The Gould's Rim trail lies on the mesa above Hurricane. The trail consists of three very different sections: a climb on doubletrack from the Hurricane Hill trailhead, singletrack skirting the edge of Gould's Canyon, and narrow twisting dirt singletrack between "the corral" and US-59 near the upper JEM trailhead.

2016 note: You can now reach the Gould's Rim doubletrack directly from Hurricane City via the Gould Connector trail. You'll still need to pedal a long portion of the doubletrack, though, to get up on top of the mesa.

Starting from the Hurricane Rim trailhead, backtrack 0.2 miles down the highway. Watch for the cars as you approach the trail!
Turn left onto a steep gravel doubletrack and begin climbing. At 0.2 miles up the doubletrack, you'll pass the Gould's Connector on your right. The doubletrack portion will be 2 miles, during which you'll gain around 600 vertical feet.

Follow the fence on the right side of the corral, then enter the singletrack straight ahead.

A nice trail with interesting views, but there are better choices if you're just getting started with the JEM area trails . It can be a fun, quick ride for kids if you start from the wash trailhead and do a short out-and-back in either direction. Otherwise, the primary use of this trail is the very-tough Hurricane Loop when combined with JEM and the Hurricane Rim .

0.0 From JEM parking, backtrack to U-59
0.3 Cross U-59 to ST
N 37 08.096' W 113 14.564' Alt=4350'
0.9 Keep R
2.7 At corral, DT southwest
(Not main dirt road in front of corral)
N 37 08.310' W 113 15.649'
3.5 At trailhead, R on ST
N 37 08.142' W 113 16.280'
6.6 L on gravel road
N 37 09.606' W 113 16.330' Alt=4000'
8.7 R on U-59 uphill
8.9 At lower trailhead

Hurricane Hill: In Hurricane, turn south on US-59 (towards the Grand Canyon). Follow the road uphill 0.9 miles, then turn left into the trailhead parking near the cell phone towers. The dirt road 0.2 miles back down U-59 is the trail's start.
Upper JEM trailhead: In Hurricane, turn south on US-59 (towards the Grand Canyon). Drive exactly 5 miles uphill. Turn left on cindered doubletrack right as you approach the base of Gooseberry Mesa. Drive another 0.3 miles to the parking area. For Gould's Rim, backtrack over U-59 and cross the fence.
Gould's Wash: As you head uphill on Highway 59, pass gravel Sheep Bridge road on your left (about half-way between Hurricane Hill and the JEM trailhead). Now watch for a dirt road on your right. It will take you to the corral. If you're heading for the rim, go directly west from the corral for 1/2 mile.
Start from parking area on US-59 above Hurricane
0.0 R (downhill) on US-59
0.2 L uphill on DT
1.8 Top of DT climb
2.3 R off DT onto ST
N 37 09.606 W 113 16.330 Alt=4000'
5.4 Trailhead, L on DT, head NE
N 37 08.142 W 113 16.280
6.2 At corral, find ST rear on R
N 37 08.310 W 113 15.649
8.0 ST comes in from R
8.3 US-59. For Big Loop, cross to DT
N 37 08.096 W 113 14.564 Alt=4350'
For small loop, head downhill on road
8.6 JEM Trailhead, cross cattleguard
N 37 08.329 W 113 14.527
Immediate R onto ST
9.0 Cross DT, descend toward cliffs
9.3 Keep R (L=More Cowbell)
N37 08.863 W113 14.661
Drop off ledge on switchback
N37 09.119 W113 15.103
10.8 Keep R (L = China Wash)
N37 10.541 W113 15.154
11.0 Cross Dead Ringer
Cross Sheep Bridge gravel road
11.1 Cross Cryptobionic
N37 10.798 W113 14.354
14.0 Fork L to Hurricane Rim
N 37 11.261 W 113 13.862 Alt=3650'
15.8 Virgin Dam trailhead
N 37 11.781 W 113 14.109
(Cryptobionic start on L)
16.0 Keep L (R=Virgin Dam trail)
18.7 R across Chinatown Wash
Straight = Chinatown Wash trail
19.6 Dam trail rejoins on R
20.2 Panorama Point
N 37 11.169 W 113 16.179 Alt=3850'
21.5 Back at parking
Links to other pages:
Single-page printable riding guide to Gould's Rim
Hurricane Cliffs Trail Summary page
Gould's Connector
More Cowbell
Dead Ringer
Hurricane Rim Trail
Carne Asada
GPS track files (right-click and "Save target as..."):
Map datum WGS 84 GPX master file of area trails
Loop ride Gould-JEM-Hurricane
Goulds only
View maps for printing:
Large-format topo map of trail system
Satellite view w elevation profile
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to St. George area resources