A trail view in Corner Canyon. This is on the BST as it approaches Clark's Trail from below near Coyote Hollow.
1 mile wide cindered doubletrack in lower Corner Canyon; main pathway for bikes to get up-canyon
from the Equestrian trailhead
2 mile intermediate downhill flow trail from the top of Two Hollows down to lower Hog Hollow.
6 mile trail from Bonneville Shoreline (BST) above Traverse Mountain Road (just uphill from
the Maple Hollow Trail after climbing from the pool) to Potato Hill trailhead
and continuing
to Peak View trailhead at Traverse Ridge. Connections W to E: BST, Ann's
Connector, Maple Hollow
DH, Potato Hill trail, Clark's, (Rush). 700 feet elevation change
1.1 mile trail connects the west uphill end of Ann's Trail to the top of Maple Hollow DH and
to Eagle Crest at the Elk Glen Trailhead. Connections W to E: Ann's, Maple
Hollow DH, Eagle
One-mile trail traverses mountain along pipeline route (doubletrack)
on east side of Corner Canyon.
; never closed. Connections to BST, Quail, Sadler,
Orson Smith, and Ralph's trails.
At south end, extends as singletrack Gasline Trail to Ghost Falls trail.
At north end, extends as singletrack to Hidden Valley Park in Sandy.
Lower-altitude trail follows old shoreline; ties bottoms of
climbing trails. Begins at Flight Park on west, traverses
east above Foothill Drive, then climbs to continue north above Sandy.
Draper section 7 miles, Sandy section 3.3 miles. Connections W to E:
Ann's, Maple Hollow, (Maple Hollow DH), Red Rock TH, Spring Hollow, Potato
Hill trail, Clark's, (Canyon Hollow, Ghost Falls, Creekview), Corner
Canyon trail, Gasline, Corner Canyon Road.
Corner Canyon section
; never closes.
Short 1/3 mile trail connects upper Canyon Hollow trail to Peak View trailhead.
2.3 mile trail starts just west of Coyote Hollow TH, or one mile north of Equestrian Ctr TH
on DT extending south from Corner Canyon trail. 600 feet elevation change.
Connections bottom
to top: BST. Clarks, Silica Pit, (cross Rush downhill end), spur to Corner
Canyon doubletrack,
Ghost Falls South, Ghost Falls North, Brock's, Corner Canyon Road.
1.6 mile trail from Coyote Hollow TH to Peak View TH at top
of Traverse Ridge. Elevation change 600 feet. As of 2014, Clark's is now
Straight and steady climb.
Connections bottom to top: Coyote Hollow TH, BST from east, Silica Pit,
BST westbound, Ann's, Rush, Peak View TH.
Reached by taking Pioneer Road to 20th East, then turning
right. Improved dirt road extends three miles uphill to Traverse Ridge,
continues as Hog Hollow (non-motorized) down into Alpine. Gates control
traffic, usually locked above BST TH. Trailheads at start of road, at
crossover, Ghost Falls/Jacob's Ladder, and at Traverse Ridge (Peak View).
always open for riding.
Multi-user 1 mile trail from Equestrian
Center parking, follows east side of canyon. It's the upper (eastern)
the two trails and is
one-way uphill-only
(The lower trail is downhill bicycle-prefered.) If you go
under the road via the tunnel under road, turn left up to sidewalk, then
turn right to climb switchbacks. Singletrack joins doubletrack up to 5-way
intersection area of BST, Ghost Falls, Canyon
Hollow, Silica Pit, and Rush Limelight. Connections bottom to top: Old
Creekview at bridge,
Old Creekview top, BST, (Clark's), (Silica Pit),
(Canyon Hollow).
; always open for riding.
1/2-mile climbing-only trail from the mid-point of Rush Limelight up to the BST. (Most other
portions of the old Creekview have been absorbed into other trails or
converted to hiking-only.)
Two miles of twisting dipping singletrack trail with cyclocross features, plus pump track,
skills area, downhill flow trails. Located just west of the Equestrian
Center parking.
2.5 mile trail traversing south side of Suncrest, with about 300 feet of elevation change.
Starts from Elk Glen trailhead (western Suncrest) at uphill end of Maple
Hollow north trail.
Connects to Maple Hollow South then continues east to end on Suncrest
1.2 mile trail connects the end of Eagle Crest at Suncrest Drive to eastern Ann's trail near
the Peak View trailhead. Half forest singletrack and half trail corridor
through a subdivision.
Short trail segment located east of 5-way trail
intersection, connecting BST to Ghost Falls trail.
always open for riding.
2 mile trail with 650 feet of climbing. Extends from 5-way area at top of Corner Canyon Trail
to Corner Canyon Road at Ghost Falls/Jacobs Ladder trailhead. Passes Ghost
Falls. Connections
bottom to top: Corner Canyon, (BST), Gasline, Canyon Hollow x 2, Corner
Canyon Road, Jacob's
Broad trail from Alpine to Traverse Ridge on Draper City land, 3.4 miles with 1000 feet of
climbing. Extends north as Corner Canyon Road. Connects to Peak View trailhead
(Clark's, Rush,
Ann's), Alpine Perimeter fork to top of Jacob's Ladder.
Trail 1.2 miles long with 800 vertical feet elevation change. Usually ridden as downhill by
connecting through top of Hog Hollow. Ends on Corner Canyon Road at Ghost
Falls trailhead.
Downhill-only jumping trail from Eagle Crest to South Maple Hollow, 1.3 miles.
1 trail extends from the Bonneville Shoreline (BST) just east of the Mike Weir Drive crossing
to the second switchback of the Red Potato trail. Altitude gain is 100
Five short trails in loop system designed to help kids and beginners learn. Start at Little
Valley trailhead or arrive by bike from the main Little Valley Trail.
Short (0.7 mile) trail leaves Ann's just south of the underpass, reconnects higher on mountain.
3.2 mile trail from low in Hog Hollow up to Peacemaker and then Peakview Trail at its top elevation.
Trail begins at Elk Glen trailhead on Suncrest (as continuation of Eagle Crest trail). On reaching
Ann's Trail, becomes downhill-only DH stunt trail. Ends on Traverse Mountain
Road near Bonneville
Shoreline Trail
Trail descends from Eagle Crest Trail down south side of mountain. Option of figure-8.
Two-mile trail (1.1 singletrack) on the south side of Traverse Ridge, reached via Suncrest
Drive, with option of connection from Eagle Crest or Peak View TH.
1.6 mile trail from upper Mercer Hollow to the Hog Hollow trail (with connections via Porcupine
and Peak View to Jacobs Ladder, Three Falls, and the Peak View trailhead
trails (Ann's, Clarks,
Rush, Brocks).
Short (0.8 mile) trail descends from Deer Ridge Drive in Suncrest to Traverse Mountain Road.
0.5 mile upper segment connects BST south of suspension bridge to Aqueduct trail; 0.3 mile
lower segment connects Aqueduct trail to Orson Smith trailhead. Good wet-weather
1.0 miles trail at the top of Longview connects west to Porcupine and east uphill to Peakview.
Trail starts at Peak View TH and climbs 1.6 miles to the Jacob's connector and Three Falls
trails. Connects to Porcupine to reach Hog Hollow area trails.
This page has temporary routes from Traverse Ridge Road or Suncrest Drive to the Peak View
trailhead (origin of Rush etc).
0.9-mile connecting trail from the Peak View Trail on Traverse Ridge to the Hog Hollow trail.
200 feet elevation change.
Short (0.6 mile) trail extends from Potato Hill trailhead to Ann's at the underpass, then continues
downhill to the Bonneville Shoreline (BST). 200 feet elevation change.
0.3-mile connector from Aqueduct Trail to Corner Canyon Road. Good wet-weather trail.
0.4 mile connector from BST immediately north of suspension bridge to Aqueduct Trail. Good
wet-weather trail.
1.5 mile easy downhill flow trail runs from upper Woods Hollow to lower Woods Hollow trail.
Suitable for true beginners.
1.1 mile trail on east side of Corner Canyon, connects upper
BST on north to Ghost Falls trail, with spur to Corner Canyon road.
always open for riding.
0.7 mile trail connects Potato Hill trailhead to the BST just east of the Red Rocks trailhead.
3.5 mile downhill-only trail from Peak View TH to the underpass at the Equestrian Center trailhead.
From the top: The Trees (old Rush), Canyon Hollow, cross Canyon Hollow,
BST, Rush Limelight,
Rush Beginner (Rush Green)
0.2-mile connector from Aqueduct Trail to Corner Canyon Road. Good wet-weather trail. Lower
section descends 0.3 miles from Aqueduct to neighborhood road without
formal trailhead.
Silica Pit
Short (0.4 mile) trail between the 5-way area and the BST/Clark's just east of the Coyote Hollow
Trail extends from Mike Wier Drive just east of the Red Rock trailhead (connection to BST)
down to Vestry drive and connects to Highland Blvd.
3.4 mile trail connects western Ann's Trail to Mo-mentum in
Traverse Mountain
system. Broad 2.3-mile doubletrack trail runs from Traverse Ridge homes at the top of Hog Hollow down
to the midpoint of Mercer Hollow. Connections to Achtung Baby, Porcupine,
Mercer Mountain.
Downhill-only flow trail extends 1.7 miles from Eagle Crest down to the bottom of the South
Maple Hollow trail.
1.7 mile climbing trail connects the bottom of Vertigo and Levitate (in South Maple Hollow)
to the Eagle Crest Trail 1/2 mile east of the Eagle Crest trailhead.
Downhill-only flow trail extends 1.7 miles from Eagle Crest down to the South Maple Hollow
trailhead. Entry found about 100 yards west of Vertigo/Levitate.
Draper trailhead locations:
Lower Corner Canyon Trailhead (Equestrian Center): Take the Bluffdale exit from I-15 and turn
east towards the mountains. Continue on Highland Drive until you reach the
ballpark parking lot. Directly across the street from the parking, the Lower Corner Canyon
trail heads uphill (GPS N 40° 30.351' W 111° 50.721'). To
reach the trailhead from the north (Sandy area), take 13th East southward until it ends at
the stop sign just past the underpass. Turn left and drive 1/4 mile, then
turn left into the paved parking area. Start riding by going under the
street and keeping left on the Corner Canyon Trail, connecting to Ghost
Falls, Canyon Hollow, or Clarks at mile 1.2. (Bathroom at this TH.)
Coyote Hollow trailhead: Take the Bluffdale exit from I-15 and turn
east towards the mountains. Climb the hill as above, but turn right at the
light on Traverse Mountain Road. After one mile, turn into Mike Weir Drive
on your left. Pass the Mike Weir trailhead 1/2 mile later and continue
another half mile until the road veers left downhill. Take the next right
turn, turn right again, then left. You should now be on Gray Fox Drive.
Take the next right into Coyote Hollow Court. The parking is on the right
at the end of the pavement. As you start riding, keep R uphill for Clarks,
left and slightly downhill on the Silica Pit trail to reach Canyon Hollow
or Ghost Falls.
Bonneville Shoreline on Corner Canyon Road: From Draper, take 123rd South to 13th
East and turn south (right). At the roundabout just down the hill, turn east
(the equivalent of a left turn at the roundabout) on Pioneer
Road. Go around one mile to 20th East, then turn right going south. To start
riding on the CC Road, turn left into the paved parking area (GPS N 40° 31.281' W 111°
50.081'). Bike or drive one mile up Corner Canyon to the Bonneville
Shoreline trailhead on your right (N 40° 30.364' W 111° 50.094'). From
here, either continue up the road, or take the BST downhill to Ghost
Falls, Canyon Hollow, or Clarks. (Bathroom at this TH.)
Ghost Falls TH: If you drive a little further up the Corner
Canyon Road (see above), you'll reach the next trailhead, which is Ghost
Falls. (Bathroom at this TH.)
Peak View TH (Traverse Ridge): On Suncrest Drive 1/2 mile
below the stop sign, turn east on Canyon Pointe Drive. Drive 0.7 miles to
the end of the paved road and the trailhead.
Potato Hill TH: Take the Bluffdale exit from I-15 and turn
east towards the mountains on Highland Drive. At the light at the top of
the hill, turn right on Traverse Mountain Road. After one
mile, pass Mike Weir Drive on your left. Look for the Potato Hill TH on your left about mile 1.3 from the
light. Start by riding through the fence, turn R immediately. Next keep R
as Potato Hill trail turns north. Connect to Ann's and turn left. Climb
Ann's to Clark's, and on to the Peak View trailhead.
Red Rock (Mike Wier) trailhead: Leave I-15 and climb the hill as
above, but turn right at the light on Traverse Mountain Road. After one
mile, turn left onto Mike Weir Drive. The Red Rock trailhead parking
is on your
right, 1/2 mile later.
Corner Canyon Road TH: Reached by taking Pioneer Road to 20th East,
then turning south (right). Parking is on the left.
Maple Hollow (Elk Glen) trailhead: At stop sign at top of Suncrest, go west
about one mile on Deer Ridge Drive (pass Oak Vista trailhead) and turn
right into parking area. Trail is at back of parking. Connects to Eagle
Crest, Maple Hollow.
Eagle Crest trailhead: At the stop sign at the top of
Suncrest, go south on Traverse Ridge Road to the trailhead.
Oak Vista trailhead: From stop sign at top of Suncrest, go west 1/2
mile on Deer Ridge Drive. TH is on the right.
Suncrest Drive (access via Mercer Hollow or Fango/Woods Hollow):
There's room for 3 or 4 cars at the bottom of the doubletrack portion of
the Mercer Hollow on Suncrest Drive.
Brookside Drive Trailhead (South Maple Hollow): Brookside
Drive turns to the west off Suncrest Drive, just uphill from the Maple
Hollow subdivision. This is about a mile uphill from Utah Valley. Drive
past the homes and uphill to the end of the road.
Alpine trailheads: (NOTE!
These options make for a LONG ride! Also, access from Alpine may change as more formal trailhead parking is developed.)
Angel Gate (Spring Hollow, Hog Hollow): On Westfield Road, turn uphill (north)
on Beacon Hill Blvd. Drive 0.5 miles, then as Beacon Hill turns to the
right (east), turn left on Lighthouse Drive to continue straight north
uphill. Lighthouse will become Angel Gate. Keep straight until you pass
the irrigation facility, then park. At the northeast corner of the fence,
a doubletrack descends north then east across the hollow. Immediately
after crossing the creek, turn left on Hog Hollow.
Westfield: On Westfield Road 0.7 miles west of the stop sign where
it ends on 200 North, spot the metal gate on the north side of the road
near the school crossing. The doubletrack that heads uphill through the
gate is the Hog Hollow trail.
Alpine Cove: On Alpine's Grove Drive, go to the T intersection (where a right turn would take you
across the bridge into Lambert Park), and turn left on Alpine Cove Drive. At
the 4-way intersection, turn left. As Alpine Cove Drive turns downhill,
turn uphill on Aspen Drive. It will turn to the gravel Schoolhouse Springs
Road. 100 feet later, the fire road forks left. Note the gate just uphill.
Find a spot to park and return to the gate to start your ride. There's
room for 3 cars at the road fork (where the boulders have been pushed
aside as semi-official parking) plus 4 spots on the shoulder within 50
feet. Take the Nephs Lake trail up to the Three Forks trail to connect to
Peak View. Note that just to Peak View and back is 14.8 miles with 2200
vertical feet of climbing. Add that to whatever ride you're going to do in
Corner Canyon.
Fort Canyon: As you drive into Alpine
on Main Street, keep straight at all intersections until you reach 800
North. Then, just as Main Street turns to the right and becomes Heritage
Hills Drive, fork left on Fort Canyon Road to continue north. 0.9 miles
later, turn right just before the Three Falls entry. Turn left into
parking. This route adds 10 miles and 1700 feet of climbing to your Corner
Canyon ride.