Holly's Trail goes from the base of The Canyons resort at Park City to the Mid Mountain Trail . It's 4.1 miles long, rising from 6900 to 8200 feet in elevation. Some up-and-down riding brings the total climbing from base to Mid Mountain to 1500 vertical feet. It's suitable for experienced beginners if they're strong and conditioned.
There will be an occasional view up the canyon, or of the valley when descending.
In the downhill direction, here's your navigation: from the creek, keep straight and aim for the uphill side of the lodge. Drop downward on doubletrack, keeping straight as it goes uphill again. When you reach the DT fork, turn right downhill, then immediately veer left on the singletrack.
If your object was to reach one of these trails, you're there. You can use Holly's as your "shuttle" to do laps on all three of the DH trails. But fair warning: it will kill your climbing legs. It's 1700 vertical just to hit each trail one time. When you're done, Ricochet will take you back to the resort base.
Redcoat and Ricochet -- Drop off Mid Mountain at Redcoat, joining Insurgent. When Insurgent ends on Holly's, head to the creek then turn left downhill on Ricochet
Ambush lariat -- Take Mid Mountain to Robs, then turn onto Ambush. When Ambush rejoins Holly's, continue down to the base.
Robs and Rosebuds -- A favorite of mine, featured below. From Mid Mountain, descend Robs (almost to the trailhead) then fork onto Rosebud's Heaven. Rosebud will take you around the south side of the mountain back to The Canyons' base.
Holly's is a great trail for climbing or descending. It's a good uphill route to Mid Mountain , offering some nice loop rides. It's also a non-technical downhill route for those who wish to stay out of the way of lift-served adrenaline-soaked DH riders.
0.0 North from gondola, down and left
N40 41.182 W111 33.413
0.2 L uphill on Holly's
N40 41.222 W111 33.579
0.9 Cross DT to ST N40 41.183 W111 33.902
1.6 Cross DT to ST N40 41.280 W111 34.541
1.7 Keep L (R = to Rosebud's Heaven)
N40 41.327 W111 34.498
2.0 Hard L uphill (R = Ambush)
N40 41.481 W111 34.574
2.5 Join DT uphill N40 41.259 W111 34.822
Rapid L toward lodge
Climb uphill of lodge N40 41.226 W111 34.762
Straight and downhill
(Insurgent, DDown, Ricochet join on R)
2.6 Cross creek, keep L (R = Ricochet DH)
N40 41.203 W111 34.693
3.8 Keep straight past DH-trails entry
N40 41.022 W111 34.989
Pass Drop Kick N40 40.953 W111 34.726
4.2 R (north) on Mid Mountain
N40 40.950 W111 34.752
5.2 Keep L on MM (R = Redcoat)
N40 41.177 W111 35.692
6.0 Keep R on MM (L = Crest Connector)
N40 41.503 W111 35.152
7.1 R downhill on Robs (L = Hunter)
N40 41.733 W111 35.343
7.5 Keep L on Robs (R = Ambush)
N40 41.854 W111 35.045
8.8 R on Rosebud's Heaven
N40 41.814 W111 33.717
10.0 Keep L (R = Ambush uphill)
N40 41.354 W111 33.853
10.2 L downhill on DT
N40 41.323 W111 33.896
10.5 Straight (R = Holly's)
10.7 Back at base

Exit I-80 on 224 southbound toward Park City. Pass Bear Hollow drive, then turn R into The Canyons at mile 2.8 from the freeway. Follow the main resort drive uphill. Go straight at the roundabout. As the road splits in front of the big hotel, veer left (south). Now turn R uphill just past the big buildings. Look for a gravel parking area on your right, just before the road turns north again. Park here. Exit the far end of the parking lot to a paved path that goes north between commercial buildings. Keep going until you pass the gondola. Ignore the smaller trails crossing the lawn (those are downhill routes). Drop slightly to the left onto a broad path in the canyon bottom and begin going uphill to reach Holly's and Rosebud's Heaven.
Printable on-trail guide for loop above
GPS Track File (Right-click and "Save as...")
Holly's Track only
Track for loop above (Hollys, MM, Robs, Rosebuds)
Track Holly's-Ricochet Loop
Holly's-MM-Ambush lariat
Robs-MM-Holly's-Rosebud loop
Robs-MM-Holly's-pavement-Collins loop
Park City area multi-track file (>180 trails)
Topo map of area for printing: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Park City area resources