Looking back at a section where the trail consists of dirt filling an old half-shell metal flume. Photos and trail track from a ride August 17, 2011 by Bruce.
Flume TrailĀ (Ephraim Canyon)
The Flume Trail in lower Ephraim Canyon follows an abandoned water-transport path around the foothills of Bald Mountain, then plunges steeply to the valley floor. It's 2.7 miles in length. After a fairly flat mile and a half, it plunges 700 vertical feet over one mile. It should be consider a downhill-only route.
The Flume Trail in lower Ephraim Canyon follows an abandoned water-transport path around the foothills of Bald Mountain, then plunges steeply to the valley floor. It's 2.7 miles in length. After a fairly flat mile and a half, it plunges 700 vertical feet over one mile. It should be consider a downhill-only route.
The steepness of the drop from the mountain requires advanced or at least solid upper-intermediate
technical skill. Most of the trail is smooth with a few short tech challenges.
The trail can
be shuttled via the Ephraim Canyon road, or you can pedal up the road
for a 5.0 mile loop ride.

Pedaling up the Ephraim Canyon Road. It turns to gravel about 1/2 mile uphill.

This is the beginning of the trail, as seen from uphill on the Ephraim Canyon Road. We're looking west, down-canyon.
The riding season for this trail is May through October. Earlier riding is possible with appropriate
weather. Top altitude is 6700 feet, base 5900. Of the 800 feet of total
elevation change, 700
feet of it comes within a single mile of the total 2.7 downhill.
The first time I went looking for this trail, I couldn't find it. I had to go back a couple
of years later with somebody else's GPS track. So if you're riding without
a track display,
pay attention. As of 2011, there were no signs at the trailhead, and it's
easy to lose the
trail within the first 1/3 mile. The photo shows the spot where I got
lost and never found
the trail in 2009.

Critical spot!!! Even with a GPS track, I went both Wrong Ways -- the doubletracks shown by the "DT" designation -- before I saw the little singletrack heading southwest. As the doubletrack forks, head straight for the middle between the two paths.

Typical mellow flat singletrack on the edge of the old canal.
On the loop ride, the trailhead is 2.3 miles up the Ephraim Canyon Road from the parking spot
on 920 East. (See below.) If you're shuttling, go 2.9 miles from where
U-29 turns 90 degrees
toward the mountains. Watch for a cabin on the left side, just as the
road turns to the left.
The trail is the doubletrack heading back to the west (parallel to the
road, going back the
direction you came).
Your next navigation challenge is 0.2 miles down the doubletrack. The doubletrack splits, with
one DT heading west downhill, and the other turning southeast uphill.
Don't take either one!
See the big pipe at the trail fork? Now look up and see the vertical pipe
in front of the pine
tree. The trail continues between the two pipes, heading southwest. (Look
at the photo above!)

The trail lies on top of the old flume. Note the metal half-shell on the right, supported by timbers.

Getting a little trickier, but still easy riding as we traverse around the hill.
Once you're on the singletrack, keep straight as a couple of sucker ATV routes join and split
away. Once you're a half mile along, you can't get lost. You'll find yourself
on the edge of
an old overgrown canal. Traverse around the mountain westbound.
As the trail winds around sandstone cliffs, some of the trail actually sits on the old flume
structures. Stop and take a peek at the half-pipe you're riding on. Enjoy
the views over the

View back at Ephraim Canyon, looking northwest from the Flume Trail. As we've stayed level, the valley has dropped away from us.

A washed-away section of the flume is replaced by this wood ladder.
After skirting the cliff with the help of some boardwalk structure, you'll again follow the
edge of the old canal. As the trail begins to turn south, it dips through
the old canal at
an old control gate. It now climbs a little to leave the old flume path.
Here the mountainside is dry shale under pinion and juniper. The trail snakes southwest downhill
at a 15% average slope.

Continuing the traverse around the mountain. To our left, the old canal channel. To our right, the mountain drops away steeply.

Looking across the valley toward Ephraim at the mouth of Ephraim Canyon.
As you leave the hill, you'll work in and out of a shallow wash before joining a gravel farm
road. Follow the road west, then north back to your car.
Most riders do this trail as part of a longer downhill, starting with the
Pioneer Trail
Because the Pioneer trailhead is at 8300 feet, this longer ride can't be done until late June
or even mid-July. The Pioneer to Flume downhill has 2500 vertical feet.
Most riders will use
a shuttle vehicle, which I recommend because it will allow you three or
four trips down the
mountain. Done without a shuttle, that 2500 foot climb on the gravel Ephraim
Canyon Road is
heinous. Especially on a hot August day.

Old head gate. This is where we leave the flume.

The trail winds through the trees angling downhill to the southwest. Some areas are loose enough to create a traction challenge at 15% downslope.
Pioneer-Flume ride total: 13.2 miles.
Climb on Ephraim Canyon Road: 6.6 miles at 6% average grade, with 5 of those miles at 450 vertical per mile.
Descent: Total 6.6 miles with 3.0 on Pioneer for 1400 vertical (8300 top altitude to 7100), 0.9 on road for 350 vertical, 2.7 on Flume for another 800 vertical to base altitude of 5900 feet.
Climb on Ephraim Canyon Road: 6.6 miles at 6% average grade, with 5 of those miles at 450 vertical per mile.
Descent: Total 6.6 miles with 3.0 on Pioneer for 1400 vertical (8300 top altitude to 7100), 0.9 on road for 350 vertical, 2.7 on Flume for another 800 vertical to base altitude of 5900 feet.
Riding notes, clockwise loop:
0.0 North on paved road N39 20.425 W111 33.882
0.3 R on Ephraim Canyon Road N39 20.646 W111 33.903
2.3 180-degree R onto DT N39 20.260 W111 31.590
2.5 ST straight ahead at end of big pipe
N39 20.261 W111 31.746
Critical spot! Leave ATV tracks
2.8 At flume
3.7 Old headgate, cross, climb
3.8 Begin plunge
4.5 Out into valley
4.7 Join gravel road
5.0 Back at parking
0.0 North on paved road N39 20.425 W111 33.882
0.3 R on Ephraim Canyon Road N39 20.646 W111 33.903
2.3 180-degree R onto DT N39 20.260 W111 31.590
2.5 ST straight ahead at end of big pipe
N39 20.261 W111 31.746
Critical spot! Leave ATV tracks
2.8 At flume
3.7 Old headgate, cross, climb
3.8 Begin plunge
4.5 Out into valley
4.7 Join gravel road
5.0 Back at parking

Almost done. We'll drop down the ridge, then steeply left to the wash.

Getting there: On US-89 in Ephraim, go to 400
south and turn east towards the mountains. At 300 East, turn right. You're
on state road 29, the Ephraim Canyon Road. After 0.6 miles, the road turns
90 degrees left. Go 0.8 miles to (I think) 920 East and turn right. At the
gate where the road becomes a "private driveway" (and your return path), park on the west side of the road. Begin the ride by
backtracking north on the paved road.
Riding resources for this trail:
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX Pioneer-Flume Loop
Flume Only
Pioneer-Flume DH Only
Area multi-track file
Large-format area topo map: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to south Utah Co resources
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX Pioneer-Flume Loop
Flume Only
Pioneer-Flume DH Only
Area multi-track file
Large-format area topo map: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to south Utah Co resources