View through the aspens on the connector trail from Daniel's summit. Photos and ride description August 17, 2009 by Bruce.
Foreman Trail
The Foreman Trail is a forested singletrack loop that runs through the Lodgepole Campground
in Daniel's Canyon. The trail has seen better days (as of summer 2009),
and at this time I'm
only recommending it for very strong skilled riders with a high tolerance
for adversity. The
loop itself is 4 miles. If you connect to it from Daniel's summit, the
ride is 5.5 miles with
1100 vertical feet of climbing. Lowest altitude is 7650 feet, top 8400.
The loop consists of four parts: (1) at the bottom is the connection between two canyons on
doubletrack and paved campground roads; (2) Shingle Hollow is singletrack
in a steep ravine
with rocks and other technical features; (3) there's an easy traverse
on the high ridge; and
(4) Foreman Hollow on the south has a very steep pitch but fairly smooth

The loop is a "nature interpretation" trail, with raised plaques identifying fir vs. pine vs. spruce, etc. It's a great route to HIKE with your family if you're staying in the campground.
Any way you ride the Foreman Trail, you're going to suffer during the uphill. I
guarantee you at least some hike-a-bike. There are some truly nasty trail
sections in Shingle Hollow, and quite a few fallen tree trunks. If you
can't handle that, don't go.
Select your riding direction:
Clockwise has a 0.6 mile
section rising 400 vertical feet (basically push-a-bike steep) on the
uphill in Foreman Hollow. Then you'll find tricky rocks and roots with
plenty of opportunities to crash on the downhill through Shingle Hollow. A
short but continually nasty struggle uphill, and a technical descent:
consider this direction if you're more of a DH guy with a heavy bike.

The trail has a lot of deadfall and deteriorated features. It obviously had a lot of work put into it at one time, but could definitely could use some TLC.
Counterclockwise puts the tricky stuff on the uphill. The climb is less
steep, 600 vertical over 1 mile. The push-a-bike comes in short sections
as you fail to clear obstacles, with grunt uphill riding between. Going
downhill in Foreman Hollow isn't tricky.

Uphill in Shingle Hollow. Moss, mud, and rocks precede an old deteriorating boardwalk.

Shingle Hollow between technical features. Steep sides on the ravine, deep forest of fir, spruce, and pine.
The climb up Shingle Hollow gets meaner as you climb higher. The trail is narrow, with large
rocks and quite a few (but small) roots to clear. Plants leaning into
the trail left me covered
with stickseed, but there was plenty of room at the handlebar level. I
just wasn't man enough
to ride the whole thing and had to carry the bike up a few spots.

Nearing the top of Shingle Hollow, the trail is a bit faint but still easy to follow. It's quite steep here. The arrows show the trail.

Looking back at a sagging bridge across the creek, and we're almost to the top.
Two bridge areas were deteriorated to the point that it was impossible to ride them. Most are
holding together but don't inspire great trust as you approach.
Once you reach the split-log bridge that extends left to the south side of the creek, the climbing
is more humane. Crank onward, soldier.
The trail breaks out into meadow near the top of the climb, with a couple of brief views of
Daniel's Summit, Strawberry Reservoir, and surrounding mountains. Now
begins a slightly-downhill
traverse southbound toward Foreman Hollow, followed by a short plunge
to the trail fork connector.

View east from the ridge top.

Southeast, we see a bit of Strawberry Reservoir.
You can ride the trail starting from the Lodgepole Campground. Parking here requires a fee.
To save a few bucks, go to the lodge at Daniel's summit and turn right
to park at the north
end of the dirt parking area.
The step-around near the metal gate is the beginning of a faint trail that extends 0.8 miles
to connect to the middle of Foreman Hollow. (Watch for blue diamonds on
trees.) There's a ton
of deadfall on this trail, although I didn't find it as annoying on the
return trip. I could
hop the bike over about half of the downed tree trunks.

Jackie moseys downhill through fern and elderberry.

View of the trail along the ridgeline.
Riding notes, counterclockwise loop, from
Daniel's Summit:
0.0 Hoist bike over step-around gate, north end of parking
N40 18.203 W111 15.481
0.1 Keep L uphill (don't follow graveled service connector)
0.8 Through (dry?) creek, then R downhill, becomes DT
N40 18.495 W111 16.032
1.4 At gate, go L on paved campground road
N40 18.724 W111 15.575
1.5 Keep R on road (enter camping circle counterclockwise)
1.7 At apex of camp circle loop, R past gate on DT
N40 18.969 W111 15.633
2.2 L uphill on ST N40 19.215 W111 15.809
3.2 Cross creek, almost through climbing!
3.4 Top of ridge, begin traverse
4.2 Begin steep descent
4.7 At fork, R across creek on return trail N40 18.495 W111 16.032
5.5 Back at parking
Getting there:
Take US-40 southbound from Heber and drive 18 miles up Daniel's Canyon. As you reach the summit,
turn right toward the lodge, then immediately right again (away from the
buildings). Go to
the north end of the dirt parking area to the metal gate. Next to the
gate is a step-around
where you can pass through the fence as you hoist your bike over. Follow
the trail (keep uphill
and left where a gravel path descends -- this route goes down to a storage
building) 0.8 miles
to intersect the Foreman trail immediately after the connector descends
through a small creek.Lodgepole Campground: To stay in the campground, turn at the campground sign about 1/2 mile
before the summit. Drive down to the campground. To reach the trail at
Shingle Hollow, keep
right and go to the far (north) end of camping Loop A, where the trail
is the doubletrack behind
the metal gate.

Area map