Of several different downhill routes from Ridge 157, the Holman Trail is the meanest. If you do only the upper half, then drop onto the Old Trench Road Trail (171) to Mill Canyon, it's not bad. Still highly technical; still a tough ride. But if you stick with the Holman Trail all the way to the North Fork Road, you're in for one punishing triple-black-diamond ride.
Seriously, folks, this isn't a ride to take lightly. High-experts only! You've got big vertical (3200 absolute elevation change, total 3900 climbing). There's a steep descent with advanced tech riding on upper Holman, plus some more climbing. Lower Holman is ugly, and should only be considered by those looking for an extreme challenge.You'll climb just over 8 miles to Pole Line Pass. The rocky dirt road gets a little rougher, steeper, and narrower as you approach the pass. Nice training ride...

The trail starts out nicely enough. Then it turns from northwest to southwest and drops at a 20% slope for 1/2 mile. After mellowing out, guess what? You get to climb up and down, but mostly up, on narrow technical trail.

If you decide you're going down lower Holman, be prepared for some very unforgiving trail. Rocks, roots, loose riding surface, and long steeps. Give yourself plenty of time. This isn't a quick "plunge." There are bits of steep uphill, too.

Mercifully, the trail mellows out just before joining doubletrack for the final drop to the North Fork Road.

0.0 Go straight onto dirt North Fork road
4.3 Dutchman Flat
5.1 Keep right (left = Mineral Basin)
8.0 At Pole Line Pass. Find ST Ridge Trail 157 on R.
N 40° 31.901 W 111° 34.243
8.6 Fork R (L = Pot Hollow)
N 40° 31.404 W 111° 34.249
10.3 L uphill (R=Forest Lake), begin ugly section
N40 30.347 W111 34.861
10.9 Keep L uphill at both Trail 181 forks
N40 30.029 W111 35.182
11.8 Fork R downhill on Holman Trail
N40 29.472 W111 34.938
(If you get to Rock Spring, you missed it)
N40 29.344 W111 36.559
14.7 Fork R for continued Holman
N40 29.150 W111 36.740
OR, Fork L for Old Trench Trail to Mill Canyon
15.1 Keep straight (L) at fork
N40 29.161 W111 37.050
15.8 Begin steep plunge x 0.8 mi
16.8 L downhill on doubletrack
N40 29.590 W111 38.088
17.2 L on North Fork Road
N40 29.946 W111 38.167
18.6 Back at Tibble Fork

From I-15, take the Alpine-Highland exit just south of Point-of-the-Mountain. Go east towards the mountains on UT-92 and continue up American Fork Canyon. There's a $6 fee (as of 2009). About 6 miles up the canyon, turn left at the North Fork junction and drive 2 miles to Tibble Fork Reservoir. Park, then ride straight past the outhouse onto the gravel road that heads up along the river. Alternatively, for a shuttled ride, drive up the North Fork Road 8 miles to Pole Line Pass.
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