Located at the southern end of Utah Valley, Payson Canyon offers a unique trail experience. As you venture up Payson Canyon, it's important to be mindful of open cow grazing in the area. Climbing in Payson Canyon can be challenging, although it is possible to tackle. The true highlight of Payson Canyon is its ease of shuttle access, making it convenient for riders. The trail system features a fantastic series of interconnected trails, starting from the top of the canyon on the Stump Jumper Trail and descending all the way to the scout camp at the bottom. One standout trail in Payson Canyon is Bennie Creek, known for its excellent flow, rough terrain, and an impressive switchback drop. While exploring this trail system, it is highly recommended to bring along a map or ride with someone who is familiar with the area to help navigate the trails. Payson Canyon is definitely worth a visit for riders seeking an exciting and diverse trail experience.