The JEM Doubletrack (JEM DT) is a dirt road along the northern skirts of Gooseberry Mesa. It was the uphill part of the old classic JEM loop ride. It connects eastern Goosebumps to the JEM upper trailhead.
Because upper JEM is now downhill-only, the DT is again being used as a climbing route. It's also found new life as a downhill for a loop route that combines Goosebumps and upper Dead Ringer (with a side tour of More Cowbell .)

In the east you'll see the sandstone cliffs of Zion National Park. The monoliths are Navajo Sandstone from the Jurassic Period.
To the left the escarpment breaks to a broad valley, with the granite Pine Valley Mountains in the background.

At mile 3.2, the dirt road pulls leftward and out of the wash. At the crest of this little hill, Goosebumps crosses.
(1) Straight on DT, which takes you down to Sheep Bridge Road. From here you can go left to Highway 59 or (1/3 mile before reaching 59) to catch JEM to Dead Ringer for the uphill climb to the TH.
(2) Left on Goosebumps for a very nice loop ride, using the uphill third of Dead Ringer for the final climb. This option is for riders with at least intermediate skills.
(3) Right on the Goosebumps downhill to Cryptobionic or Sheep Bridge Road.

Older children should be able to manage the right turn onto lower Goosebumps down to Sheep Bridge Road. If in doubt, stay on the dirt road.

0.0 Cross cattle extruder, straight on DT
N37 08.348 W113 14.522
1.0 Viewpoint spur out-and-back on L
N37 09.085 W113 14.457
2.7 Left downhill N37 09.537 W113 13.422
3.2 Left on Goosebumps ST
N37 09.747 W113 13.599
5.1 Keep L on Goosebumps (R = Crypto)
N37 09.782 W113 14.519
5.3 Keep L (temporary split)
7.1 Cross JEM to Dead Ringer
N37 09.111 W113 15.109
7.2 Keep L and uphill
N37 09.035 W113 15.086
8.3 Keep straight (L = More Cowbell)
N37 08.410 W113 14.743
8.6 Keep straight (R) N37 08.487 W113 14.648
9.0 At DT, R to TH

Upper JEM trailhead: In Hurricane, turn south on US-59 (towards the Grand Canyon). Drive exactly 5 miles uphill. Turn left on cindered doubletrack right as you approach the base of Gooseberry Mesa. Drive another 0.3 miles to the parking area and head northeast on JEM.. N 37 08.329' W 113 14.527'
Highway 59 Sheep Bridge Rd: Drive toward the upper JEM trailhead on Highway 59 as above. But at mile 3.3 (while still on the flat area), turn left on gravel road. Immediately park on the right, just inside the fence. Pedal 0.4 miles northeast to where the JEM singletrack crosses. Navigate to your destination trail.
Hurricane Hill trailhead: As above, turn south in Hurricane on US-59 Follow the road uphill 0.9 miles, then turn left into the trailhead parking near the cell phone towers. GPS N 37 10.740' W 113 16.601', Alt=3650'. The Hurricane Rim trail begins along the fence, heading northeast. To get to Gould's, roll down the highway (caution!) 0.1 miles then veer left to the steep doubletrack.
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
JEM DT only
DT - Goosebumps loop ride
JEM area multi-track file
Connecting trails:
Hurricane Cliffs Trail Summary page
JEM trail page
Goosebumps/Cryptobionic trail page
Hurricane Rim page
Goulds Rim page
Dead Ringer page < Carne Asada
Map for printing: View br> Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources