Jacobs Ladder is a unique downhill trail above Corner Canyon, dropping 800 vertical in 1.3 miles. In 2022, an agreement between the Forest Service and Draper City made the lower portion of Jacob's Ladder (below the Peak View connector) a one-way bikes-only trail. Riders should use the new Peak View trail (from the Peak View trailhead at the top of Traverse Ridge) as the uphill to create a loop ride. Hikers must use Peak View for both climbing and descending.
The loop up Peak View and down Jacob's is 4.3 miles with 800 feet of climbing. Then add whatever distance and elevation you rode to get to Jacobs Ladder. Below, I describe a 10.6-mile ride that ends with 4 miles of 2000-vertical downhill. More on that later.

The fin you ride down seems to be an "intrusion dike" where magma found a fault line in the limestone and welled upward into it. Rock alternates between granite and unusual-looking melted mineralized limestone.

Peak View trailhead: On Suncrest Drive, turn onto Canyon Pointe Drive. Keep straight until you find yourself on the narrower paved trailhead road. It's 0.7 miles from Suncrest Drive to Peak View. This trailhead has bathrooms, water, and repair facilities.
Coyote Hollow TH: Take the Bluffdale exit from I-15 and turn east towards the mountains. Climb the hill as above, but turn right at the light on Traverse Mountain Road. After one mile, turn into Mike Weir Drive on your left. Pass the Mike Weir trailhead 1/2 mile later and continue another half mile until the road veers left downhill. Take the next right turn, turn right again, then left. You should now be on Gray Fox Drive. Take the next right into Coyote Hollow Court. The parking is on the right at the end of the pavement.
Corner Canyon Road Jacob's TH: The Corner Canyon Road is found by taking Draper Blvd (123rd South) to 13th East, turning right down the hill, then east (left) at the traffic roundabout onto Pioneer Road. Go towards the mountains to 20th East, then turn right. When the road turns to dirt, keep heading uphill. About two miles up the road, spot a log-fenced parking spot on the right, with a gate on the main road about 100 yards uphill.
Angel Gate at Spring Hollow (upper Hog Hollow and top of Hog Hollow Creek): On Westfield Road, turn uphill (north) on Beacon Hill Blvd. Drive 0.5 miles, then as Beacon Hill turns to the right (east), turn left on Lighthouse Drive to continue straight north uphill. Lighthouse will become Angel Gate. Keep straight until you pass the irrigation facility, then park. At the northeast corner of the fence, a doubletrack descends east across the hollow. Immediately after crossing the creek, turn left on Hog Hollow.
GPS track file (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX Peak View and Jacobs
High-res topo (about 370K): View
Corner Canyon area trail overview page
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to southern SLC resources