with Upper Frodo and Doors of Durin
Frodo's Playground, Upper Frodo, and Doors of Durin are downhill-only trails in the Coyote (Riverview) trail system north of Heber. They lie directly uphill from the UVU Wasatch Campus trailhead, so it's a quick and non-strenuous climb to arrive at the top. The riding varies from very easy on Frodo's Playground to very difficult on Doors of Durin.
The expected riding season would be late April through October.
The trail includes rock roll-overs and wooden ramps. These stunts in the trail are intermediate in difficulty. But easy ride-arounds for the stunts make Frodo's Playground suitable for beginners and families.

Upper Frodo is 0.7 miles long, and is easier-intermediate in difficulty. Upper Frodo continues as Frodo's Playground when it crosses Middle Earth, for a total downhill of 1.2 miles back to Lower Riverview. A loop up UVU Connector, down Upper Frodo and Frodo's Playground and back to the trailhead is 3 miles.
Doors of Durin is a narrow hand-built trail. It has rock rollovers and some steep rough stretches, with no ride-arounds to the technical spots.

UVU Trailhead
Most riders get to the Riverview area west-side trails from the UVU
Wasatch Campus trailhead. This is found on the far north end of Heber on
Highway 40, one mile south of the Highway 32 junction. At the UVU campus
entry, turn
east (toward the mountain). Go to the uppermost level of
parking behind the UVU buildings. Look for the duck-under and kiosk.
The UVU Connector trail climbs uphill from the trailhead to the Upper Riverview (Rivendell) trail. On the way, it crosses the easy rides on Lower Riverview, the Riverview Doubletrack, and Middle Earth. Lower Frodo's Playground is reached via a right turn onto Middle Earth at mile 0.7 from the TH. The new upper Frodo is at mile 1.2 on the UVU Connector. ( This trailhead is also closest to the beginner skills area trails at Lower Potatoes and Isengard.)

South Coyote Trailhead (CLOSED AT TIME OF REVIEW)
You can get to Frodo's Playground from the south. Connect to
Middle Earth for the northbound trip. Note that this trailhead has
been affected by construction, and may not be available. If you can find your way uphill, you can take Sheep Pen to Middle Earth.

Riverview Trailhead
On US-40 north of Heber, turn east on Highway 32 and climb 1.1 miles. When you see the second entry into
Riverview on your left, note the gravel parking area on your right. That's
your spot. Take the 0.3-mile connector to Upper Riverview and head 3 miles
south to the UVU Connector trail.

Upper Frodo descends as a wiggling bench-cut from Upper Riverview downhill. There are two table jumps that you can ride around, and a few optional rock launching pads. Turns are banked for speed.
While officially rated intermediate, Upper Frodo is suitable for beginners. You can ride around any stunts on butter-smooth trail. Upper Frodo rides like a flow trail, with fewer stunts and rock roll-overs than on Frodo's Playground.

You'll cross the UVU connector about half-way down.
Upper Frodo's continues as Frodo's Playground when it hits the Middle Earth trail. The Upper Frodo portion of the descent is 250 vertical feet over 0.7 miles. The combined ride is 1.2 miles with 350 feet of elevation change.

Turns are banked and flow smoothly. The trail is 0.5 miles in length, descending only 150 vertical feet at a gentle and constant rate.
It's easy to flow down this trail on butter-smooth dirt with hardly a bump if you take the easy way around every stunt. So Frodo's Playground is suitable for mixed-ability groups and kids.

Frodo's Playground has several rock challenges and wooden ramps that would be rated intermediate. There's a final narrow hump-ramp that I would rate expert. All of these stunts have easy ride-arounds.
Once you're on the mountain, a loop around lower Frodo's and back to the top is just under one mile with 150 feet of climbing.

Bottom Line
Very nice trail that's easy to reach and easy to ride. Suitable for groups of mixed ability and families with younger kids.

But wait for it...

Getting there, UVU Wasatch Campus Trailhead:
One mile south of the junction of
Highway 40 and 32 (a couple of miles north of Heber), turn east (toward the mountain) at the UVU campus.
Go to the uppermost level of parking behind the UVU buildings. Look for the
duck-under and kiosk N40 32.798 W111 24.735. A singletrack trail climbs 1.5 miles to the
Riverview Trail.
Riverview Trailhead:
From Salt Lake, take I-80 eastbound to Silver Creek Junction (just
past Park City). Go south on US-40, past the Jordanelle reservoir and
descend past the dam. At the traffic light at mile 14.2 from I-80, turn
left on 32 and climb 1.1 miles. When you see the second entry into
Riverview on your left, note the gravel parking area on your right N40 34.403 W111 25.214. That's
your spot.
From Utah County, drive up Provo Canyon to Heber. At the traffic
light on US-189/US-40, turn left and drive north through Heber. 4.7 miles
from the intersection, turn right on Highway 32 and climb 1.1 miles to the
parking area as above.
Coyote Trailhead:
Two miles south of the junction of Highway 40
and 32, turn east (toward the mountain) on Coyote Lane. Just after the
road crosses a canal, turn left into the parking lot. The singletrack
starts at the northeast corner at the step-over, where you'll also find a
repair stand and a kiosk with a trail map. The Coyote singletrack takes
you uphill. After merging with the gravel road to cross the bridge, veer
left onto singletrack then keep generally right and uphill at the trail
Cutthroat (Highway 32) Trailhead:
Drive up
Highway 32 four miles. Look for a gravel road on the right side N40 35.430 W111 23.389. You can
park along the road and clamber over the fence near the (locked) gate.
Find the singletrack on your left and ride uphill, keeping to the right at
the Wile E Canyon fork about 100
yards uphill. You'll reach the fork that starts the Coyote loop 0.4 miles from the