View from the high point of the ride, looking down on the condos of Deer Valley. Photos June 4, 2003.
Pipeline-Village Trail Loop
Park City offers a lot of different riding experiences. This loop gives you a long, radical downhill romp on a quick 5-mile loop. There's an initial brutal climb to "cock the gun" then you fly like a bullet on a long twisting downhill along the Pipeline Trail. To return a bit uphill, the Village Trail is a relatively painless and pretty climb. A reasonable rider can easily complete the loop in under an hour.
Park City offers a lot of different riding experiences. This loop gives you a long, radical downhill romp on a quick 5-mile loop. There's an initial brutal climb to "cock the gun" then you fly like a bullet on a long twisting downhill along the Pipeline Trail. To return a bit uphill, the Village Trail is a relatively painless and pretty climb. A reasonable rider can easily complete the loop in under an hour.
The ride begins just right of the lower lodge at Deer Valley. You'll pass under the lift, circling
on doubletrack around to the left, to begin a grunt climb. One-half mile
later, you're ready
to rumble. As the doubletrack turns right, you ride straight ahead and
fly down a couple of
switchbacks on the ski slope, then enter the trees. You're on Lower Deer
Crest. Going slightly
uphill, you'll traverse a couple of additional ski slopes before merging
with Upper Deer Crest,
coming in from your right.

The Pipeline traverses multiple ski slopes. Then it plunges into trees again. It's a great intermediate-tech downhill.

The curves on the Pipeline aren't too tricky. There are a few dips and twists, but maintaining 20 mph on this section isn't hard.
At the next fork, drop left downhill through a series of switchbacks. The trail will drop down
to an open area, where you'll see an underpass ahead. Fork hard right
downhill. You're now
on The Pipeline. Fly.
The Pipeline drops you into the same long open area a couple of miles later. Head uphill a bit on the left side, then cross over to the right side and enter the trees on the Village Trail.
The Pipeline drops you into the same long open area a couple of miles later. Head uphill a bit on the left side, then cross over to the right side and enter the trees on the Village Trail.
At the top of the Village Trail, you'll coast downhill to the Deer Crest guardhouse. Go on
the left side, exit the pavement on the singletrack next to the guardhouse,
then fork right
on the Gap Bypass. This trail will traverse around the mountain, back
to the main Deer Valley
parking area where you started.

View on the Village Trail, headed uphill towards the Gap.
0.0 Gate at SW corner of road in front
of lodge
0.6 Top of DT climb, straight onto ST
1.0 Deer Crest in on R
1.1 L downhill, long switchbacks
1.6 R downhill, then L down DT
1.7 Hard R downhill in open area
Switchbacks under road
3.7 At open area, L uphill
0.6 Top of DT climb, straight onto ST
1.0 Deer Crest in on R
1.1 L downhill, long switchbacks
1.6 R downhill, then L down DT
1.7 Hard R downhill in open area
Switchbacks under road
3.7 At open area, L uphill
3.9 Into trees on R side of open
4.4 R downhill on pavement to guardhouse
Option: climb Gap over mountain
Option 2: longer ride via Snowtop,
return around Hidden Hollow Loop
4.6 L of guardhouse, L uphill 30 ft
R to traverse around mountain
5.0 Drop down to road by lodge
4.4 R downhill on pavement to guardhouse
Option: climb Gap over mountain
Option 2: longer ride via Snowtop,
return around Hidden Hollow Loop
4.6 L of guardhouse, L uphill 30 ft
R to traverse around mountain
5.0 Drop down to road by lodge

Map of the racing loop
Getting there: In Park City, follow the signs
to Deer Valley Resort. Just after you turn past the Snow Park Lodge, turn
left into the first parking lot. Get on your bike. As you leave the lot
the way you came, the first street on your left is where the return trail
comes out. Ride past it, around in front of the Snow Park Lodge, and go to
the gate on the far right side of all the buildings. Turn left through the
gate and begin riding uphill on the doubletrack.
GPS Track File (Right-click and "Save as...")
GPX course file
With Deer Crest / Solamere tracks
City multi-track file
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