes a nice uphill for some short but satisfying loop rides. There's the obvious northbound
loop via Midmountain to descend
and connect back to the trailhead via Silver Spur. This ride is 11.6 miles.
There are many different loop options southbound via Johns, Johns99, or Midmountain. Note that
using Johns Trail turns the ride into advanced technical.
I love any excuse to descend Johns Trail. But the multiple connections back to Jenni's are
confusing and not well marked. Your options (top to bottom) are
Loose Moose
, Billy's Bypass, and Flat Cable. Chances are, you'll simply blunder your way back from Johns
by trying any trail heading west around the mountain. If you have a specific
route in mind,
use a GPS track or go with an experienced PC rider.

Looking southwest. You can see the continuing trail on the ski slope in the middle of the photo. The climbing rate is easy.

The trail goes in and out of aspen groves as it crosses ski slopes.
First, the hardest part. Finding the bottom of the trail.
From the parking lot, look southwest at the notch between the condos and the little hill. (See
2nd photo above.) The trail will start just before and to the right of
the ski lift. See the
little trellis/scaffold thingy? That's where the trail starts. (2012.
Things change.)
Get on the gravel road heading toward the ski lift. The first singletrack you pass is Silver
Spur on your right. Don't turn uphill yet. Keep going until you hit the
pavement by the trellis.
Now fork hard right up the paved trail. As the trail turns left, keep
going straight onto dirt
singletrack. You're on Jenni's.

Higher on the mountain, fir forest mixes in with aspen and maple.

Skier's-eye view from the trail as we look north.
A quarter-mile later, you'll cross a gravel lift road. At mile 1.4, you'll cross the
Cresent Mine Grade
(CMG) singletrack. Keep straight and uphill.
The next navigation hazard is at mile 2.7 near the top of the Alpine Slide. Loose Moose, Billy's
Bypass, Flat Cable, and the ski lift connector trail get tangled up here.
Take your first opportunity
to turn hard right uphill. There's a trail sign at the intersection, but
the direction to ride
may not be obvious.At mile 3.4, keep straight as a faint ST (Loose Moose)
comes in from the left.
Options! At mile 4.7, the trail hits a broad
gravel ridge where multiple dirt roads intersect. From right to left:
1. Right uphill and RIGHT of the little building takes you to Steps or
2. Right uphill and LEFT of the building takes you to Midmountain.
3. Straight ahead then downhill takes you toward the Silver King Mine and
Johns 99.
4. Veering slightly left, then up doubletrack on the right side of the hill
takes you directly to Johns.
5. Across Drift Road to the singletrack -- 90 degrees to your left -- is the
continuing final portion of Jenni's.

Heading across a ski slope toward the next grove of trees.

John's Trail. This expert loop is a twisting aspen-dodging adventure. Beginners and less-daring intermediates should opt for the Midmountain to Spiro loop.
Let's assume you want to ride the loop via Johns, but want
to finish Jenni's first. Turn left to cross Drift Road. Aim for the
singletrack. It's just to the left of the road heading eastbound up the ridge
-- the access road to the top of Payday, which you'll join in
another 1/4 mile.
Again! Any ride descending
Johns must be considered expert or advanced-intermediate level.At the top of Jenni's singletrack, turn left on the lift road and head
uphill 100 yards to the top of the Payday lift. Veer right and turn almost
180 degrees. Spot the broad trail just to the right of the small building.
Coast downhill about 200 feet, then turn hard left onto Johns singletrack
(mile 5.2).
As you descend Johns, the first fork is at mile 6.3. Turn right. (Left takes you to the ski
slope and the faint Trestle Trail.)
Two turns later, the next fork at mile 6.5 is the 4:20 Trail. Go left. One more turn, and you'll
hit a fork on a flat old road-grade at mile 6.6. This is your first loop
option. Fork left.
As you come out onto the ridge near Drift Road, keep right and flat at
the singletrack trail
fork. Follow Loose Moose westbound until it dumps you onto Jenni's. Turn
right and head downhill
toward home.

Handlebar view as we twist down Johns. Tight squeezes, tight turns, and roots rooots roooots.

An easier turn on Johns.
Next option: On the old road-grade at mile 6.6, go right. Then turn 90 degrees left to continue
downhill on Johns (straight ahead will connect you to 4:20). At mile 6.8,
fork left on another
old flat road-grade. You're now on Sweeney's. Keep straight past the uphill
connector to Sweeney's
last gasp. As you approach a narrow open ski lane, keep straight ahead
and traverse around
the ridge. (You've just left Sweeney's, which turned hard right downhill
Descend the turns of Billy's Bypass (or upper Flat Cable, depending on who you ask). When you
approach the clump of aspens above the Alpine Slide, keep straight-ish
until you blunder onto
Jenni's in the aspens. Now fork hard right downhill (straight ahead goes
back up the hill!).
Make the 180 left turn at the fork with the lift connector trail, and
head downhill. Remember
to turn hard right onto Crescent Mine Grade at the cross-over -- Lower
Jenni's is climbing-only.

Best option for intermediates and advanced beginners: Head north on Midmountain. See the description below.

In a maple grove at the bottom of Spiro, where Silver Spur will take us back to the resort parking.
Another option: Instead of forking off Sweeney's as per option two above, continue downhill
on north Sweeney's to the Flat Cable fork (also on a flattish old road-grade).
Keep left and
uphill on Flat Cable. You'll climb through a few turns along the Alpine
Slide until you join
Billy's Bypass near the aspen clump as described above.
Option for intermediates: Jenni's to Spiro Loop, 11.5 milesRide up to the saddle at mile 4.7 as described above. Turn right, and go on the right side
of the little building. Climb uphill on a broad trail. Keep straight past
the southbound Midmountain
Trail on your left. Fork right on northbound Midmountain at mile 4.9.
Stay on Midmountain to mile 7.8, then fork right downhill on Spiro. Stay on Spiro past Ham
and Eagle. As you near the bottom, fork right on Silver Spur at mile 10.8.
Cross the lift road.
When you reach the resort, turn left downhill and head for the parking

Inside an aspen grove.
Ride description, Jenni's lariat loop with
0.0 Wire gate north of condos, west uphill
0.06 Pass Silver Spur, keep straight
N40 39.095 W111 30.528
0.1 Hard R uphill, paved trail
N40 39.043 W111 30.524
Keep straight onto dirt
0.3 Cross lift road N40 38.990 W111 30.656
1.4 Straight (R) to cross CMG
N40 38.639 W111 30.887
2.7 Fork hard R to stay on Jenni's
N40 38.567 W111 30.474
(straight = to lift or
Flat Cable)
3.4 Keep straight (L = Loose Moose)
N40 38.378 W111 30.434
4.7 Veer L, cross DT to ST
N40 37.956 W111 30.727
5.0 L on DT N40 38.058 W111 30.577
5.1 R 150 degrees at
N40 38.090 W111
go R of building
5.2 Hard L on Johns N40 38.019 W111 30.566
6.3 Fork R (L = to Trestle) N40 38.345 W111 30.242
6.5 Fork L (R = 4:20) N40 38.411 W111 30.200
6.6 Fork L (R = continue Johns)
N40 38.436 W111
6.7 Keep straight (hard L = Sweeney's)
N40 38.494 W111
6.8 Keep R and level N40 38.446 W111 30.359
6.9 R and downhill on Jenni's
N40 38.378 W111
7.5 Keep L, then hard L
N40 38.567 W111
(straight = to
8.8 Hard R onto CMG
N40 38.639 W111
10.2 Back at parking

Map of Jenni's area
Getting there:
In Park City, follow the signs to Park City Mountain Resort. As you see the first parking area,
turn in and park there. Look to the southwest (toward the main resort.
Pedal toward the spot
where the parking lot meets the condos. As you reach a wire gate, the
gravel doubletrack that
heads uphill toward the Alpine Slide is the beginning of our ride.