The Green Hollow trail (also known as Greens Lake, 310 East, or Lichen It Extension) joins the top of Licken It and Lava Flow to a trailhead on the gravel road Greens Lake Drive. The Highlands trail runs from the Greens Lake trailhead to the C Trail . See below for the Highlands trail.
Green Hollow was completed in November 2016 as an addition to the Iron Hills trail system. It extends from the top of Lichen It to the Greens Lake trailhead further uphill. This section is 2.5 miles long and early-intermediate in technical difficulty. Green Hollow will gain about 500 feet of elevation before ending at the Greens Lake trailhead.
The new Boulder Dash trail is on your left at mile 1.7 from the top, 0.8 miles uphill from the junction of Green Hollow with Lichen It . Boulder Dash shortcuts to Lava Flow for a one-way trip to the bottom. Boulder Dash is highly technical and for true experts only.

You'll lose some elevation on downhills, then have to grunt to get it back. The singletrack ends at almost 7000 feet elevation at a corral just off the gravel Greens Lake road. The whole climb from Southview trailhead to the trail's end yielded 1100 total vertical feet of climbing, with a total distance of 5.2 miles.

The terrain is a mixture of pinion pine and juniper. The understory is mostly bare dirt and rock cobble with an occasional manzanita or pitiful weed.
Similar to Licken It, this trail could make a good snow ride. But don't count on riders from Cedar to pack it down for you. For local residents, there's dry dirt in winter just down the freeway. I made the first tracks on the trail's announced Grand Opening day, a Saturday, two days after the snowstorm. I saw no one, uphill or down.

Good stuff. In the six months since this trail was finished, I've done it three times. And not just to get some non-snow photos. It's a good uphill ride and a riot to ride downhill.
The Highlands Trail opened July 2017 connecting the C Trail to the Greens Lake (Green Hollow) trailhead. With the completion of this trail, there's a continuous singletrack route from the C Overlook down to the Southview Trailhead. The Highlands trail can be used as a climber or a downhill.

To climb to the C Overlook, take Lichen It uphill, then Green Hollow to the Greens Lake trailhead, then Highlands to C for the last bit of uphill to 8200 feet elevation at the C Overlook. (Although the C Trail has a reputation as a downhiller trail, it rides pretty well in the uphill direction.)

Great addition to the Iron Hills trail system, offering a long downhill, a scenic and fun climbing route, and new loop options.
0.0 Through gate east of parking
N37 38.699 W113 04.894
Left on Lichen It
0.1 Keep L (R = Lava Flow)
N37 38.677 W113 04.811
2.8 Fork L uphill on Greens Lake
(Straight ahead = Lava Flow)
N37 38.342 W113 04.626
5.0 Gate, straight ahead to DT
N37 38.306 W113 03.518
N37 38.355 W113 03.524
Fork R on Highlands
5.2 R uphill on DT, 30 feet, then L on ST
at N37 38.390 W113 03.479
6.7 Straight onto C Trail
N37 38.730 W113 02.884
8.5 At C Overlook
N37 38.544 W113 02.083

At the southern I-15 Cedar City exit (Exit 57 to Cross Hollow Road and Highway 130), turn east onto Highway 130. Immediately turn right (south) from 130 onto Old Highway 91. Drive 0.3 miles. Watch for the sign for Southview Trailhead and turn left on Shurtz Canyon Drive. Now stay on Shurtz Canyon Drive to the trailhead and find a spot to park. The Lichen It Trail is to the east (uphill) from where you entered the parking lot. Once you're through the gate, turn left N37 38.699 W113 04.894.
Greens Lake:
On old 91 as above, at mile 0.1 turn left on Greens Lake Drive. Keep going uphill after the road turns to gravel. The trail head is on your right, about 2.3 miles uphill from 91.
Bathrooms: Southview Trailhead
Water: None at trailhead
Camping: None at trailhead (recommend Three
One-page printable trail
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
Greens Lake only
Trail only
Multi-track area files
Topo map for printing:
high-res topo
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