View uphill from Alta. The low spot on the skyline is Catherines Pass. Photos by Bruce on July 28, 2015.
Catherines Pass Trail
at Albion Basin
The Catherines Pass trail is not something the typical mountain biker will want to do. It's
very steep with technical sections and more than a little hiking with
your bike as baggage.
It's reserved for tough and skilled riders looking for a challenge. It
can be done as an up-and-back
trip to the viewpoint, but is primarily used to access the Great Western
Trail for long brutal
trips by adventurous souls.
The trail is reached via the
Basin Road
You can drive it, or pedal it. The Little Cottonwood Canyon paved road turns to hard-pack gravel
at an entry shack above Alta. Find a spot to park and pedal uphill past
the entry station.

Heading up Albion Basin Road.

View back toward Alta from near the parking lot at the start of Catherines Pass.
Your first opportunity to grab the trail is 2.1 miles up the road. There's a big parking lot
and a bathroom on the right-hand side as the road veers left. The singletrack
trail is across
from parking, on your left as you pedal uphill. This main Catherines Pass
trail is a shorter
-- but steeper and more techy -- climbing route up to where the cushier
campground route joins.
This lower part of the Catherines Pass trail climbs from 9350 feet elevation to 9750 (that's
400 feet of climbing, math guys) in 0.7 miles. Some stretches are a pleasant
cruise; other
spots are steepish or have technical rock to bang through. It's not an
easy climb, but the
scenery is fantastic. This will give you an excuse to stop pedaling and
look around while you
catch your breath.

Heading uphill early in the climb. Beautiful country.

Banging uphill over a granite outcrop.
Some rock outcrops provide a little fun, but most of the tech challenge is slamming your way
uphill through embedded pedal-bangers. On this lower section, it's all
ride-able, although
not my me. There's one 100-foot steep spot with embedded rock and water-bar
logs (photo below)
just below the trail fork that you'll probably hike.
At 0.7 miles up the singletrack (2.8 from Alta), you'll reach a trail fork. The trail on the
right is the mellower route coming up from the campground, which in your
biking-god vanity
you decided not to take. Fork left uphill, and get prepared for some hiking.

We're near the junction between granite intrusion and limestone bedrock, looking toward the Devils Castle.

It looks like you could ride this -- and some super-bikers can -- but at this altitude I couldn't even begin to make that happen. When you stall, stop and gasp for air before trying again. Or get off the bike and start pushing.
While there are some nice stretches to pedal, the trail gets very serious about climbing at
this point. On some ride-able stretches, it may not seem worth getting
on the bike as you eyeball
the next hike a short distance up the trail. The trail climbs 300 vertical
feet in 0.7 miles
for an average 8.5% slope.
The alternate route to the trail fork takes you through the Albion Basin campground. Just stay
on the Albion Basin road all the way to the campground. Stay straight
until you hit the uphill
end of the campground, then turn left and go 1/10 mile until the road
turns left northbound.
Catch the singletrack there, 0.9 miles since you passed the lower Catherines
Pass trailhead.
The first 100 yards is pretty steep and loose, then it gets better.

Trail fork as the Catherines Pass trail reaches the campground connector.

Lupine blooms in a meadow.
Now grind on uphill 0.5 miles, doing 200 vertical feet of climbing. Much mellower than the
main trail. You've climbed the same overall 400 vertical, but you spread
it out over 1.4 miles
instead of 0.7 miles.
At Catherines Pass, you can look at the scenery before backtracking (perhaps to take the
Devils Castle
singletrack on your way down). Or, you can head on to the rest of your adventure. The Great
Western Trail to your left takes you around the cirque above Lake Catherine,
Lake Martha, and
Lake Mary toward the Brighton area.

The campground connector has waist-high flowers. Lupine on the left, paintbrush and sticky geranium on the right.

Looking north toward Alta.
Right on the GWT takes you towards the Mineral Basin area of American Fork Canyon and the
portion of
Ridge 157.
Few rider choose to do this.
Bottom Line:
Tough high-altitude techy ride reserved for strong and adventurous riders
who already have extensive remote-trail experience. This is a very scenic but very demanding route.
Riding notes, Albion entry station to
0.0 Pass guard shack to Albion Basin road
N40 35.526 W111 37.865
2.1 L onto Catherines singletrack
N40 34.969 W111 37.102
2.3 Keep left and uphill at lift road fork
N40 34.958 W111 36.812
2.8 Fork L uphill (R = to campground)
N40 34.740 W111 36.476
3.5 At pass, Great Western Trail
N40 34.851 W111 35.921
L = to Ant Knolls, Ridge 157
R = to Mineral Basin
Route through campground:
0.0 Pass guard shack to Albion Basin road
N40 35.526 W111 37.865
2.1 Stay on Albion Basin Road (L = Catherines)
N40 34.969 W111 37.102
2.6 Straight south in campground
2.8 Turn L (east) N40 34.503 W111 36.736
2.9 R on ST as road turns left
N40 34.554 W111 36.605
3.4 R uphill (L = to Albion Basin road)
N40 34.740 W111 36.476
4.1 At pass, Great Western Trail
N40 34.851 W111 35.921

Map of the Albion Basin and Dry Fork area.