and Kanab TV Tower Overlook
Kanab is late to the mountain biking party. At the end of the year 2016, the only bike-legal singletrack is the 1.5 miles of trail built by mountain bikers during 2016, the Raven and Roadrunner loops . So if you're stuck in Kanab with a mountain bike, you might consider ATV trails. This page will describe two rides: an out-and-back to the TV tower viewpoint, and a big loop on top of the mesa, all on ATV track. Both rides are difficult and will offend singletrack purists.
The altitude starts at 5000 feet and rises to 6000 on the loop ride. In mid-winter, this area receives and holds snow even though it's "down south." But the winter riding can be good when snow cover is minimal because the sand is wet and possibly frozen.
At mile 1.7, take the right road fork heading steeply uphill. Settle into a good climbing gear, because you've got 1.4 miles to climb 750 vertical feet. At first you'll think it's merely steep -- but then, a bit uphill, here comes the sand.
At mile 3.8, you'll pass the marked entry to the Squaw Trail on your right. Keep left. (The first portion of the Squaw Trail is shared trail. After about 0.2 miles it's signed for foot traffic. After a bit of forested downhill, the Squaw Trail breaks onto the mesa's skirts and descends through switchbacks. At the bottom it runs down a boulder-filled unrideable washbottom to join the Kanab Singletrack Loops Raven and Roadrunner .)
Now head 1.2 miles back to the trail fork. Here you can either descend the road to end your ride, or venture onto a loop on top of the mountain. (The short loop will add 2.7 miles to your ride and is a nice intro to the mesa ATV trails. The big loop -- as below -- will add 8.1 miles and a truckload of climbing.)
A shorter loop of Route 3 and returning via Route 1 -- labeled as "inner loop" on my map -- is 2.7 miles on the loop itself, plus 6.2 miles for the up-and-back. That makes a 9 mile, 1100-vertical ride. The big loop (as featured in my GPS file below) has 8.1 miles on top of the mesa, with some fairly techy and steep pitches. Your total will be 14.3 miles with over 3000 feet of total climbing.
After 1.6 miles, you'll come to a trail fork. Go right if you plan to continue the big loop. (If you're doing only the small loop, go left and proceed 0.2 miles back to route 1. Fork left again to go west and close the loop.)
Stay on what appears to be the main path. There's a sucker route 2.7 miles from the Pugh Canyon fork that I've marked on my map.
Bottom Line!
Only for the adventurous. Definitely not recommended for singletrack purists or sand-haters.
The big loop ride is a leg killing monster. If you paused for a second
to consider whether
you can handle this ride, then the answer is no.
0.0 From US-89, east on dirt road
N37 04.734 W112 32.295
0.8 Pass alternate TH N37 04.981 W112 31.594
1.7 Fork R uphill N37 05.314 W112 30.845
3.1 Fork L (R1) N37 04.309 W112 30.592
3.2 Fork R (R3) N37 04.323 W112 30.549
5.1 Fork R (L = bail out to make small loop)
N37 04.271 W112 29.964
5.4 Fork L (R = to Tom's South Rim)
N37 04.178 W112 29.711
N37 04.301 W112 29.535
6.9 Fork L (R = Pugh Canyon Rim)
N37 04.288 W112 28.753
9.6 Keep L N37 05.125 W112 29.855
10.7 Fork R (R1) N37 04.388 W112 30.112
11.2 Keep L N37 04.323 W112 30.549
then go R downhill
14.3 Back at parking

From Kanab, head north on US-89. Just over two miles from Kanab's Center Street, turn right into Hog Canyon. For the full ride as described above, immediately find a spot to park and begin riding east on the dirt road. For a slightly shorter ride, drive 0.8 miles up the road to the secondary parking.
Single-page printable riding guide
Maps for printing
Topo map
Satellite view
Track files (to download, right-click and "Save target as..."):
Tower climb track
Hog Canyon Rim loop track
Area multi-track file