The Grafton Wash trail can be used as a non-road return from Gooseberry Mesa via the NE Rim . Its eastern end connects directly to the Grafton Mesa singletrack, which drops off the mountain to Grafton. From Grafton you can pedal back to Rockville or Springdale.

The trail climbs out of the wash to a fence. A trail heads uphill here. That's not the one you want. Instead, turn downhill right on the edge of the wash and look for rock markers and singletrack hugging the wash edge. (A less-traveled alternate route shortcuts through the trees and rejoins.)

When the trail hits the wash, it becomes more obvious. It will turn south at mile 2.4 and drop into the washbottom. After about 1/4 mile, it will leave the wash and begin climbing the hill to the east.

Bottom line:
This won't be your favorite Gooseberry area trail. It has its moments. But I found
it hard to envision how this trail would fit into a typical rider's plan
for the day. Maybe
it's "Hey, let's head over to Grafton Mesa and bomb back to town!" from
the middle of Gooseberry.

0.0 Park at intersection of doubletracks, just off
main Gooseberry Mesa road N37 07.824 W113 07.132
Head north on DT.
0.9 Fork R on ST
1.6 As you exit wash, fork L downhill
N37 07.953 W113 06.496 follow edge of wash N
2.2 Bottom of wash, climb up to east
2.8 Crest hill, fork hard R N37 07.665 W113 06.157
Join main road southbound N37 07.569 W113 06.170
3.3 R on Gooseberry Mesa Road N37 07.026 W113 06.407
4.8 Back at car
Getting there -- South: As you pass through Hurricane heading east on Highway 9, turn right at the Highway 59 sign. One block later, turn left and drive out of town. About 15 minutes later, you'll pass a gas station on the left-hand side, then some fields. Watch for a "Scenic Byway" sign, and turn left onto a dirt road (14.8 miles from the turnoff in Hurricane). Two miles later, just as you reach the mountain, the Gooseberry Mesa road turns off on your left. Go to the trailhead as above.
Camping: primitive on Gooseberry Mesa and Grafton Mesa
Bathroom: on Gooseberry Road, 2.5 miles west of trailhead
Water: none
Bike services: Hurricane, Springdale

Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click, "Save as..."):
GPX area track files
Loop course only
Map for printing: Grafton/Wire Mesa area topo
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources