The Hurricane Rim trail climbs to the cliffs over the Virgin River near Hurricane. It follows the deep canyon of the Virgin River east of Hurricane before ending on the JEM trail. The trail is 7.5 miles long with moderate climbing in either direction. Because there are sections with very rough surface, it's recommended for strong skilled riders.

My favorite riding direction is east to west. That is, start at the JEM Sheep Bridge Road trail off SR-59, then turn west to Hurricane Rim after a mile and a half. On a shuttled ride, this saves you 300 vertical of climbing. (On the counterclockwise loop, you'll continue to Gould's from the lower trailhead.)

For the west to east ride from the Hurricane Hill trailhead, you'll climb 300 vertical feet in a bit under a mile. After the initial climb to Panorama Point, the trail follows the Virgin River gorge eastward. As it veers south away form the gorge, it ends on the JEM trail after seven miles.

0.0 Northeast on ST along fence
0.7 Panorama Point N 37 11.169' W 113 16.179' Alt=3850'
1.9 Keep R (L = Virgin Dam trail)
2.8 Cross wash, then L (R = China Wash)
3.5 Gooseberry Lookout
5.5 Dam trail rejoins on L (toilet)
5.7 Virgin Dam trailhead (toilet)
Keep L on ST
7.5 JEM trail, fork L
N 37 11.261' W 113 13.862' Alt=3650'
9.0 JEM lower trailhead
Start from parking area on US-59 above Hurricane
0.0 R (downhill) on US-59
0.2 L uphill on DT
1.8 Top of DT climb
2.3 R off DT onto ST
N 37 09.606 W 113 16.330 Alt=4000'
5.4 Trailhead, L on DT, head NE
N 37 08.142 W 113 16.280
6.2 At corral, find ST rear on R
N 37 08.310 W 113 15.649
8.0 ST comes in from R
8.3 US-59. For Big Loop, cross to DT
N 37 08.096 W 113 14.564 Alt=4350'
For small loop, head downhill on road
8.6 JEM Trailhead, cross cattleguard
N 37 08.329 W 113 14.527
Immediate R onto ST
9.0 Cross DT, descend toward cliffs
9.3 Keep R (L=More Cowbell)
N37 08.863 W113 14.661
Drop off ledge on switchback
N37 09.119 W113 15.103
10.8 Keep R (L = China Wash)
N37 10.541 W113 15.154
11.0 Cross Dead Ringer
Cross Sheep Bridge gravel road
11.1 Cross Cryptobionic
N37 10.798 W113 14.354
14.0 Fork L to Hurricane Rim
N 37 11.261 W 113 13.862 Alt=3650'
15.8 Virgin Dam trailhead
N 37 11.781 W 113 14.109
(Cryptobionic start on L)
16.0 Keep L (R=Virgin Dam trail)
18.7 R across Chinatown Wash
Straight = Chinatown Wash trail
19.6 Dam trail rejoins on R
20.2 Panorama Point
N 37 11.169 W 113 16.179 Alt=3850'
21.5 Back at parking
From US-9 (no mountain biking trailhead): At the junction of US-9 with UT-17, turn east towards Zion. 4.8 miles after the turnoff, turn right (south) on a gravel road signed "Sheep Bridge Rd." Descend toward the bridge across the Virgin River and find a parking spot along the road. Start pedaling. Just past the bridge, but before the cattle guard, there's a dirt road to the right. This will take you to the bottom of JEM and Carne Asada. (The parking directly at the bottom of JEM is reserved for the nature conservancy.) Pedal up Carne Asada and find the Hurricane Rim trail where Carne Asada joins JEM.

Links to other pages:
Single-page riding guide to Hurricane Rim
Hurricane Cliffs Trail Summary page
Carne Asada
JEM Trail
Gould's Rim Trail
More Cowbell
Dead Ringer
Gould's Connector
GPX master file of area trails
Loop ride Gould-JEM-Hurricane
Hurricane Rim only
Alternate maps (download to print):
Large-format topo map of trail system
Satellite view w elevation profile
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources