The Gold Bar Rim Singletrack (formerly known as the Blue Dot trail) is a technical route along the edge of the cliffs north of Moab. The trail follows the cliff edge four miles from the Gold Bar Overlook to the intersection of Poison Spider with the Portal Trail. This is a double black diamond expert-level trail. Riding season is April through November.
Note that there is a Gold Bar Rim Trail that's a 4x4 route climbing from the Gemini Bridges Road to the overlook. And there's a Gold Bar Singletrack that climbs from the bottom as an alternate to the lower portion of the road. When discussing these trails, be sure you're talking about the right route!

Don't backtrack to the more-prominent route 100 feet down the hill. That's Golden Spike and it's not the trail you want.

The path is generally downhill -- although it won't seem like it -- with about 150 feet of elevation loss over the four miles.

The return via Poison Spider and Golden Spike (the Grand Tour ride) is very strenuous and longer than you'd think. And I swear there's more climbing, rougher rock, and steeper slopes every time I hit Golden Spike. Don't underestimate it. Instead of the Grand Tour, consider descending the Portal Trail and taking 278 to the paved bike path. Connect to Highway 313 for the ride back to the top. I've done this a few times, and it's a long but reasonable commute. And there are calories and drinks at the 191-313 junction.
Great ride for experienced expert riders in good condition. Highly technical and very difficult aerobically. Lots of challenges, incredible views. A ride like none other in Moab.

0.0 Getaway TH, top of Gemini Bridges road
L on Getaway ST N38 34.409 W109 47.504
0.6 Keep R (L = Mustang)
N38 34.710 W109 47.295
1.5 Straight (7-up crosses)
N38 35.013 W109 46.666
3.1 Keep L (R = to Bull Run)
N38 35.646 W109 45.594
3.2 Keep straight (L = 7-up connector)
N38 35.691 W109 45.493
7.8 Straight (R = Bull Run, L = Arth's)
N38 35.258 W109 42.221
Cross Gemini road to Great Escape
9.6 Cross Bull Canyon Road
N38 34.966 W109 40.963
11.2 R on Little Canyon ST
N38 35.683 W109 40.627
(L = out to Gold Bar road)
12.1 Cross Gold Bar 4x4, begin Gold Bar ST
N38 35.881 W109 40.143
13.5 Drop down to old DT
14.3 L on Gold Bar 4x4
N38 36.427 W109 39.240
15.8 Gold Bar Overlook
N38 36.880 W109 38.508
R along Gold Bar Rim
Keep L when Golden Spike touches
19.1 L to Portal Trail
N38 35.039 W109 35.680
21.1 Highway 279
N38 33.510 W109 35.272
L to 191, R to Poison Spider parking

Take the Gemini Bridges Road 4.5 miles from Highway 191 then turn left at the Gold Bar Rim road. If you're driving, find a parking spot here. Head uphill on the Gold Bar Rim Road then turn left onto the Gold Bar Rim ST. Follow the paint until you rejoin the Gold Bar 4x4 route. At the cliff edge, head right (southwest) on the slickrock.
To leave a shuttle at the Poison Spider trailhead: On 191 at the bottom of the canyon (just past the old tailings pile), turn west onto U-278 (also called Potash Road). Drive 6 miles then turn right up a short dirt road with a sign that says "Dinosaur Tracks." There's a bathroom at the parking area.
See the area topo (link below) for connecting trails.
Poison Spider trailhead, campground
Camping: Horsethief on Highway 313
Water: Campground
Single-page riding guide, Getaway to Portal
GPS track file (right-click and select "Save Target as..."):
Rim Trail only
Mag 7 with Rim
Grand Tour (44 mi)
Getaway to Rim, down Portal
Area Multi-track file
Topo maps for printing: High-Res Area Topo
Lodging, camping, shops: Link to Moab area resources