This trail will not be your Moab favorite. It's rarely done as a stand-alone trail because of a miserable 1/3 mile bike portage. Its purpose is to offer a connection to the Moab Rim trail for those who absolutely MUST do a loop ride.
Note: Hidden Valley is NOT "Hidden Canyon" -- which is a ride out near Bartlett Wash.

From the kiosk at the trailhead, go south on singletrack and ride as long as you can (about 0.1 mile). Then start hiking.

An option for your loop ride is to insert the Pipe Dream singletrack between the trailhead of the Moab Rim and Hidden Valley.
Almost done. Keep climbing.

For more info on the loop ride, see the Moab Rim page.

0.0 Southwest from trailhead N38 31.906 W109 31.033
0.4 Begin riding bike
2.2 Steep uphill, crest and descend ST
2.9 WSA border, R and uphill N38 32.613 W109 33.430
3.0 L downhill on DT (R = view) N38 32.655 W109 33.346
3.2 R on Moab Rim (straight L = return trail)
N38 32.727 W109 33.532
4.0 At viewpoint, look and turn around
N38 32.907 W109 32.918
4.8 Back at fork, go R N38 32.727 W109 33.532
5.1 Keep L (R=to alternate) N38 32.865 W109 33.719
N38 32.909 W109 33.990
6.7 Keep L (R=alternate rejoins) N38 33.454 W109 34.279
7.6 Top of Rim, viewpoint beyond cable
8.5 Moab Rim Trailhead, R on road
N38 33.521 W109 34.997
10.5 Pipe Dream ST on R (5th West)
N38 34.128 W109 33.680
Alternate N38 33.899 W109 33.424
11.3 R on US-191 N38 33.824 W109 32.990
14.5 R toward Hidden Valley TH
15.0 Back at car

On Main Street (US 191) in Moab, head south. At Kane Creek Blvd (McDonalds on corner), zero your odometer and drive 3.2 miles south on 191. Watch for a Hidden Valley Trailhead sign on your right. Follow this road 1/2 mile to the trailhead parking. The Pipe Dream trail is in the southwest corner of the parking area.
In the map at right, the Hidden Valley trail is shown in blue. The green Pipe Dream trail is an alternate dirt ST return route for the loop ride.
Bathrooms: Moab Rim TH
Camping: Multiple campgrounds, not at trailhead
Water: none at trailhead
Bike services: many, see link below
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX all area trails
Hidden Valley only
Loop with Moab Rim / Pipe Dream
Loop w road return
Topo maps for printing: Hidden Valley and Moab Rim
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Moab area resources