Includes the Second Water and upper Fifth Water Trails.
The Center Trail to Strawberry Ridge Loop is an epic ride for very strong conditioned riders. But there are shorter ride options, so stay tuned. The ride starts at 7400 feet elevation on Rays Valley Road, mid-way between Hobble Creek and Spanish Fork Canyon. The loop has just over 4000 vertical feet of climbing, with a top altitude of 8500 feet. It's 18.3 miles long, but you can make the ride even longer if you want.

Let's get started. Park at the Second Water Trailhead and ride uphill.

After the next ridge, you'll descend to a dry fork of Third Water before climbing again to Third Water Ridge. Again, keep straight as smaller trails join or cross on the ridge top.
Time to climb again. Cross another ridge. Now descend a somewhat more-technical section to a fork of Fourth Water. Pass the fenced spring. Now climb to the top of Fourth Water Ridge.

When you cross Fifth Water creek at the bottom of the canyon, fork right, uphill. (Fifth Water offers you another bailout opportunity. It's 2.5 miles downhill to the road, but then you'll have a few uphill road miles to get back to your car.) The Fifth Water Trail will climb at a mellow pitch for one mile, then at moderate steepness for another mile, averaging 400 vertical per mile over the two miles.
If you want more miles, consider the Strawberry Ridge ATV path. You can catch it on your left just past the cattleguard. Or you can simply ride north up the dirt road to the intersection with the Horse Creek road. Go right across the cattleguard, then immediately fork left on the ATV track. Good luck. Jackie wishes I hadn't added that section to my ride -- it extended our day to 26 miles.

The road will cross a cattleguard as it goes through a fence then descend for about 1/2 mile. As it levels out and approaches another cattleguard, watch carefully for the combined Second Water and Center (009) Trail forking sharply off to your right.
This is a very taxing ride. There's a lot of up-and-down on the Center Trail and the Strawberry Ridge Road. I'd allow at least four hours, maybe five, for this ride. It's beautiful and fun, but brutal. You hurt.

My suggestion for a shorter ride is: park at the Fifth Water trailhead, but ride (southbound) up Rays Valley Road to either the Fourth Water or the Third Water trails. After climbing one of these trails to the Center Trail, ride north on the Center Trail to the Fifth Water Trail and drop down to your car.

1.5 Rays Valley Road + 2.0 Fourth Water + 2.5 NB Center + 2.5 Fifth Water = 8.5 miles
Climb Third Water to enter loop from Fifth Water trailhead:
2.0 Rays Valley Road + 1.6 Third Water + 4.5 NB Center + 2.5 Fifth Water = 10.6 miles
Waypoints for the easier alternate loops
(see green arrows on map at left):
Third Water @ Rays Valley Road N40 05.010 W111 16.715
@ Center Trail N40 04.768 W111 15.088
Fourth Water @ Rays Valley Road N40 05.411 W111 16.801
@ Center Trail N40 05.863 W111 14.751
Fifth Water @ Rays Valley Road N40 06.359 W111 17.437
@ Center Tr
Northbound N40 07.224 W111 15.528
@ Center Tr Southbound N40 07.252 W111 14.869
Distances, alternate trails:
Fifth Water to Center SB 2.5 mi
Fourth Water to Center 2.0
Third Water to Center 1.6
Another brutal epic ride is to start in Diamond Fork at the Three Forks trailhead, climb the Cottonwood Creek Trail, connect to Second Water across Rays Valley Road, then climb to the Center Trail. After reaching Fifth Water via the Center Trail, descend back to the trailhead. In other words, you start out just like the normal Three Forks loop, but instead of connecting across via Rays Valley Road, you climb all the way up to the Center Trail and ride that to Fifth Water.
An easier and popular riding option is to climb on the Second Water Trail all the way to the Strawberry Ridge Road, ride northbound to the top of Fifth Water, then descend. This cuts out the Center Trail entirely. (Or, do it the other way, clockwise, by climbing Fifth Water.) You'll use Rays Valley Road to connect between the two trailheads.

0.0 Through fence and uphill from trailhead N40 03.385 W111 16.754, Alt 7400 ft
1.2 After steep uphill, keep L at fork N40 03.660 W111 15.495
1.8 Hard L and climb sidehill (Center Trail) N40 04.056 W111 14.971
2.3 Top of ridge, keep straight ( R=DT connector to Ridge)
N40 04.228 W111 15.357, Alt 8450. Descend into Third Water
3.0 Keep R uphill (L=descend Third Water Trail to road)
N40 04.768 W111 15.088 Alt 7900
3.9 Cross fork of Third Water
4.4 Third Water Ridge, keep straight N40 05.476 W111 15.469
5.2 Keep R uphill (L=descend Fourth Water Trail to road) N40 05.863 W111 14.751
5.7 Cross ridge, keep straight N40 06.183 W111 14.928
6.1 Cross branch of Fourth Water, climb again
6.5 Through gate top of Fourth Water Ridge N40 06.658 W111 14.962
7.6 R uphill on Fifth Water Trail N40 07.252 W111 14.869 Alt 7500
9.8 At Strawberry Ridge Road, fork R N40 08.275 W111 13.441, Alt =8300 ft
(Option: cross cattleguard then L on ATV trail, continue north over Strawberry Ridge.)
10.6 Keep straight (R) N40 07.637 W111 13.337
15.8 Hard R on ST just before cattleguard at bottom of hill. Descend Second Water
Pass Center Trail fork N40 04.056 W111 14.971
18.3 Back at parking
Single-page riding guide
GPS track files and route (right-click and "Save as..."):
High-res topo: View
Lodging, camping, shops: Links to south Utah County resources
Camping: Unicorn Ridge, Fifth Water
Bathroom: Unicorn Ridge