via Retail Sale Loop
Fire Sale is a 2.5-mile section of technical mountain biking trail that lies within the loop of Retail Sale , part of the McCoy Flat trail system west of Vernal. It offers a different flavor of ride, so I'm discussing it on a separate page from Retail Sale. The ride listed here is 9.2 miles, advanced technical, and moderately strenuous. An alternate connecting trail can shorten the ride to around 5 miles.
Retail Sale is an intermediate-level trail. If you find yourself over your head on Fire Sale, with a few short hike-a-bikes you'll get back to easier riding.

At mile 1.1, fork hard left at the Fire Sale sign.

0.0 Cross paved road to DT N40 21.019 W109 34.913
Immediately fork R on ST N40 21.003 W109 34.928
Easier route: 100 feet on DT, then fork R
0.3 Trail merges with alternate route N40 20.992 W109 35.163
1.1 Fork L on Fire Sale (R = Got Milk and Retail Sale)
N40 20.830 W109 35.982
3.5 Join Retail Sale, keep L N40 20.616 W109 35.647
4.2 Fork R (L = quick return) N40 20.759 W109 35.083
4.3 Fork L (R= Slippery When Wet) N40 20.679 W109 35.064
7.4 Keep L (Serpendipity joins on R) N40 20.454 W109 34.418
9.1 R on DT to corral N40 20.994 W109 34.939
9.2 Back at trailhead
While driving toward Vernal on US-40, pass mile marker 138, then turn right on the narrow paved McCoy Flats road ( N40 23.427 W109 35.752). If you miss McCoy Flats road, go to the viewpoint overlooking Vernal and backtrack exactly 2 miles, then turn left into the road. Drive 3 miles. Immediately after passing a corral on your left, turn into the large fenced BLM trailhead parking lot.
Camping: BLM land, primitive camping allowed. No developed
Bathroom: At trailhead
Water: Bring your own.
Bike services, maps, trail conditions:
Altitude Cycle, 580 East Main, Vernal. 435-781-2595

Single-page riding guide
GPS track files (right-click and "Save as..."):
GPX Fire Sale
McCoy Flats area trails
Topo McCoy area map for printing: View map
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to Vernal area resources